Every Day i see new Shoots on the
Freakshow Plants
soon they will be transplanted into 75l Bags and stay outdoors
this is going to be so much fun
it looks like you can just grow it next to the street and noone will notice it...i wonder how much it smells in flower
i already see it in my garden next to the tomatoes
@MiyaguiOkPolilla,ITS fun to grow them. This is 3 rd Generation
First was from seed
Second have been Clones
And the Clones got revegetated.
And i have been cutting new Clones again
thank you, the time to harvest comes closer, iam already sad to cut her down, but she had ( in parts) a long life for a mj plant,
she was a seed in june 22, then i cut aclone let her grow , and the i harvested, and let her revegetate
and i cut many clones out of her
so she will last after harvest