The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Gorilla Cookies Auto - Fast Buds

2 years ago
2 years ago
Nutrients 1
Startbooster  - Aptus
Startbooster 0.25 mll
Hey guys, I'm back and this time with a Inside grow🙌. Thankyou @Fast_Buds for giving me a discount on the seeds😍 As you can see there is room for 140 SOG plants, I gues some seeds will not open and some plants will not be be good enough to stay. I don't mind since I need some room for my humifier 😆. - I added some expanded clay underneath the Coco coir, it's not that necessary because cocos already has alot of air and the watering/feedings can rinse, but I always like to add them anyways. - Mycormix have been added into the substrate to improve the rootsystem. - In the upcomming days I will test out the climate before planting the seeds, It is a rooky mistake to just simply launch your grow without testing everything. Update: - Seeds have been placed on the cotton pads, probily would take like 2-4 days to pop. - The pots have been filled with water + Startbooster. * Still testing the climate inside my room. * Still have to add the humidifier. * Thought I would still had a device to control my Defaltion of air, gues not. Now my deflator sucks harder then a prostitute in Amsterdam LOL. so I have to buy that device again. I have like 2-4 days left to do this, time enought. Update 2: - Seeds popped 125 out of 130 and have been planted, good results! - Climate in the room is 22-23 degrees celsius, Its oke but I pref 26-27 for veg. This is because my deflator, deflates to hard. If I run it slower, the temperature will get warmer. * Still have to add the humidifier. Stay tuned!!
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
3 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
90 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
75 cm
Nutrients 2
Startbooster  - Aptus
Startbooster 0.25 mll
Welcome back everyone, As you can see are almost all seedlings growing. Some where still in the soil. Might happend when giving water(seedlings can turn or get deeper), checked it out and they are alive and well. All pictures are from day 4. The humidifier had been added, so I had to adjust the room. I spotted a corner of the room that gets dryer faster. I adjust the fan for now and see what happens. Corners are always hard to get perfect. Sometimes the light, air, watering doesn't come there properly. Seedlings don't need much nutrients, neighter do autoflowers. with normal soil I would recommend to only give water for 1-2 weeks, since it holds nutrients in it as well. But since I'm using Cocos for this grow, I might have to add some basic nutrients in the upcomming week. For this week I gave/give only water turns and Startbooster/rhyzotonic turns. Update day 5: - Lowerd the lights to avoid stretching, they are now at 75cm distance from lamp to pots. I want them at 40-50 cm, but I don't want to rush it. - Added another layer of cocos to avoid the soil from drying up therefore the roots from dying. This will happen because of lowering the lamps down, the soil will get exposed more to heat. As you can see, the humidifier is doing his thing haha. Pictures and videos where taken without the lights + fans on. because of that, it will look like this. Still fun thought. Arround 7 seeds didn't reach the surface yet, lets hope they make there way up soon. Enjoy!
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
700 PPM
85 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
75 cm
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1 mll
Day 10: The plants and the leafs grew a bit in size, they are still focusing on rooting. Added some veg nutrients today to the feeding schedule, because I saw some green spots, not to confuse with full green leafs, which is normal with new leafs and young plants or in later stage a (n)itrogen deficiency. No this indicates that they need just a little bit nutrients. Normaly this would not be the case with normal soil(it has nutrients in it for the first weeks), but again it can happen with cocos as a soil. The leafs on the pictures are like that because the lights are off + the humidifier makes the leafs wet which results in it getting heavy😝. Will update again this week, Enjoy for now 🙏
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
10 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
850 PPM
85 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
75 cm
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1 mll
Day 21: From day 10 to 21 I couldn't take care of the plants because of private reasons, I asked my friend to take care of the plants and he didn't do a good job! He should had asked me or alerted me when he saw mayor problems, not just saying a little bit of light green or yellow. As you can see, we have alot of yellowing beneeth the plants, different sizes and even got some burnt leafs indicate that he didn't water on time. Did some run-off checks and saw many various values😓 Ph between 6.8-7.5 and EC between 1 to 2. The PH should had been 5.8-6 and EC at this stage 1.8+ since they need alot of nutrients because cocos soil doesn't have any. Because of this shit, they have been underfed, burnt, stress and more. Not ideal for autoflowers. Even the reservoir from humidifier was empty, indicating that it hasn't been filled for days!! Also it didn't got sorted out, there are always spots that get dryer faster or stay more wet. Get more light or less. Therefore it is wise to change spots of your plants all the time, I call it dancing. Your plants will grow more equally. If you look at the bigger plants, this should had been the size of all the plants sadly. They now look like they are in end of week 2 instead of week 3 and the bad plants end of week 1 😕 I did some defolation on some plants on the lower area. Roots start to show underneeth the pots, which is really good. I putted the bad plants in left under corner, Lets hope I can still nurse them. I still have 1-2 weeks to fix this before it goes into flowering, lets hope they will still grow double in size, otherwise this will be a lower rewarding grow.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
12 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
950 PPM
85 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
75 cm
Nutrients 3
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Photos taken at Day 25: They start to recover and grow again. Sprayed them with Canna Cure to get more healthy leafs. Removed the humidifier. Lets hope they will grow for another week before they go into preflowering. Thats it for now, new pictures and updates will follow within this week. Stay tuned! Update: Day 28: Canna cure did his thing. The leafs start to get greener again. Also my feedings made them grow and recover again. Removed some lower branches and leafs. They are back in the race!
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
2 years ago
20 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
950 PPM
85 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
75 cm
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Day 35: This week I was busy again with work (60hours this week) + Christmass days with family + friends(4days every evening). So you can gues, i asked my friend again to take care of them. Well he did kind off, but he forgot to adjust the lights and dance the plants arround(shuffle them, sorting by height). What happend? They stretched out because of the heat and he gave them to much water everyday, he tried to do his best this time but he did the imposible, he overwaterd cocos soil. As you can see the leafs dropped downward indicating overwatering or pests. In my case, luckly, the first one. Luckly easy to fix. Also spotted some stress in stems due stretching, something i cannot fix. Look at week 4, pictures of day 28, thats my work after I fixed it for days and now look at this week.... For f**k sake lol. Because of this stretching it looks really crowded now instead of a beautifull equal cantopy. if you look at picture one to the plants in the right corner, those are the heights I want them to be. There are still some plants that fell behind and barely recoverd since last time. For the new week I will have to make a choice to eighter keep them and hope they still grow some while flowering or I will need to get rid of them in exchange the others will have more space. I might thoose the last option. Thats it for this week, see y'all in the next.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
50 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
950 PPM
85 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
75 cm
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Day 40: They got recoverd from overwatering. Leafs got darker because I gave them more nutrients, but gained early signs of slightly overfeeding ( Burnt tips on leafs). I had to boost them to fix it because there isn't much time with autoflowers. Now i only have to adjust my nutrient feeding with just 10 to 15% and its all good. They did stretch again, some growers love it but i think it is ugly and you will gain weak stems. Also the fans will not reach the plants properly, which is not good. This time it is my fault, i didnt want to let my friend take care of them while i was busy. What happend is that i could had raise my lamps again. When your lamps are to close to the plants( its not a big deal with LED but it is with HPS) your plants will get alot of heat and they will stretch. So the secret of smaller plants is to keep your lamps high, but not to high otherwise they don't grow proper. But never do this alot when they are in late flowering, because your buds will foxtail, unless you love to have foxtailed buds. I have to do something about the heat soon, because i want my buds compact and not fluffy. This will happen due lots of heat. Also due alot of stretching and other problems, I gained a messy cantopy resulting in many problems. For noobies the room looks awesome but pro's will see that because of this, the stems and branches are weak and everything beneeth it has no use anymore because it gets no light. The spaces between internodes are to far away, so there will not be huge buds. I also have to start give them cal/mag, i saw first stages of deficiency. Not a problem when you are early with spotting it. I didn't forsee that i had to work like 60hours a week suddenly while having autoflowers on cocos in 3 liter pots and you only can water them once per 2 days and can take care of them once per 3-4 days. That is not really ideal 😅 Positive thing is that the buds are starting to develope 😍 Thats all for now Day 42: I have been defoliating alot to get the air between the plants. There are still some leafs and branches i want to get rid off, but i don't want them to stress out to much. Also i have killed of 23 smaller plants to make more space for the others. This is always painfull but stupid if you don't do this. If the plants didn't stretch that far due heat and low placed lights, this would not have been the case. I would still have alot of small nice plants. See you guys next week!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
100 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
1100 PPM
65 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
75 cm
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1.8 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1.8 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Day 48: - Shuffle some plants again to give them better spots. - Did defoliate again to make sure the lights can reach lower buds. Photos and videos where taken before watering, thats why the leafs are not lifted. Nothing special this week. see you guys next week.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
120 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
950 PPM
55 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 7
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1.5 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Day 56: Nothing special this week other then I found out another reason for the stretching of the plants. I don't know where i was of what i was doing but suddenly it came into my mind. Well normaly i use seperate veg and flower basic nutrients. This time, I used a new basic nutrient i never used before. This basic nutrient has veg and flower nutrients for the whole cycle. So the growth of the plants has been stimulating for to long. This is fun when you grow huge plants for a long time, not if you plan to only veg for 3-4 weeks, 1-2 weeks preflower with maybe 6 to 9 weeks of flowering.
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
120 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
850 PPM
55 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 7
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1.3 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1.3 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Day 63: What can i say, its not going bad nor great. Maybe it is just me used to grow better plants lol. Last time i found another reason why it is the way how it is now. This week i also though about having 20hours of light. I have done it before but with other pots, soil and more, it is really rewarding to have 20-24hours of light with autoflowers, but after seeing them so much stretch i should had thought about having less lighthours like 12 to 14, it would had stimulated the flowering better and stopped stretching that much ahaha. That kind of dumb shit happens when you don't have enough time to take care of so many plants.
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
140 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
850 PPM
45 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 9
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Day 69: As you can see, lucky the buds gone bigger but because of these intense feeding to fix the grow, they start to get nutrient burns. So for the new week i might only give water until the end with maybe some Regulator, enzymen, humic-blast... They also don't drink fast anymore. Another indicator that they having a hard time taking all the nutrients and that they are at their end of their stage. Some smaller plants, that finished growing and flowering faster, are already done and will get cut down in the comming days. These plants are some Gorilla's and some are cherry cola's. As you see, some have been foxtailing because i had to raise the lamps everytime. I personally don't like fox tail buds but i know some people that love them, pure flower to smoke. I really liked to make those photos in the dark, It shows many flowers and thc.
Week 11. Flowering
2 years ago
140 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
850 PPM
45 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 3
Regulator  - Aptus
Regulator 0.15 mll
Humic-Blast - Aptus
Humic-Blast 0.3 mll
Enzym+ - Aptus
Enzym+ 0.5 mll
Day 78: This week I only gave them water with regulator, humic-blast and ezymen because they where ready to harvest. Those others from last week where kept inside a dark room for some days before cutting them down. By doing this, your plants will increase making thc. In the middle of this week i also putted some plants inside the dark/drying room to make them ready to harvest. These will also be in the dark for a few days before I harvest them. At the end of this week all other plants are in the dark as well for a couple of days, i will keep them in the grow room because there is no point to move them to the other room lol. Because i put them into the dark for days instead of cutting them down, I can cut them fresh and put them in drying nets instead of putting the full plant upside down on ropes. I will use a cutting machine for this.
Week 11. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Really enjoyed growing this strain as a experiment grow. They like to stretch. Make sure you use sperate grow/flower nutrients to avoid this and not having much heat.
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Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
21.42 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Day 83: After being in the dark for like 4-7 days, they where ready to harvest. All plants getting cut by the machine, big buds are cut by hand. I never weight wet buds because that doesnt make any sence. I will update soon on how much it is dry weight. My friend helped me with the harvest since it takes many hours of work. I have many buds that are as big or bigger as my hand. Quallity so far looks promising even thought there are shitty buds as well, but thats normal and oke. They have been cut freshly so I won't lose much weight when cutting. This will happen when cutting dry buds. The remaining small leafs on the wet buds will dry in with the buds and will be barely visible. More info soon.


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TCH0808commentedweek 42 years ago
Talk about a *full* grow, my friend! Love seeing growers taking big bites -- Clean looking set-up, plants recovering, and pre-flower on the horizon. Following along and looking forward to seeing these gals in flower 👍😁
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@TCH0808, Thanks and yes the sure are recovering :)
YoshiVerdecommentedweek 02 years ago
wow! huge tent
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@@YoshiVerde, 200cm x 200cm x 200cm 😋
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 12 years ago
One heck of an ambitious grow 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱best of luck 🙂
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, haha Thanks🙌
OrganicAutomaticcommentedweek 02 years ago
Goodluck! looking great can't wait to see how it come up.
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@OrganicAutomatic, Thanks🙏
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, Thanks🙏
FastbudGrower420commentedweek 22 years ago
Wtf how many you doing 100?? Where you gonna put all them mate?? Very freaking nioce!!
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@@FastbudGrower420, Thanks, make sure to check on my stories and comments as well. Most of the time I explain everything. Why,how,when and such.
FastbudGrower420commented2 years ago
@GanjaReaper,oh they're in the finishing pots,,,wow that's one. Might try in future, will do I'm following,,,,Best of bloody luck mate
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@@@@FastbudGrower420, 137 plants haha. Where I'm going to put them? Inside the tent lol. These are in just 3L pots, they will not grow that much, nor will I make sure they will veg a long time. Focus will be on the main cola, not on the side branches, I will remove some of them. Follow and see the results every week 🙏
MyselfGrcommentedweek 02 years ago
200cmx200cm ? Growing 120+ seeds? Will not be long before things get crowded in there and barely or extremely hard to manage, except if im missing something.
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@MyselfGr, Nice but watch out with selling, its not legal everywhere. I only smoke it all with my girlfriend😋 Here in my country people can buy it in coffeeshops for 15-25 depending on what kind of strain + quallity. Dont give up your left arm, you need that to grow and smoke weed my friend 😎
MyselfGrcommented2 years ago
@GanjaReaper, ok got to admit, im jealous, I'll give my left arm to take a selfie with all these girls. Wish you the best. Ps. 2kg is absolutely rewarding, where i am im pushing it for about 10 euro the gram if bought in >10g
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@MyselfGr, with only 3liter pots, they will not grow that much, also i will cut away many side branches. I have done bigger rooms with almost the same techniques, the only difference is that i'm doing it now with 3L pots instead of 7L and with autoflowers instead of phototype. It's not a big deal, just a few hours a week besides time spend on watering the plants, which takes up most of the time. I'm using cocos as medium so it will dry up fast, since I dont use a drip system and giving it with a garden hose, i have to water them almost everyday and still that would only cost me 1hour ( making the feeding bucket and more). 125 seeds in total, might remove plants that are ugly or don't grow properly, So might end with like 110-120 plants. If i'm lucky I will get like 1500-2000 grams out of this, in like 9-11 weeks maximum, which is really rewarding compaired to money and time spend. Instead of just putting a few plants in there, make them veg for 5-7 weeks ( to fill up all the space) and flower them for 8-10 weeks. That will cost me 13 to 17 weeks... Which results in less rounds a year... Not to mention if one or more plants doesnt grow properly or die, your heart will break, this will not be the case when having a lot of plants per m2. If this doesnt work I will change it back to phototype plants with normal soil or mixed with a little bit cocos, with 7L pots, which has been proven to work. The key is not to let them veg for weeks, you will end up with a jungle like you said. Sativa's can grow into twice or higher in size while flowering, indica's tend to stay smaller. Autoflowers love to do their own thing, but if i'm not satisfied, ill force them into early flowering as well, which i have done many times before too. Feel free to follow my grow🙏
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 52 years ago
Se ven bastante bien para dejarlas en manos de alguien más 😅 . yo estoy aprendiendo a manejar el cultivo de interior y no es nada comparado con cultivar fuera, por suerte tienes a alguien que las cuide y pueda aprender también contigo. Bendiciones en este fin de año y mucha buena vibra para el que está por comenzar. Irie
MiyaguiOkPolillacommented2 years ago
@GanjaReaper, lo entiendo totalmente, tu grow siempre ha tenido un orden espectacular. Pero bueno, los únicos que saben como nos gusta las cosas somos nosotros mismos 😅. Saludos homie
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, In my opinion inside is easier then outside. Inside you can manipulate everything, outside you can't. Yes they are alive, but it's not putting up for my standard. In the next diary, when i make sure i have enough time or make it more easier for someone else to take care of them, you will see what i mean. Thanks anyways :)
PremiumBudsEUcommentedweek 32 years ago
Shit happens brother but that's definitely not ok from your buddy ! I think they will be fine in 1-2 weeks anyway just keep it going bro as usual
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@PremiumBudsEU, Yes but in the end I will not get maxed yield and quality
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 22 years ago
Great start with a good rate germination 👨‍🌾🌲✅✅ I'm so impatient!!
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, i know right😋
PremiumBudsEUcommentedweek 12 years ago
Looking good bro 😎😎 hope everything goes as planned 🙏🌱💚
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@PremiumBudsEU, Thanks👌
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 12 years ago
Looking good start 👌👨‍🌾🌲
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, Thanks mate🙏
PremiumBudsEUcommentedweek 02 years ago
Fire bro 🙌 🔥 Good luck with your gorw 🌱🙏
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@PremiumBudsEU, Thanks mate🙏
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 02 years ago
Can't wait! Happy growing buddy 🌲👨‍🌾
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, Thanks 🙌
PottyMcCannabiscommentedweek 42 years ago
Seems like they are back on track! Good job on the recovery !
Ned_Schneeblycommentedweek 42 years ago
Cool grow interesting to see how they do in the small pots
OrganicAutomaticcommentedweek 82 years ago
Hand watering?
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@OrganicAutomatic, yes, i own a drip system as well. Didnt felt to use it. It is awesome though but you cant depend on it for a 100%
Fast_Budscommentedweek 112 years ago
Hey there, Thank you for sharing your experience with us :) We hope that you liked growing our genetics, and enjoy the harvest! Have a good one
Gefjon_Grow420commentedweek 102 years ago
Damn 😍 nice nice and with hps i always loved the yellow color of the hps do you need a big filter to suck out the hot air in the tent? Or does it get to hot any way nice job really 👌
Gefjon_Grow420commented2 years ago
@GanjaReaper, yeah that's in fact a nice idea 😁👌 in the summer just cloning or vegging because August can be sometimes really hot
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@Gefjon_Grow420, i even did 800 watts with airco lol. But in the summer i preff to make mothers to make clones. Plants in grow stage love heat and stretching is good for cutting clones :P Or i make sure i only have my grow stage in the most hottest month.
Gefjon_Grow420commented2 years ago
@GanjaReaper, yeah i can imagine i used in the past a big filter to for 4 x 600w hps because in the summer I had temperature of almost 39 degree so to hot and a lot of stretching foxtails 🙈 but if you have a good big filter and an airco system it sure will work with 600w to 😊👌
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greenAFcommentedweek 102 years ago
holy shit magnificent 👽
greenAFcommented2 years ago
@GanjaReaper, I be watching 😍
GanjaReapercommented2 years ago
@greenAF, Thanks, watch my new grow in a couple of weeks. It will be even better. I will go back to the basics, this round was just a experiment round.
the end.
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