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2 Girls 1 Cup... (waterfarm)

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-5, 7-9
weeks 5
weeks 4-5, 7-9
weeks 4-5, 7-9
weeks 5, 7-9
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
2 years ago
what do they say about different strains on the same RES, in the same pot??? welp, here goes nothing... Last time I saw this waterfarm I was still a teenager. Ran it in a closet with two 4ft flouro shop lights either side going vertically upward like the letter "A". Had two BIG ASS plants roughly 4ft tall in it side by side going STRONG! Healthy asf, huge ass healthy leaves, some 13 fingered. Flipped em and turned out BOTH were male... Been toying with the idea of doing it again... So what the hell... Here goes, 2 Girls 1 Cup or "pot"... One Herbies Godzilla Cookies Auto and one Fastbuds Wedding Glue Auto. Current setup: -36x36x60 tent -"1000w" led light (130w from the wall) -4in extraction fan/scrubber -20+ yr old GHE Waterfarm fitted with ice probe w/ controller and PLENTY of insulation around RES. -Multiple circulation fans -Taotronics humidifier Stay tuned to watch me fuck this up too 🤣 *Sow'd em both in organic peat pellets after a 24hr soak. Getting them acclimated to their new home early. Doing environment tests and dialing it in with the new to me ice probe, and the change to hydro versus soil plants that were in there. Will be more moisture in the air until a canopy covers my balls with the evaporation from the light. **lookey lookey, BOTH have come to life and are making way to the surface. Not long and they'll be in their new "cup". Last update on germination week as once they pop we start counting I suppose.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
1.27 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
295 PPM
70 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
8 L
8 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.172 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.172 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.172 mll
Herbies Godzilla Cookies popped it's head first with Fastbuds Wedding Glue right behind. Went ahead and put them in their new home to get further acquainted. Using Spring water PH 7.0, 31 ppm. Mixed 50/50 with tap, final ppm of 80 (for now). Then bubbled for atleast 24hrs. Longer the better so all chemistry shit that happens with the co² and carbonic acid can happen and give me more stable water. Less drastic ph swings that way. Res solution: Water 80ppm CalMag plus 4ml/2gal ^2 195-200ppm 4ml/2gal Hydroguard 1.3mL/2gal Flora Micro 1.3mL/2gal Flora Grow 1.3mL/2gal Flora Bloom Needed .75ml ph down to hit 5.81 Final ppm 295 RES stays at 68 with Ice Probe and controller. Has potential to go MUCH lower if wanted. Check ph 8am & 8pm, adjust if needed. *MORE exciting content... Late RES check this AM. I didn't bubble this spring water, just the tap. Bubbling the mixture for 24hrs plus for now on. Adding oxy is aiding in bringing PH up in the RES, along with low nute concententration. Up to 6.42 from 5.81, added .4mL down to bring it back to 5.76 after topping off RES. TDS up to 346 from ph adjustments. *swapped out the POS taotronic humidifier for a reptile fogger hooked up to a pymeter t/h controller. DEFINITELY recommend you check em out. Less then 30 bucks. RES change.. switch from nutecalc to GHE "light" feed. After crunching numbers, decided on mixing 1/2 strength week 2 feed to prep these girls for a higher dose. 2gal water-220ppm 3.6mL Micro-364ppm 3.4mL Grow-441ppm 2.6mL Bloom-482ppm. PH'd to 5.75. *pics are right at lights on, and it looks like they're still sleeping. Adjusted fans a bit since WG showing signs of stress on her leaf edges and curling a bit. Could have been from the other day when I raised the light and cranked it up to warm things up a bit.
Grow Questions
SmokieMcPotstarted grow question 2 years ago
Anyone use a reptile ceramic heat emitter to heat their smaller tent? Grabbing an elitech temp/humidity controller and a reptile fogger since the unit I'm running will prob never have wifi app support again. Could plug the heat emitter on the "heat" side and keep it high up??
Setup. Other
1 like
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
Shit if you got a cooler in your set up than go for it ! I didn’t realize that was the case.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
6.35 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
482 PPM
70 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
8 L
8 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.476 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.449 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.343 mll
Two girls one cup week 2.. thanks for stopping by and checking out my experiment :) no need to rotate them.. they're doing it all on their own 🤣. hit the girls a little hard with the light last week when i turned it up to warm things up in there. kinda blasted em with 22 DLI and the light may have caused the curling on the Godzilla Cookies. all is well, and theyre moving right along. light currently 18in up, and hitting them with 14 DLI. running the 1/2 strength GHE light feed week 2 since last sundays RES change. will prob keep this RES until this sunday. just top off and PH adjust 8am/8pm daily. kinda excited to see the explosion of growth throughout this week. 3rd true set popping out of both GC and WG, and started LST them their separate ways as early as possible. contemplating topping after 5th or 6th node. havent made up my mind as to when yet. we shall see. roots poking their way through the drainage holes in the bottom of the upper growing chamber. Will have to add a stone to the RES here in a few days time. GHE light feed 1/2 strength week 2 (measurements are per 2gal on 500 scale): Total nitrogen - 47.5 ppm PPM range - 200-275 ppm Spring Water/Tap mix - 220 ppm (calmag and hydroguard already added) Micro 3.6mL - 144 ppm Grow 3.4mL - 77 ppm Bloom 2.6mL - 41 ppm Total = 482 ppm GHE is pretty damn accurate on that ppm range huh? *so far they seem to be loving life.. sooner or later this light won't be able to keep up with their needs. Probably sooner with the rate they're going. *figured I keep them on the 1/2 strength week 2 GHE Flora feed for now. They've been moving right along, and I don't want to over feed em. Next RES change will get bumped up for sure. Made a nozzle for the reptile fogger since the one it had was made for a 1" hose. MUCH better distribution of moisture now. *Wedding Glue def showing signs of being under fed. Taking up more water than it needs to get those nutes. Causing droopy leaves. Hopefully she can wait until the start of week 3 for a bump up. *Nute levels dropping every 12h as expected. Going to crunch numbers tonight to see how much on a 12hr basis to see if we're ready to get bumped up. If so RES changes will be weekly still, just on the week mark instead of Sunday. *WG said fuck 5 leaves and went straight for 7! Crossing my fingers she gets 13 of em so I can break a personal record of 11. That is unless the ruderalis takes over and puts a stop to them multiplying every node. *****anyone got some pointers on how to go about getting a sponsorship? Could use a little 300w artificial sun to brighten up a cloudy day. And to finish these girls right.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
20.32 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
471 PPM
70 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
8 L
8 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.647 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.608 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.449 mll
2 girls 1 cup week 3! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my experiment. They're getting a little big to be taking individual overhead pics everyday now. They always both end up in the same shot no matter what. Will still update daily with pic. Got a new cam that can do timelapse. Almost sent it back until I said fuck it and tried TWO layers of sunglasses. Diff colors too. One more of a FLD filter color, one more of a UV filter color. Both are polarized as well. I'm sure the night vision footage will be trash with the IR behind the lenses, so the timelapse will have res checks/changes and night prob edited out. Stay tuned for that! Going 1/2 strength GHE week 3 light feed and actually changed RES last night. Was looking at em and already noticed WG was drooping more than it should. Normal transportation and growth/energize cycles are expected, but was looking overwatered. GC if you look in vid "d14" in first and second set of fingers showing interveinal chlorosis. PH has been between 5.52 and 6.4 (lowest and highest), and averages a swing in a 12hr shift from 5.71'ish to 6.17'ish. Not uploading notes again like last week, but you'd get the idea if you saw them, I take notes lol. So PH wasn't an issue. They've been averaging a 7-15ppm drop in res per 12hr and has only been climbing again due to ph down additions. I should prob change RES mid week so it's not a high concentration of ph product. So they're DEF eating proper, have stable ph swings, optimal res Temps and dissolved oxygen is good. WG taking on more water to get the nutes, causing leaves to droop from excess water. GC moving nutes from old growth to the new growth. So they're hungry. Ghe claims 62.5ppm nitrogen, 275-375ppm target per mixture below. Mixed and measured in between each addition to get my numbers. -2gal Water/calmag/hydroguard 215ppm -Micro 4.9mL - 170ppm -Grow 4.6mL - 100ppm -Bloom 3.4mL - 60ppm Nute concentration - 330ppm (nailed it again GHE) Water - 215ppm Total - 545ppm Ph'd to 5.6 final tds 563ppm Mars Hydro TSW2000 on theeee way to finish these girls off right.. some of my worries are settled. For now... *they just ate 32ppm since this mornings RES chk/adj... I was thinking I'd have to swap RES once mid week once they get older, but think they may benefit from it sooner than later. Tap roots popping out by the chute for the air line, the temp sensor, and the main stack.. going to have to pump the res out pretty soon to avoid root damage. Timelapse will turn out pretty sweet if I would quit bumping the damn camera, and stay TF outta there 🤣. **these girls are starting to BLOW UP! Figured I'd bump their feed up a bit today because they told me to. Eating as much as they are as quick as they are I'm going to have to be on top of it or shit will go south quick.. so, for the record.. GHE wk 3 "light" feed 3/4 strength Projected nitrogen - 93.75ppm Projected TDS - 412.5-562.5ppm 2gal water/calmag/hydroguard 202ppm Micro - 7.35mL 229ppm Grow - 6.9mL 145ppm Bloom - 5.1mL 97ppm Nute total - 471ppm RES total (after ph corrections) - 690ppm May have to hit them harder if they keep eating like they are. Trying to borderline optimal without crisping their leaves. So I am watching the TDS to see how theyre eating. Aiming for 10-15ppm per 12hr. If they eat more, feed em more. Eat less, feed less. Seems to be working so far, just like last time. May up my calmag TDS of my spring water/tap mixture to 250ppm from the 80'ish it ends up being after mixed. I'm sure they want more calcium too. It can't hurt right?? Wedding Glue couldn't be happier with its bump up in nutrition... can't wait for this timelapse... ***realized I messed up settings on timelapse after the fact.. pissed I missed out on the footage from its night and day shift today. Uploaded footage from after RES change with more food for em to eat, sped WAY TF up cause I decided to grab a frame every 3sec vs 1min. Trying 2min this time and stop/save/start vid every 12hr. Fingers crossed it turns out. WG was happy ASF and let me know with a big ole wave. And some BIG growth over the time. Have tied em both down again to avoid topping, yet. . Looks like just wiping off the two leaves that got effected by my carelessness wasn't enough. Few drops of something got on GC in two spots shown in pics. Note taken, wash it off next time or just be more fucking careful.. got it. On a surprising note... RES level not only dropped 600mL, but also dropped from 690 to 645ppm (total tds). So they're eating MORE with the increased feed... doesn't suprise me much, but heard auto's don't like to be over 6-700?? Nute concentration @ 471 yesterday, and it's dropping FAST... will probably fatten up their plate on Sunday and go with a RES change, full strength week 3 GHE. ****tired of reading this shit yet?? Here we go with yet another RES change.. just bumped em up YESTERDAY! they're still showing signs of hunger, WG more than GC. Can't let these girls go hungry now can I? A couple bucks in nutes down the drain is better than letting em starve.. Plus they're more attractive when their leaves aren't full of water. So here goes... starting to smell in the tent.. GHE wk 3 light feed Projected nitrogen - 125ppm Projected ppm - 550-750ppm 2gal spring/tap, calmag, hydroguard - 248ppm Micro - 9.8mL 362ppm Grow - 9.2mL 189ppm Bloom - 6.8mL 111ppm Nute total = 662ppm RES total (after ph correction) - 940ppm Just realized if I delete timelapse from wyze app, it deletes from gallery too. Fuck, another good one... my bad. I think I got it now... side note, guess I have to count cotyledons as first node since these bitches wanna grow some arms from what mangled pieces are left next to em. Need to grab some 91% before I go cutting on these girls though, so they stay for now. *****d19 mars tsw2000 showed up two days early! hung it during the "night". timelapse updated, day 18 and 19. lots of growth under the fans, and WG trying to push GC tf out of the cup lol. Training rods installed for the mains, and all the 3 fingers are plucked. Ended up plucking a 9 finger from WG and a 5 finger from GC to make way for the under growth. Feel like Bruce Almight parting a bowl of soup lol ******didn't want to post a pic of my girls in distress, but documenting everything else, so why tf not. swapped out the clear sight tube for a more UV friendly agro green. Marked the tube in the same spot as the clear, but it was almost a gallon more in reality at the same mark. I was drowning them with no air gap below the upper growing chamber. After measuring, it was submerged by about 5/8th inch. Sorted that out, and took almost all day for em to perk up. On top of that, the new light and adding another oscillator changed my environment. No more humidifier in the tent. Thought I lost both of them.. Soggy leaves, spotting, etc. Backed nutes back down to 3/4 strength wk 3 due to slight curling in new growth and one lighter tip on one new finger. Shortened the training rods tonight and started with some bondage. Prob the last time they'll get tied down before the net gets used (if needed) here in a week or so. Backed off to 16 DLI from 20 until they really perk up. End of week 3
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
25.4 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
471 PPM
70 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
8 L
8 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.321 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.528 mll
2 girls 1 cup week 3, let's go... Day 21- Starting off on the wrong foot this week. What didn't go wrong in the last few days.. Not only did I accidently try drowning them replacing a clear sight tube.. The new light changed some variables in the closet, and getting adjusted was a little ROUGH to say the least. Adding another blessney oscillator in there to circulate some air around changed how moisture flows around the tent, and ended up hurting the girls. Both have a cold and had to trim some leaves to prevent the spread of some nasties. Kinda hurt me as much as it hurt them, but if they grew a hand sized fan leaf in 4-5 days... They'll be back.. They're currently on a h²o² diet, and have been switched from GHE flora series feed to the Lucas Formula half strength. Pumped em a little too hard last week and they're letting me know. All is well, they'll get better and finish side by side holding hands the whole way. Decided to top them as well, I'd have to count which node. I think it's at the 6th. Don't want to run out of headspace, and want them to bush up some more for a canopy effect. Yeah, I'm stressing them the fuck out, but these bitches should be able to take it. Just need to get that humidity in check and keep it off the girls. Going to run RH in the lower 60's from 69-71 to see if it helps their condition. Have also cut the green lights at night to give them their privacy. Day 22- well, I guess I should have switched to late veg/early flower vpd range?? Lowered the RH to 60-61 and they are def improving from previous days symptoms. Granted the humidity blowing right on em didn't help.. they seem to be forgiving me for that, tying them down yet again, LST all branches except for a few that were too little still. Covered the hydroton with a silicon pan cover from wally world. Temp solution to ward off more algae from the peat pellets. May just have to finish this one on a h202 diet and scrap the hydroguard. Within a day, green shit was gone. They're eating and drinking again which is good. I really rustled their feathers the last few days for SURE. But looking through photos over yesterday and today, they def got some color back and are continuing to grow. Day 25- took em off the Lucas formula, and back on the 3/4 ghe week 3 light, but dialed it back by dilution till they're pumping again. Stressed the fuck outta them and def slowed their growth. Few more leaves need plucking, but I'm waiting atleast a few more days. Not planning on any more stressors for these girls during veg, they've had enough. Day 27- kinda starting to look like the battle of yin/yang.. who will rise to the top?? Lol. they have def recovered (finally) and are progressively eating and drinking more and more. Showing signs of nitrogen difficiency down low, so that will be taken into consideration when changing the RES tomorrow. RES changes couldn't be any easier with this 12v pump and a bucket rigged with a ball valve. Is it the end of week 4 already??
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
25.4 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
1237 PPM
59 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
8 L
8 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 5
H²o² 2.642 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.611 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.4 mll
Two girls one cup week 5?? I cant count ATM.. if you're just tuning in, check previous week's for daily progression. Day 28- off to an explosive start for the week. Eating and drinking more than ever. Topping off RES daily between 30-40 fl oz with calmag'd water. Changed RES yesterday to 3/4 strength week 4 GHE light. Breakdown as follows. 2gal water/calmag - 200ppm Micro - 9mL Grow - 8.4mL Bloom - 6.3mL RES total after ph corrections - 720 @ 5.68. Light up 30in - 20 DLI Already had to top off with 26oz calmag'd water this morning and I just changed RES last night. TDS dropped from 720 to 661 within 12hrs, as well as the water level. Ph drift up to 6.18 as usual. I really think every other day RES changes may help keep these girls npk right where it needs to be with how much they're eating. As long as I don't stress em too much more that is. Last week was rough on the girls for sure. Gave em a .5mL shot of Micro tonight to boost nitrogen levels a bit due to the coloration on lower fan leaves and some uppers. May supplement more N into next RES change right off the bat Will add to the timelapse daily as long as i dont f up the footage like i have done many times already. Day 29- still looking a little hungry and how fast tds is dropping it def shows in more than one place. Bump up RES to full strength week 4 GHE light. Breakdown as follows. Water - 2gal Micro - 12mL Grow - 11.2mL Bloom - 8.4mL Total after ph corrections: 5.68/980 They're def bushing up. The stretch is coming and GC already shows signs of it starting. Wish they'd bush up more before, but i gotta roll with the flow. Definitely branching out down all over and are showing signs of explosive growth yet again. Thinking about turning on the green night light again to show night time movement with the day. Thoughts?? Day 30- these girls are some PIGS! I JUST changed RES yesterday, and they've already eaten 1/3rd of its concentration. From 980 down to 601 in 24hrs! More if you think about my RES top offs every 12hrs (with 200ppm calmag'd water) adding back something versus just diluting further. I know I said I wouldn't stress the girls anymore, BUT... I supercropped the stretching tops on both, and gave em a mild defoliation. Hated to see more big leaves go.. but they're blocking light to everything I want to bush out NOT stretch up. The stretch is coming, but we still have time to train so may as well. *edit* went a lil nuts supercropping.. WG is taking it like a champ. GC I was a little rough with and crushed the 3 up top a lil too much. They're turned up towards the TSW2000, so they're not dead. RES change tonight with TDS drop as fast as it did. So there will be two updates today. woohoo! Day 31- both made a speedy recovery from the second round of abuse. will be doing another RES change tonight. same week 4 GHE light, i may bump up the formula some since the TDS dropped 360+ ppm in 24 hrs the other day. just dont want to overdue it since i just got done stressing them TF out AGAIN and they wont be eating as much while repairing (i think)... i will update later after RES change if i decide on running anything other than whats mentioned above. *TDS broke a thousand tonight.. lets see if we can keep em from dropping too much in the next 12hrs. Not fully repaired, but S.C. locations all over are already growing like nothing even happened. Wedding Glue's branches and main are thick asf! Wait till harvest and I bet they'll double or more. Will have to cut bigger openings in the silicon mat to keep from choking them off. **update** AM RES check, TDS dropped from 1077 to 679 in 12hrs! And I've read all over not to take autos over 6-700ppm... seems I feed em more, they eat ALLOT more. WTF??! Day 32- got out a net to see if it actually fits the tent, and to see how I felt about using it. So far, it fits but I'm not feeling it. So it came back out. Another round of defoliation tonight, and standard top off ph correct RES. am going to start every other day RES changes now to keep em happy. Day 33- plants drinking roughly 42fl Oz every 12hr. Defol AGAIN... got rid of some of the smaller stuff down low so all the plants energy can be focused to somewhere that matters. bumped up the TDS around noon today a bit and moving towards bloom nutes. Giving them a little more calmag to help with repairs from supercropping and all the defol 3 days in a row. Breakdown as follows. Water/calmag/h²o² - 2 gal (300ppm) Micro - 10.6mL Grow - 9.2mL Bloom - 12mL RES total after ph correction - 1174ppm Just did my every 12hr RES check and TDS has dropped from 1174 to 881. I measure before topping off with calmag'd water too. Helps in my data crunching and calculations. At this rate, they'll be down below 600 by morning. Wasn't planning on daily RES changes until they were much further along. Really want to see how big the root structure is in the RES, but don't want to rip roots wrapped on the ice probe. If I had one of those probe cameras I could poke it in my top off/fill port and take a peek. Day 34- really wish i had a spare down tube installed so i could utilize a top off RES. once this gets too low, it stops top feeding. not a big deal cause theres plenty of bubbles brewing in the RES to dwc it for a few hours. well... theres two bitches in the cup, theyre eating and drinking like pigs already. i am WELL over the "650-700" max ppm for an auto and climbing trying to keep both of them as happy as possible without hurting em. theyre only going to get bigger, thirstier, and hungrier as time passes. i see the 2k mark in the near future for sure. GC showing some purple on the tops of a few bigger petioles on GC and WG showing purple striping on the bottom of some of its branches. after watching vid from today, I DEF need to hit my fans with some tape like a lint roll. and yes, I play them music 🤣. WG is def a strong fucking pheno for sure!! thick branches, tight node spacing when given appropriate lighting. props to FastBuds for sure! changed RES tonight around 6pm to the GHE wk1 bloom MEDIUM feed. breakdown as follows: water - 2gal (300ppm) micro - 12.2mL grow - 10.6mL bloom - 13.6mL RES totals after PH corrections - 1237 ppm, 5.51 PH (letting them get the full sweep today) didn't I say I wasn't going to stress the girls anymore?? damnit! guess I'm a liar.. did a lil schwazzz on the girls tonight. left a few fans for shits and giggles. they're either going to stack up or herm out 🤣.. either way, we're in this together to the end. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow. I apologize for rambling, but information collected will be good references for future auto grows for me.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
1237 PPM
61 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
8 L
8 L
68.58 cm
Nutrients 5
H²o² 2.642 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.611 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.4 mll
**EDIT** just an FYI... SmokieMcPot wants NOTHING to do with Seedsman!! Appreciate the response I got from them after replying to one of their spam mailers in dm... lets me know everything I need to know about their company... I'll continue to plug breeders/vendors that I feel deserve the advertising. I won't EVER plug a Seedsman bean! How time flies... Start of week 6 is it?? I feel I've put these girls a week behind, but then again I'm sure they'll bounce back just as hard as they have already. I just keep stressing these bitches out 🤣. so far have ive topped both, supercropped TF out of em (should have tied em down again too), swazz'd (to an autoflower point I guess)... what else can I do to hurt these girls feelings?? I can tell anyone that actually reads all of this I am going to drill their main right before harvest with the 48hr dark period.. Just put the net in today to keep a hold of em for now. Have another to use for when they need support. I plan on scooting this one up a bit as it stretches and branch them out some more. These branches are pretty stick like, so no more bendy bendy to those or snappy snap will occur. Day 35- nothing special that hasn't been mentioned already. Running the GHE wk 1 bloom feed at full strength (1237ppm total). Will continue to adjust strength depending on how much TDS drops in 12/24hrs. May update later with a vid to show how thick the main is. BTW I forgot to set timelapse for day 34, so the carnage and immediate aftermath won't be added to the week unfortunately. Day 36- i accidently farted while working in the closet tonight... i think i may have to burn everything in there now and start from scratch.. it was THAT bad!.. i dont think a million apologies will make up for making these girls inhale THAT, nor flush it out of their systems. damnit!! Day 37- woke up to a puddle in the catch tray!!! couldn't find it so i ripped out the net. didnt really want it in there yet, but was helping with a few branches. ended up being the silicon light protector pad in the back directing splash from the dripper next to it right out a LST hole i drilled in the bucket. easy fix.. RES change tonight. same week 1 bloom medium strength since its the same as week 2 formulation. ended up being 1327 after PH corrections. water started off 300ppm calmag and started using hydroguard again since the h2o2 did the trick a while back and we're in the clear. plants looking awesome, and have another 19 days before another major defol. uploading vid of a new system im working on as a teaser for the next grow... its far from finished... but the final product will be showcased later on. Bigger version of this waterfarm and its upgrades. Plus something a buddy wants me to try, but I'm waiting on the plated titanium mesh to show from China to finish that piece and bring it to show and tell for everyone to see. Day 38- PM RES change due to TDS drop from 1327 to 902 in 24hr. WG starting her droop letting me know. She sure does pump right after a fresh change. Must have went light on my measurements cause I ended up in the 1100's. As long as the ratio is right, that's what matters. I don't know exactly WHAT they're eating, just that they are. Adding anything could risk a lockout. Looks like WG is trying to tell me to back off on the Nitrogen?? Maybe dialing it back a bit on accident worked out for the best.. Mild defol tonight to open up those bud sites. supercropped a few more fresh stretch limbs on GC. Day 39- selective leaf plucking tonight. Bare minimum to keep things opened up. RES change later in their day, tomorrow for me. Will be lowering the nitrogen a hair since 2 or 3 of WG leaves are curled downward at the tip. Will update with the breakdown after the fact. Day 40- WG has been looking hungry since yesterday. Don't blame her cause RES is down from 1100's to mid 7's. Even with topping off with 300ppm calmag'd water around 2.5L a day now. Changed RES before they woke from their nap. Modified week 2 transition GHE "medium". Breakdown as follows: 2 gal calmag'd water - 300ppm Micro - 11.6mL Grow - 11mL Bloom - 14mL RES totals after PH corrections - 1253 @ 5.54. Day 41- WG looking hungry again... RES was already down 200 from its change not even 12hrs ago and down 1.5L. top off, PH adjust. changed RES during their night, right before "sun rise". same modified formula as yesterday. need to bump it up so EC doesnt drop as fast. GC need to pick up the pace, cause i dont want WG getting full on amber by the time GC is done. random plucks here and there to keep things kinda opened up without taking off too much ATM. few leaves on GC showing small brown spots, calmag def?? hmm.. already using 5mL per gallon to get to 300ppm.. *edit* looks like the start of a calcium deficiency. Odd, cause I'm adding 5ml/gal now as per the bottle. Raises ppm from 80 to 300. How much is too much?? Going to try 7mL per gal for a few days and see if we can nip this in the butt. As always. Thanks for stopping by to check out my current grow. If it's you're first time here, check out previous weeks for their daily updates.
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
1253 PPM
57 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
8 L
8 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.664 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.585 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.981 mll
2 Girls 1 Cup week 7 is it? How time is flying by. Day 42- still eating like pigs, so I'm bumping up the formula and doing 50/50 tap/RO for now on. Bubbled of course. Spots of calcium deficiency on GC here and there for the last week and I have seen a few spots on WG also. Still used 5mL calmag per gal as max dose to hopefully keep spotting from spreading. Raised my bucket to 374ppm prior to nutes. Decent defol tonight and I got a net back out to hold these down and spread em out as much as possible. One branch on WG has taken over as the main I guess and it's hard as f. Only place it's going is up lol.. 22in from the light as of RN, getting 37.2 DLI. Going to work up to 40 this week and see how they like it. GC really needs to hurry up. Can't let WG get too amber and can't leave dead rotting roots in the system right? Crossing my fingers GC hurries TF up in the end, or it may get cut early. RES change around 6pm tonight, modified week 2 bloom GHE medium. Breakdown as follows: 2gal water/calmag - 374ppm Hydroguard - 5mL Micro - 12.6mL Grow - 12mL Bloom - 15mL RES totals after PH corrections - 1453 @ 5.71. Plants 14in ^ Lights 22in ^ DLI 37.2 =========================================================================================== Day 43- McGuiver'd some external RES together tonight. Waterfarm site tube is now extended into a return line to the external RES. Small cat drinking fountain pump in the base of the external with a 1/4in fitting plastic welded on the 3/8 outlet of it. This thing trickles, just like I wanted. 1/4in line runs to my old fill port on the front of the waterfarm. Constant circulation from one res to the other. Waterfarm started life as a 2gal RES system. Roots fill it up and take up precious space. Roots were even coming out of the site tube lol. When I pump it out for a change lately, Im barely getting a gallon... side res and waterfarm combined now hold a little over 4gal now with the root mass filling a large portion of the farm. Ill actually measure one of these times. If I raise the farm up more, I can hold more in the side RES. 4 or so should cut it, they don't have much longer right? Filled with same formulation as last fill, just 4 or so gal instead of 2. Mixed 5, left with 1? in the bucket when I hit fill line. This may help conserve some water once I finally get their EC dialed in. Not only do I play my plants music throughout their day, I even sing to them from time to time.. Hopefully I don't lose any watchers with my horrible singing in the vid tonight 🤣🤣 =========================================================================================== Day 44- Why didn't I start this experiment off with an external RES? Damn the stability of more volume is a definite PLUS! Haven't had to adjust PH or top off 2 or more times a day since. Been letting the level drop and watching numbers while keeping PH in check. I think I've finally found a stable EC too. For now anyway. Water level drops, EC drops slightly, ph rises slightly. Taking almost 24hrs to swing from 5.61 up to 6.12 instead of 8-12hr. Been thinking about cutting back GC and just keeping it alive so dead roots don't disrupt WG but let WG finish as best it can. GC is THAT far behind from the looks of it. Trimmed em both up late in their day yesterday. Open it up a bit so the lowers on WG can bulk up too. Adding to the list of things I should have done differently and will share at the very end. =========================================================================================== Day 45- ditched the net AGAIN tonight. No leak, shit was just annoying being in my way. Also been thinking ALLOT about my choices in life... latest is why did I plant two diff strains in the same pot and how can I make the best of it? They don't grow at the same rate or eat the same. WG is a PIG! Thought long and hard and have made the decision to cut back GC some to give WG her room to bloom. WG didn't stretch much and GC is still going. Keep supercropping it to keep it out of the fan and same distance from the light as WG. I have to keep both alive till the end, unless I throw in the towel on GC at WG harvest and chop em both. Really don't want to waste the experiment, so I may get creative at the end. Only have the one tent and was planning on drying in it since I've got the closet its in dialed in. Really don't want to make a cardboard dry box... =========================================================================================== Day 46- Going to wean these girls off the N next RES change. GC is starting to stretch more, and still refusing to make the transition. maybe less N will do the trick?? kick up the bloom a bit as well. WG is ready for it for sure. GC may have an issue with it, but she'll survive. gave em both a defol before lights out today. heavier on GC than WG since WG isnt bushing up as fast as she used to. the light frosting is getting more populated also. side RES is working out beautifully! =========================================================================================== Day 47- little prune on GC today to keep it out of WG's way. Plucked a few here and there off WG to keep it opened up. Colas everywhere! Going to be one short dense plant that's for sure. If GC gets to a finish, it's going to be a bunch of popcorn from the looks of it. Time will tell. =========================================================================================== Day 48- light prune on GC to keep it out of the way, since its decided to be like 3wk behind WG. maybe tonights RES change will punt it in gear, and itll start exploding in flowers... yeah, i smoked before typing this so the pipe dreams are real on this one.. dialing back the calmag plus (since it has N in it) to 4mL a gallon. dialing back the N in the modified formulation from GHE week 3 "mid bloom" medium feed. formulation as follows: Tap/Zero Water - 2.5gal/2.5gal 81ppm calmag plus - 20mL ^ to 307ppm Micro - 26.5mL Grow - 26.5mL Bloom - 41mL RES totals after PH corrections - 1148ppm @ 5.63. Measured the total volume needed to fill both the waterfarms RES and the external RES and it came to 18.4L. i scooped nearly every drop out of the side RES, but didnt even tilt the waterfarm. so there was prob a quarter to a half gal left in the farm. safe to say roughly 19L capacity. a HUGE increase from a measly 8L from factory. thats before roots fill the RES too, leaving you with NOTHING for water/nutes. so ill have to measure once again when the system is empty and see the true total volume without fillers. tis the end of week 7 i suppose. i will update the timelapse tomorrow afternoon to wrap up the week. i have a 3 week day 27-47 vid on YT if you're actually reading this and want to see the up to date clip. *edit* looks like GC is finally starting to hit the transition harder closer to end of the day today looking at vid.. =========================================================================================== As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow experiment. If it's your first time, check out previous weeks for their daily updates, pics, timelapse, blah blah blah.. you still reading this shit?? 🤣
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
40.64 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
620 PPM
54 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
8 L
8 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.4 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.4 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.166 mll
2 Girls 1 Cup week 8 is it?? Looks like GC is on week 4 still 🤣. Day 49- big defol on GC tonight, mild prune on the right side also. Few strategic plucks on WG to help share the light evenly. My fingers are sticky asf and STINK like lemon/lime and gas. Changed RES yesterday, modified week 3 GHE bloom medium feed. Breakdown as follows: 5 gal tap/RO 20mL calmag Micro - 26.5mL Grow - 26.5mL Bloom - 41mL RES totals after PH corrections - 1148 @ 5.63 ====================================================================================================================== Day 50- where to start.... fuck.. well, i was wondering if my TDS was accurate or not. never checked it against another meter until today... and lets just say its been OFF the whole damn time!! i tested it against two other meters. one cheapo from amazon, and one from a zero water pitcher. TDS reading from each in order from current>amazon>zerowater.. 930, 642, 616. checked online and they are all on the 500 scale. so i dialed the "current" meter back to 616 to match the brand new zero water meter. never really trusted the cheapo amazon one TBH.. went ahead and topped off with 1.5L and gave them a 1/1/2 mL shot of M/G/B to boost the RES numbers a bit. currently sitting at 662 @ 5.84. so i guess GHE calculations havent been anywhere near the ballpark like i thought. maybe they were using the same damn meter i have currently, set EXACTLY as far off as mine was from factory 🤣. IDKWTF happened there, but its a good thing i started light and worked up following their signs. even though the meter was off, it was still giving me information that was useable. should have left it where it was, but my OCD would haunt me until it was adjusted. plucked a few on WG tonight and left my fingers sticky and stinky. GC keeps stretching, refusing to hit full flower still.. Sorry Herbies, i know you all exaggerate the finish times... but come on now lol... theres no way this one would finish in the time they state online.. FastBuds Wedding Glue on the other hand... she may be short, but shes STOCKY. she'll just get fatter too. who knew i liked fat chicks?? ====================================================================================================================== Day 51- few plucks here and there on WG. have to be careful now because these leaves are what's going to last the next few weeks. Can't take too many, can't leave it closed up. Since I won't be able to flush, i may do a multi harvest on WG and give GC a lil more time to hurry TF up and do her thing. I hate waisting... anticipation is building for the end. Not only to see these girls come to a finish.. but to set up the new system "correctly". Using things learned in this experiment. ====================================================================================================================== Day 53- not much to report other than the typical random strategic plucks on WG and more abuse to GC. been adding a booster to the RES every other top off. Ends up being once a day. One top off calmag'd water, one calmag'd water with a 0/1/2mL (M/G/B) per L added. Gave em a .5mL bump of M today since I've only been boosting it with G & B for the last 2 days. *edit* my dumbass forgot to set timelapse interval from 3sec to 45sec and the vid is 1.8gb long.. going to just skip today's footage. ====================================================================================================================== Day 55- GC is trying to catch up from the looks of it. It's like 3 weeks behind schedule 🤣🤣. Was going to defol the shit out of it again, but may leave it for another day or two. Once it takes WG's sun, it's getting snipped again. Forgot to mention more GC abuse from yesterday, or the day before. Didnt take a pic so I'm leaving it up to my memory. kinda accidently, purposely, tripped and precisely stabbed the main with some pointy tweezers... about half way in, and may have accidently twisted a bit before and while pulling it out... oops.. what's a lil more stress on GC right?? Maybe I'll have to trip every so many days and see if it has a positive effect 🤣. Will try and snap a pic of GC main at some point. ====================================================================================================================== As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow experiment. Check back to see when I mess it up 🤣 check out the up to date timelapse from day 27 on @
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
50.8 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
818 PPM
54 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
8 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.744 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.744 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.51 mll
2 Girls 1 Cup week 9? Short term memory loss is a m'fer... *edit* i have talked directly to quite a few suppliers/vendors/etc... and i can tell you FastBuds is a great company to do business with. im not licking boots here... i paid for my beans, and am loving these FastBuds genetics so far. JUST LOOK AT IT! a little short, but i think thats my fault from around the day 21ish mark if ya look back in the diary. i told myself i wasnt going to run any more autos, unless it was some odd occasion. but IF i do in the future... it WILL be FastBuds. unless this pink runtz i have ends up being an auto, and if it is.. im going to off the fucker lol. Day 56- GC is trying to catch up. I think stabbing the main helped a lil lol. Few random plucks on WG tonight, and don't even want to start on GC for now. May clean it up a bit later depending on how the back feels. It's got a ton of branches that are going to be too close REAL soon. Kinda f'd GC off over a week ago, and said I'd run it again in the future to make up for it. So not too pressed on how it looks, as long as it stays alive until WG chopping day. Atleast it wasn't a male 🤣. Anyway, bumped the girls up to the "aggressive" mid bloom GHE feed. Using TAP water to reduce the amount of calmag needed since mine has N in it.. Breakdown as follows: 5gal TAP water - 137ppm 15mL calmag - up to 252ppm 10mL hydroguard Micro- 33mL Grow- 33mL Bloom- 47.5mL RES total after PH correction - 818 @ 5.91. ============================================================================================= Day 57- I REALLY need to cut back GC... like yesterday... backs been hurting something fierce, and I'm out of my medicine of choice ATM. few random plucks on WG today. may make my way in there again later and start hacking away at GC. will update pic if I do. They're both liking aggressive feed, maybe a touch too heavy on the N though. *edit* 🎶oops, i, stabbed it again...🎶 lol. still feel there's a branch that's gotta go. Started pulling WG out some to help expose lowers. Need more garden wire for sure ============================================================================================= Day 58- cut back GC even more.. we'll keep it alive, but I'll make sure it doesn't block the beloved WG. remember, there will be a list of things I learned I did WRONG in this experiment and will share at the conclusion. Trimmed up WG little bit later in their morning. Top view pic is after the small defol. Some fans only had the middle finger snipped, to be on the safe side. Progress seems slow on WG atm, but it's getting ready to fatten up and mature. ============================================================================================= Day 59- i just cut back GC AGAIN!!! like HALF of its branches, and cut all the tops to the same length before snapping todays pic. after comparing 58 to 59's pic... it STILL looks like it grew.. WTF... that things confused ASF or something... just dont herm on me... WG finish is right around the corner.. a few weeks... hang in there GC... hang in there... ive been topping off with 80% strength nutes and RO water, and the EC has remained pretty consistent. may bump em up one more time for WG next week to help fatten her up some. right before we dial it all back for the end. WG already looking pretty frosty, and the weatherman is predicting some more in the next weeks. *edit* added a night vid to show my WG defol struggles. Its easier to see why the foliage looks so thick and it needs a trim when lights on when you see lights off.. We're down to a few fans towards the bottom to help out down there. Rest are connected to bud sites, and are limited. May need to add a small fan blowing up WG skirt soon. ============================================================================================= Day 61- nothing really to report. tried to kill the ice probe, and put frozen 1L bottle (in 12hr rotations) to see how it performed. i think 61.2 is a little too cold for my liking, and one morning i woke the temp was over 71.. the roots are messing with the flow and the water isnt getting chilled as much with the probe. problem ive been facing for the last week or so. ice probe back in, and warming up the tent with its exhaust again.. should fab up a duct system for a 3d printer... ideas... tinkercad here we go.. ============================================================================================= Day 62- kinda feel bad for leaving GC out of the shot yesterday. Since she's riding along in this experiment... added her back today. WG is starting to phase 2. Her finish is coming within the next 2-3 weeks I'm guessing. Maybe 4? We'll see what tricomes say when the time gets closer. ============================================================================================= Been offered a cut off a custom strain that looks and tastes AMAZING! i know i may have mentioned pink runtz or amnesia lemon next... but i dont think i can pass up this opportunity.. will mention more about it, its name, etc etc when the time gets nearer.. As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow experiment. Link to YT vid of the day 27 on timelapse
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
55.88 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
1070 PPM
54 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
2 L
3 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.744 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.876 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.642 mll
2 Girls 1 Cup week 10?? Looks like WG still has a few weeks left on her. GC on the other hand... is technically already dead to me, I've properly mourned her loss. Just need to keep her out of the way (and alive). Day 63- my TDS meter was accurate the whole time.. had to dial it back up.. I'm an idiot.. but these girls have been rocking out at over a thousand for weeks now and not really showing signs of burn. Few tips here and there. Crank the P/K up in this week's feed. RES change tonight. Modified GHE late bloom aggressive feed. TAP water so there's no added N from the calmag needed with RO. Breakdown as follows: 5gal TAP water - 137ppm Micro- 33mL Grow- 35.5mL Bloom- 50mL RES totals after ph corrections [email protected]. ============================================================================================= Day 64- GC seems to have blown up since yesterdays stabbing.. i took a vid, which ended up being a little too long. didnt want to wait for it to upload so i canceled. may clip the part where i went psycho on GC main and upload later. she may get stabbed a few more times before this is all over. thinking about drilling a hole or two in WG within the last few days, and the 48hr dark before chop chop. (when the time comes of course) ============================================================================================= Day 65- I don't think I ever disclosed my tent is in a closet... vid tonight shows it. Also shows how much head space I have above it for a TALLER tent.. a 4x4x80 would fit this current space REAL nice.. could make em taller as well. One thing I need to think over before the next run. I did cut GC back some tonight. Was creating a shadow on WG, and I didn't want it smacking in the fan again. That got annoying quick the other night while trying to sleep. WG still fattening up. Top offs have been with bubbled/aged TAP. Tonight I gave em a G/B 5/10mL shot since numbers are dropping from top offs and consumption. ============================================================================================= Day 66- i know i didnt add a comment for the day... but i DID upload pics. must have not saved. noticed when updating timelapse with the days footage, my diary is missing pics from 66. damnit! maybe i should quit uploading so many damn videos. ============================================================================================= Day 69- WG starting to show signs of its end. Brown spots on a few random leaves here and there. Checked tricomes tonight and were like 90% cloudy 10% clear. Hope they start to amber up within the next week. Haven't hit the A/C yet, and Temps are reaching 86! I can say that I have noticed less of an odor when opening the tent. So I think I'm nuking them terps. ============================================================================================= As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow experiment. Link to YT vid of the day 27-67 timelapse
1 comment
Week 11. Flowering
2 years ago
55.88 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
1070 PPM
54 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
2 L
3 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.744 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.876 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.642 mll
2 Girls 1 Cup week 10! Fuck yeah, the end is near. Can't wait to reset and put the new system in. Day 70- today marks the girls 10wk from breaking surface. Having the windows open on a rainy day is cranking up the RH. I just turned the A/C on shortly after snapping pics. Closing the windows and turning on A/C should bring humidity down. I may take GC (depending on tricomes) and make bubble out of it. Stabbing her multiple times got her hormones flowing. Still don't think it'll be mature enough at chopping day, but I'm trying to think positive. WG tricomes looking good. Up top we have a few amber, mid section they're 90% cloudy. I will try and take a pic with my scope. Tried once and i need another hand or two to make it easier. Picked a sample bud off WG's mid section. Mostly cloudy, few clear, few amber. It'll help with air flow right?? 🤣 *edit* A/C is on the fritz.. need to bring home a multimeter and diagnose. ======================================================================================================== Day 71- anything else want to break on me this week? Today my inline fan took a shit.. next day air a replacement, and hope the smell doesn't escape between now and then. Burning a little Nag Champa here and there for the time being. ======================================================================================================== Day 72- keep forgetting my DMM from work to diagnose the A/C. I'll remember one day, prob after WG is cut and hanging lol. Camera went offline for a period on day 71, so there's no timelapse of it. Have been thinking about ending it since there's no big changes daily like before. Didnt even set one for today. New inline fan installed at 6am this morning. I can tell ya after using two cheap ass fans that vivosun is louder than ipower. Both rated at 195cfm, but the new vivosun pushes MORE air from the outlet on the lowest setting compared to the ipower on high... going to have to figure out something for the noise though.. sounds like a jet engine. Lowered Temps during day and night is bringing back the terps! Both of the girls smell AMAZING. only checking tricomes daily on WG though. She determines chopping day. Mostly cloudy with equal number of clear/amber. Shooting for 50/50 cloudy/amber. Heady buds don't have any medicinal/psychoactive effect on me. Love the taste, but does nothing for my pain or insomnia. *edit* they're eating and drinking less by the day. Figure it's time to drill the girls. A few hours before lights out, late in their day. #7 drill bit right through their hearts 🤣. It sure did make GC ramp up when I stabbed it each of the 5 times. Bro Science may be onto something here... ======================================================================================================== Day 73- took another "sample" off WG. right side, if you scroll from 72/73 you'll see which one is missing. ======================================================================================================== Day 74- combination of cooler outside temps and the new inline fan have helped bring temps in the tent down. Daytime high 77F, night time low 66F. Nice swing and cool enough will hopefully bring out some purples, but not really pressed if it doesn't. The SMELL is what I wanted back, and I got it!! Not baking the girls in the low to mid 80's anymore is really helping. Dropped the TDS from 950's to 750's since TDS was slightly rising and PH dropping. Indicating too many nutes. I hung the "sample" in the outlet duct to speed dry it yesterday. Still damp, but tried anyway. This is gonna be some good bud, if I don't fuck it up that is.. need to grab a tricome pic for the diary. ======================================================================================================== Day 75- EC still rising and PH dropping.. took 8L out and added 8L bubbled/PHd TAP. Dropped RES from 668 to 365 @ 5.9. WG is looking great. Can't say the same for GC 🤣. I can't let my mistakes ruin GC rep though. It's my fault she's not making it to the finish line smiling. ======================================================================================================== Day 76- EC still climbing slightly and PH still dropping slightly as well. Went ahead and drained the RES, and flushed the WaterFarm with bubbled PHd TAP @ 132ppm. Tried to rinse some of the excessive salt buildup accumulated over the duration of the grow. Filled RES with PHd RO. Haven't been able to completely drain the WaterFarm since before the side RES was installed. So there's always a bit left over. Only took 4.2gal to fill her up. Can't wait to take a pic of the root mass below. Currently sitting at 80ppm @ 5.91. Days are numbered... watching tricomes up top, in mid, and down low for maturing. Tops 5-10% amber, mids 1-5% amber, down low still 10% clear. Smelling good ASF! ======================================================================================================== As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow. Link to the up to date timelapse
Week 12. Flowering
2 years ago
55.88 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
80 PPM
42 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
2 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 4
Zip 1 mll
Zero 1 mll
Zilch 1 mll
PSA!! PSA!! PSA!! WATCH those ZeroWater pitchers... when the filter goes, it goes FAST. Leaves you with a ton of undesirables, and AN EXTREMELY ACIDIC PH!! Acidity in the body leads to CANCER! will kill your plants fast as fuck too. ======================================================================================================== 2 Girls 1 Cup week 11? We should come to a finish this week... oh the excitement. Can't wait to see WG without her leaves. Going to have to cut each branch and hang individually due to the density of its structure. Got this far, don't want to risk moldy weed.. damn I'm gonna get bored while drying/curing not having a plant or diary to occupy the time. Day 77- currently flushing the girls. GC isn't ready for it, but she isn't in charge here. She should have stuck with WG when she extended a helping hand. Since falling behind, WG has thrown up a peace sign to GC as to say "see ya sucker". It's my favorite bud by far on WG. Bitch has got an attitude 🤣. RES sitting at 87ppm @5.9. Yellowing has started.. going to have to check trics more often so I get that sweet spot I'm looking for. ======================================================================================================== Day 78- these girls are starting to stink! Come on WG... ripen up so we can get this over with.. lowered lights power a bit today. RES climbed from 87 to 137. Drained 2gal, added 2gal RO. down to 38ppm. Forgot to mention the ice probe has been unplugged for over a week now. Been putting a 3/4 full 1L frozen bottle in the RES to chill. Rotate out every 12hr with a fresh. At lights on, and 12hr later. Full bottle got Temps too low for my liking. ======================================================================================================== Day 79- tick tock.. tick tock.. come on WG.. she's showing a little fade on her leaves. Seeing more of a calcium difficiency on her fans than fading honestly. Trichomes taking their time ripening as well. I'm SURE this strain ambers up.. taking their time for me though.. dont know how long I feel comfy flushing hydro though.. I did notice a few exploded trichomes up top, which has me thinking I need to go ahead and chop within the next couple days. If I notice any more ruptured anywhere else I haven't poked it with the scope.. I'm hanging the bitch that night. May give her 24hr dark period, since I've tried some other bro-science and it seemed to help. *edit* felt bad starving WG and she's not more amber coated. Gave her a bit of nutrition tonight. GHE aggressive ripen. M-2.8mL/g G-2.8mL/g B-4.5ml/g and 5mL calmag (using RO). Came out high @ 867 so I pulled 2L and dumped 2L RO in. Sitting at 613 @ 5.9. ======================================================================================================== Day 80- well, the 3 days starving the girls kicked their metabolism back in gear. I want more amber before chop chop. They quit eating and were drinking MUCH less signaling the end. Was down to topping off once a day, maybe a liter to a liter and a half. Since feeding yesterday, they've started eating and drinking like they were on week 10 again. Topped off 3.5L in the last 16hrs. TDS dropping with water level, even more when topped off with straight RO. I'm not giving em any more nutes. Last push for some extra weight before the end. ALLOT more frosty today than yesterday as well. ======================================================================================================== Day 81- Started flushing again. Maybe starting their metabolism again will help ripen these trics. If not, they're getting chopped @ day 84. Don't want to let em go too long and regret it. I may have f'd em up feeding again after the 3 days starving. Time will tell ======================================================================================================== Day 83- still waiting... 💤 Going to order some bubble bags. Freezing all GC and trim/larf from WG for some bubble hash. GC is frosty and all white like WG, just tiny popcorn shit everywhere since it's been neglected and abused over and over and over and over 🤣. ======================================================================================================== As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow. full timelapse added to this week 27-70 (looks better on YT..
Week 13. Flowering
2 years ago
55.88 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
80 PPM
42 %
19 °C
20 °C
21 °C
2 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 4
Zip 1 mll
Zero 1 mll
Zilch 1 mll
***UPDATE*** ITS CHOPPIN DAY!! Late in day 87 I was going for macros. Made the decision while seeing MANY yellow trichomes that Wedding Glue from FastBuds is DONE! Attaching pics to the beginning of the weeks uploads. She sure turned out pretty asf didn't she? Lights out occurs in like 30min, and I'm going to work through the dark period stripping the large fans off. Utilizing my green Christmas lights hung up above lol. May turn light on low for a quick pic before chopping/hanging. Next update will be harvest! 2 Girls 1 Cup week 12? Hopefully the finish is this week... My my my how WG has fattened up the last 2 weeks. Trying to get some good macros since it's too hard to hold the scope to my phone and focus everything. Probably better for the existing trics too since they're not being touched. Day 84- these trics are taking their sweet time to ripen. Was considering picking up some GHE Ripen to speed the process up.. especially because a local shop is closing and everything is 40% off. Let's keep it simple this run. I'll get some additives for the next grow to enhance GHE's perfected formulas of macro/micros in the Flora series. An update on the "sample" I clipped from WG the other day. It's not dried/cured proper. Actually been sitting in a brown bag with the outlet of the tent blowing on it lol. Can taste some vanilla in it through the chlorophyll and shit still in the flowers. VERY heady effect that hits me like a friggin wave. Creativity and energy uplifted for sure. Looking for the bodies in there too to help with pain, so we shall wait even longer for those ambers to show. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== Day 85- stepped up our hole a size or two.. lol. May bring home the step bit to drill again before a dark period at the end. The girls STINK! Getting VERY close to chopping day. Ooooh I can't wait (but I gotta). Headies lasting between 2-3hrs which is great. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== Day 86- yellowing more as the days pass. no more ambers showing yet.. wasn't able to score anything good from the local shop today since it was almost empty already. Picked up a grove bag to give it a whirl with curing. May put some in glass to compare side by side with the bags. Figured I'd give their roots an ice bath since I've done other bro science. Shit, GK still hasn't popped a nanner after all I've put her through 🤣. *edit* added some late day WG only pics to show her fall colors coming in. Moving in fast now. Gotta get back up in WG's guts now and scope the progress daily. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== Day 87- the smell in the tent has become so powerful, I next day air'd a new charcoal filter 🤣. This one was reaching the end of its lifespan anyway.. but oh boy has the aroma increased. May be starting the 48hr lights out within the next day or two from the smells of it. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow. If it's your first time, check previous weeks for these girls progress throughout their lives. days 27-70 timelapse @
Week 13. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Grew like a champ. Very hungry the whole way through. Put up with ALL my shenanigans 🤪 *update* dry weight pics added.. 143 grams on the scales (5.1OZ). Not bad for an auto I suppose. Would have been more if I wouldn't have taken a few "samples" along the way lol. It's bagged up and going to sit for a few weeks. Will update with the smoke report when done. Looking real good. Little airy, but I'm happy with her results.
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Spent 93 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

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Lamp distance
2 Girls 1 Cup finally made it to the finish line. Wedding Glue trichomes started turning yellow damn near overnight. Godzilla Cookies still covered in milky frost. I don't have scales, so I'd rather not estimate on wet weight. Wedding Glue is hefty though, thicker than I thought she'd be. I have a number in my head what she'll dry out to, but I'll share that later lol. Chopped Godzilla Cookies up, bagged in two gallon zip locks and slapped in the freezer for a rainy day. I have one 1lb Grove Bag, but after looking at it, and the flowers I have hanging... I may need more grove bags so I don't compact the nugs and can keep the headspace needed for the two way whatever the f these bags do. The SMELL is out of this world. Wish I had words for all the aromas smelled while harvesting. From lemon/lime, candy, grapefruit, diesel, etc.. Wedding Glue is going to be some fucking DANK!! The ooey gooey parts of Godzilla Cookies will turn into a nice bubble hash someday in the future. The list of things learned along the way this time round.. : 1- DONT put diff strains in same RES. This means the same pot as well.. many reasons not to. 2- Keep the RES that will hold roots BASIC, and keep the fancy shit in the external RES (if ya got one). Easier maitenance and minimal risk of root damage. 3- Waterfarms are baddass, but the drainage holes from the upper grow chamber are too few and too small. I added many more to it prior to using this time round and roots still wrapped the bottom of it like they did the RES below. 4- check calibration on your meters frequently... 5- have spare ventilation equipment on standby incase something fails. Don't want the smell getting out, top priority.. 6- plan your wiring for easy movement/adjustment when needed. Zip ties are cool and all.. until you have to cut and replace a hundred of em to move a fan from one pole to another. I know I'm missing a few things and will add them when they come out of long term memory. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow. For all those that stuck around through all my rambling, May God bless you and your future harvests. Will update the smoke report when dry/cured. Keeping environment around 70F, and RH 58%.


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DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 112 years ago
Gosh man, I just saw the drill time video. I'm laughing a lot, but I'm also very interested!
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, the shock seemed to get things moving in the right direction. plant appeared confused as to what it wanted to do up until then. i dont think i would recommend it on a crop you care about. was done as an experiment to see how it reacted. will need to recreate on another crop to see if it has the same effect or not.
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@SmokieMcPot, I saw the stabbed with tweezers too, so do you noticed a good reaction after that? That's interesting
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, I've stabbed GC a few times with tweezers and seemed to have kicked it into high gear (finally). Read up on stem splitting and came up with this. Not enough room to get in there without splitting myself open 🤣. May bring home the drill and a #7 bit for round two today.
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 52 years ago
Love it. I'm making something similar in my current crop, I'll write you in DM for some question 😁
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, sounds good homie
iLoveGrowingBudzGRcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow 🌱
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@ILoveGrowingBudzGR, thanks homie
Apple_Jack514commentedweek 02 years ago
I definetly gotta follow this grow! My next purchase is gonna be wedding glue from herbies. I cat wait to see how yours start out. Good luck bud!
Apple_Jack514commented2 years ago
@SmokieMcPot, haha!! Dude I've grown 7-8 seeds from herbies. They're SO reliable!! I've just recently got hip to grow diaries.
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Apple_Jack514, thanks homie. i just hope it runs as smooth as Herbies shipping went.
Ezzjaybruhcommentedweek 62 years ago
Looking stellar.. nice work. This is the issue I had with autos in hydro (if you can call it that) is the growth is so fast and dense you feel you have to defoliate so often. It’s tough cuz at some point that will slow down significantly, and you want to make sure you have plenty of foliage for the bulking stage. What has happened to me in the past was I went to far at that critical point, and ended up with less than optimal canopy for bulking.. if that makes sense. Excited to see how she turns out
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, you aren't kidding about the push. I can see running an auto from time to time on the side. Especially if you have multiple tents. You can really learn from photos
Ezzjaybruhcommented2 years ago
@SmokieMcPot, yea man.. I’ll do an abusive auto run occasionally to test some shit out but photos are so much easier frankly. That’s what annoys me with all the marketing towards beginners starting with autos.. it should be the opposite. You fuck up a bit with an auto everything can go outta whack and you’re on a rigid timeline - not long after that shit usually hits fan
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, thank you. I know exactly what you're saying about almost daily plucks. I've gone too far too late before as well and ended up murdering the plant and starting over. Trying not to do that again. WG leaves changing shape letting me know to slow down on her. GC i think I have another week maybe. Second time with autos, and after this one were going back to photos for sure. MUCH more forgiving
psyatiquecommentedweek 92 years ago
Good luck buddy💪happy growing🌱
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@psyatique, thanks homie
Ezzjaybruhcommentedweek 02 years ago
Sweet man I saw your question and now I’m following it.. if you got cooling of the res than I’d say go for the heating element.. tho you could probably get a little heater fan.. more expensive tho. I use a small space heater in my 8x4 and 8x10 at times PS - water farms are badass. I had the water farm kits on a few 5 gallons way back in the day
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, appreciate the response on the ?. i thought about a space heater too. this seems like the best option for how tight this space will get with photos later on. def agree about the water farms. my buddy saved this one for me for over 20yrs. upgraded it a bit before its second run. hoping to re-create the first grow in this one, just with two fems this time instead of some dudes from bag seed.
Goreycommentedweek 12 years ago
the name of this diary speaks to me... I want chocolate ice cream all of a sudden.
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Gorey, in a CUP? 🤣
Mining_greencommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck great diary name watchimg this one hopefully it ends inn ahhh not oooohhhhhh
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Mining_green, thanks homie. I have my fingers and toes crossed. I'm starting out with known genetics instead of bag seeds this time round with the farm. Water temps will be in check this time too.
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, thanks homie
UnorthadoxDudecommentedweek 52 years ago
Looking lovely, I am a big fan of companion planting so it's nice to see someone else planting two in the same pot. Your training is pretty much exactly what I have in mind for mine so I shall follow along with this one and see how you get on! :)
UnorthadoxDudecommented2 years ago
@SmokieMcPot, if you want some inspiration from a beginner, take a look at "Karen" in my current grow series. Look at the first three weeks... and then see what happens. These plants are pretty resiliant.
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@UnorthadoxDude, ive made a few mistakes already but think i spotted them quick enough. ill continue to update daily, even if it ends up a loss.
UnorthadoxDudecommented2 years ago
@SmokieMcPot, Zero chance of disappointment (unless you just stop updating I guess), but no matter what happens with the grow, if you record and post it it will help someone somewhere someday.
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Pherguaycommentedweek 102 years ago
Bellísimo, una pregunta bro te haz hecho tú mismo tu sistema hidropónico ? por que no he visto esa máquina en ningún grow, están buenas las plantas, y otra pregunta si las germinó en lana de roca no pasa nada si luego le hecho la arcilla así como haz hecho tú con la turba sería de gran ayuda un saludo
Pherguaycommented2 years ago
@SmokieMcPot, muchas gracias broo
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Pherguay, thanks homie. I made a larger version of the waterfarm. It's waiting for its turn in the tent. I uploaded a vid of it during week 6 I think. I've never used Rockwool, but I don't see that being a problem.
nerdzcommentedweek 92 years ago
Good luck on your wedding glue :) looking good!
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@nerdz, thanks homie. Yours left me drooling
Herbies_Seedscommentedweek 82 years ago
Have a good grow 😉
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Herbies_Seeds, herbies official? Awh shoot.. thanks Herbies 😊. I'm going to try and get GC to finish. If not, I'll run it again for ya and make ya proud. *late edit* RIP Gozdilla Cookies
Drgreen13commentedweek 122 years ago
Some fat, frosty nuggs there pal. Fine specimen.
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Drgreen13, I was eyeing that one for a future grow. Their "fast flower" strains look interesting as well.
Drgreen13commented2 years ago
@SmokieMcPot, I got a few fast buds on the go, there purple lemonade has been my best strain of theirs so far.
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Drgreen13, thanks homie. FastBuds genes def didnt dissapoint me. would def run their beans again for sure.
Domingocitocommentedweek 132 years ago
The tittle of your diary is brilliant 😄
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Domingocito, why thank you. I thought it fit haha
mcflowcommentedweek 82 years ago
Looks great! Good luck growing🍀
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@mcflow, thanks homie
DaGrowQueencommentedweek 52 years ago
Looks good 💚
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@DaGrowQueen, thanks homie.
HAPPYWEEDScommentedweek 12 years ago
Looking so beautiful! 😍 Wish you good luck and happy growing mate 🖖👽
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@HappyWeeds, thanks homie
Fast_Budscommentedweek 132 years ago
Hey growmie - really nice diary Thanks so much for sharing your grow experience, we hope you liked our genetics Have a great weekend :) enjoy the harvest!
SmokieMcPotcommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, FastBuds official? Awh shoot, thanks for stopping by. Decisions made stunted her from her full potential.. but she still turned out great giving her circumstances. Enjoying the "samples" I've taken, so I can only imagine how she'll taste after curing.
the end.
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