I learned to not have my LED lights on full blast. Need to slowly increase intensity. Still have to PH nutrients even if the manufacturer states there is no need. I used rooted leaf and found that using a ph of 6.3 worked great. They state there is no need to ph mix but I had issues when I did not PH.
Had alot of really stretchy phenotypes in the auto seeds. The stretchy ones were fluffy budd and odd. I actually cut one down to reveg just to see what would happen. Pictures are below. However the non stretchy pheno was super frosted.
Harvest was pretty light. 18gr per plant. Hopefully next harvest of GG4 autos do better.
-Dryed 10 days avg temp of 61deg and avg humidity of 60%
- debulked and used a turkey bag for another 6 days until trim..
- trimmed then moved to grove bags.
Small yeild. However, brother-in-law says he is lifted pretty heavy. Noticed alot more trichomes with organic nutrition.