Another great week of growth and root development. I continue to tie them down once a week and then let them grow. Watering every 3 days at this point. Will look to flip in the next week. To prep, I'll be adding dolomite lime and top dressing.
@PapaNugs, Me Personally I pull in the 3 week in the 5th week and week 7-8 sometimes i might wait a week more ore less depending on the strain but at some point it just becomes a pain in the eye for me 😁✌️🏻💚 how many weeks do you still have to go what do u think ?
@FacelessGardens, I could agree with that. I just didn't defoliate all the fan leaves. Just the ones that were blocking bud sites. I go back and forth on whether to pull them or not but recently been keeping them on