Hey gromies
Now for the final report 😎😎😎😎
Have to say I was over the moon when the final weight was 7oz dry 😎😎😎 if the wee weird lady had of grown like her siblings I could of maybe reached 10oz but fk it I'm still overjoyed at what I got
So first of all the smell is an interesting one, on first whiff you get a nice strong fruity smell that is amazing, if you leave the room and come back again then you get that dank weed smell that we all love with still a hint of fruitiness to it, when burping the jars the whole downstairs of my house fills with the aroma and I bloody love it 😎😎😎😎
The buds she produced are a strange one neither dense or airy that are somewhere in between 🤷🤷🤷🤷 but fk it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I have sampled a few buds and have to say I'm well impressed, on inhale I can taste fruity/floral flavors and on the exhale she becomes sort of spicy, I know this will improve with the cure and I can't wait
The high so far, your smoking a J and your thinking it's nice stuff (bit harsh because she needs to cure) but not feeling anything. Halfway through your like oh hello I can feel something, when you finish your J you are stoned to the bone 😎😎😎 you feel it in your head and eyes then it starts to go through the whole body. Now by this stage you are still mobile and can do what you need to but then you get hit full force and its time to lay on the sofa and get lost for a couple of hours, had to watch a TV episode twice because I can't tell you what happened the first time 🤣🤣🤣 full body stone and if you smoke more its time to say night night 🤣🤣🤣
Now if you do have to get up and move be careful because you won't be steady on your feet and sight is limited 🤣🤣🤣🤣, I have a Chinese friend who called in to see me while I was on a trip through time and space and he laughed saying look at your eyes you look like me 🤣🤣🤣
Well that's my report done and have to say definitely worth your time and effort 😎😎😎
Thank you for taking your time to read this even if I went on and on
As always thank you for your visits, likes, comments and follows they are much appreciated 😉😉😉
To the grower family 💚💚💚💚
Thank you at Fast_buds for sponsoring this grow, and as I said I'm taking a break from GD for a while but I will be back
In another week or two I will be starting a photoperiod run as I have two clones waiting for me 😎😎😎😎
Till next time people