Happy New (grow) Year! Been an interesting week - even with the same genetics, each of these girls is growing quite differently. K-1 had some stretching issues, and it took 2 extra days for the seed shell to finally detach. K-2, on the other hand, is staying nice and squat, and already had 1st pair of "real" leaves by the time I transplanted them both today (1.2.23). They went from Jiffy Pot into Solo cups filled with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. K-2 was a bit more challenging to get free of the Jiffy Pot fabric, as she had a tap root of over an inch. But persistence (and a sharp pair of tiny scissors) brought about a successful transplant. Keeping the TS-1000 light at 25% 12" for a couple more days, just to give them a chance to stabilize before increasing light to 50% and starting a diet of 1/4 FF week 1 nutes.
When I planted soaked seeds in Fox Farm ocean, my seeds did not germinate. Growers said soil was too hot. For my current plants, I mixed neutral seed mix into the top 2-3 inches of ocean soil. My ladies are now in week 5 😄 yay.
@Natrona, I agree, it can run a bit hot. I don't put them in "real" soil right from germination - My girls start out in peat discs until they have a tap root of around 1", then into Solo cups. I added extra perlite to my Fox Farms soil when I transplanted into the Solo cups, and then again on the last transplant into 2-gal fabric pots. Hope this helps! Happy growing!