Week 1 Veg
Super excited about this one! I wanna say a huge thank you and shoutout to Safdelajungla 🌴 and Stoned Ninja 🍇 for sending me these beans. If you don't already know, Ninja has started a new venture with Dojo Seed Co so give them a follow and watch out for some 🔥
Here we have another dank offspring of his infamous Ninja Fruit 🍇 to be grown in the Den; Fruit Helmet (Dark Helmet x Ninja Fruit).
Just like the Surf Purps, I'm germinating 4 beans in the hopes that the majority (or all) will be female. Let's hope I get the same luck as I did with the Surf Purp girls! my method is simple; just a wet paper towel in an open bag, placed in a dark drawer. Amazingly one of them popped and was ready for transplanting after only 48hrs! So #3 started life above the coco a day before the rest, but I'll be numbering the days from the others. When transplanting the newly popped seeds, I don't fill the cup to the top with coco, I fill them 3 quarters of the way or less to allow for the initial seedling stretch before being back-filled. This is to prevent having long stretchy, lanky seedling that can't stand properly. You can fill the cup up to the cotyledon leaves, as this part will quickly grow roots too. I done this on day 3. They were started on only water and EM1. Their first nutrient feeding was on Day 6, which was only a light feeding of Cal-Mag to get their roots used to a higher ppm. I try not to soak the cups too much until their roots are more substantial. Doing this gets them drinking quicker and promotes faster root growth.
They're all looking great after their first week above the coco. Looking forward to next week!
Thanks for following and happy growing! 🐺
@skidmarx, cheers mate 👊 I hope you enjoy the journey! Nice, I bet that makes things easier haha. I've found that my RO is more acidic, and after adding Remo's Nutrients it lowers it to around 5pH, so I've actually been using pH up more than anything! Which was unexpected. If there's silicon in the mix however, then it does rise to around 6.5-7pH. I've also noticed that it takes an unbelievable amount less to adjust down. Only a drop will drastically change even large volumes of my RO! ✌️🦊