сперва замочил на 8 часов в стакане с водой , потом выложил во влажное полотенце .Семена взошли быстро хватило 1.5 дня. Высадил сразу в большой горшок. лампы включил на 60% мощности. температура 24 градуса , влажность 75%
My AK47 paled too at about exactly the same time...4 phenos from same seed packet...2 were a little more stretchy and big, but lime green/yellowish identical to yours...the other 2 were dark green and very luscious and dense...it may be just part of one of the 4 mother plants' sativa random traits or perhaps just a gene between sisters that cause 2 of them to be more sensitive to light...all lights, soil and water were identical