
3° DWC Cookies Gelato

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
a year ago
weeks 11
weeks 3-4
weeks 3-11, 13
weeks 4
weeks 6, 9
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
50 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 15
10 hrs
Light Schedule
15+ conditions after
Commented by
DeepWaterGrower DeepWaterGrower
2 years ago
WEEK 8 FLOWERING = 2/6/2023 (DAY 50 FLO) ---> 8/6/2023 (DAY 56 FLO) [DAY 99 - 50° FLO] - 2/6/2023 ⚡ - TS1000: 30 cm distance / 66% dimmer = 100 watt; ⌛ - 10/14 light cycle. That should stimulate resin production; 🌡️ - 28° C - 60% RH during light / 24.5° C - 60% RH during night; 📑 - PH Lime green (about 6.2) - EC 2 in DWC; 🌸 - 8° day Ripen. ↕️ 73cm. [DAY 100 - 51° FLO] - 3/6/2023 🌡️ - 28.5° C - 65% RH during light / 25.5° C - 65% RH during night; 📑 - PH Lime green - EC 2 in DWC; 🌸 - 9° day Ripen. [DAY 101 - 52° FLO] - 4/6/2023 🌡️ - 28° C - 60% RH during light / 25.5° C - 65% RH during night; 📑 - PH Lime green - EC 2 in DWC; 🌸 - 10° day Ripen. Trichomes: 70% cloudy/milky, 30% clear, few amber. According to the breeder I should harvest between day 56 and day 70 flowering. I guess about 10 days left! [DAY 102 - 53° FLO] - 5/6/2023 🌡️ - 28.5° C - 65% RH during light / 26° C - 65% RH during night; 📑 - PH Lime green - EC 2 in DWC; 🌸 - 11° day Ripen. [DAY 103 - 54° FLO] - 6/6/2023 ⚡ - TS1000: 30 cm distance / 50% dimmer = 75 watt; 🌡️ - 28° C - 65% RH during light / 26° C - 65% RH during night; 📑 - PH Lime green - EC 2 in DWC; 🌸 - 12° day Ripen. Buds are starting to darken, at least 50% of pistils have turned orange. Trichomes: 75% cloudy/milky, 20% clear, 5% amber. [DAY 104 - 55° FLO] - 7/6/2023 🌡️ - 28° C - 65% RH during light / 26° C - 65% RH during night; 📑 - PH Lime green - EC 1.7 in DWC; 💧 - Added 5 liters water EC 0; 🌸 - 13° day Ripen. [DAY 105 - 56° FLO] - 8/6/2023 🌡️ - 27° C - 65% RH during light / 26.5° C - 65% RH during night; 📑 - PH Lime green - EC 1.7 in DWC; 🌸 - 14° day Ripen, done! Tomorrow change DWC and flush till the end. I guess one week to go! Trichomes: 80% cloudy/milky, 15% clear, 5% amber.
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Grow Questions
DeepWaterGrowerstarted grow question 2 years ago
The left one shows weird leaves, what do you think guys?
Leaves. Other
Ctrellis90answered grow question 2 years ago
It's just a common pigment mutation in that particular pheno. I have it on my lilac diesel 22 x crescendo 11 and at first I thought it was tobacco mosaic virus but as long the plant continues to grow at a normal pace you should have nothing to worry about my guy. Hope this helps.
DeepWaterGrowerstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi guys, yesterday I changed the solution in DWC and today I saw some foam in the tank. I had some ph oscillation and used first ph down and after some silica to raise ph. I guess that could cause that foam, what do you think? Some tips?
Feeding. Chemical composition
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I have no idea what is causing the foam but I wouldn't want it in MY reservoir... If you're not going to change your reservoir out again, I'd at least add some H2O2 (about a tsp per gallon) - but if this was MY grow, I'd change that out again right quick.... and clean the reservoir/bucket (can't tell what you use) with H2O2 very well before filling it back up. Good luck....
DeepWaterGrowerstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi guys, what should I do to fix these problems? 1) I see a lot of white tips on the leaves on the left one. 2) On the other hand the right one leaves show weird veins or am I wrong? Please take a look to the diary for the info you need, thanks a lot.
Leaves. Veins - stay green
Leaves. Color - Pale
UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
a me sembrano stare bene le punte un po' piu chiare normalmente è perche vorrebbe qualcosa in piu e l'altra vuole un po' di cal mag quindi aumentalo leggermente
DeepWaterGrowerstarted grow question 2 years ago
I already made the question, but there is too spam: 1) white tips on the leaves (the left one) 2) weird veins (right one) Please look to the diary for the info you need, thanks a lot
Leaves. Veins - stay green
Leaves. Other
Ctrellis90answered grow question 2 years ago
So your plants are under performing and that's because your ppm is too low. For week five you should be at least around 800-1000ppm by now and into bloom my friend. Not sure if it's because of the training you're doing but I would start giving them the nutrients they need. Hope this helps.

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DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 16a year ago
Thanks to RQS for this amazing strain! @James
SwissKushcommentedweek 02 years ago
This is going to be wonderful!! Everyone should follow! 😍😍😍
Green_Blazzer1984commented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, looking good I'm following this one for sure 😍
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@SwissKush, thank you my friend 🙏🏽
Z4Z0Zcommentedweek 02 years ago
Why did you choose to keep 3 pots at the end instead of 4 ?
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@SwissKush, you know I like trouble 😅 anyway I'm reconsidering two TS1000's, it's really hard to hang them well in a 60x60. Guess I'll go with just one, the new one with the new Mars Hydro driver 😁
SwissKushcommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, hey man I would listen to @Salokin and @Z4Z0Z recommendations. 3 photoperiod White Widow plants will outgrow this 60cm x 60cm space very fast and cause a bad humidity problem. Also, I am very concerned that your 2 TS1000 lights in this small space mounted incorrectly will drive temperatures to a point that cannot be managed. Trust us. Go with a bigger tent if you intend to grow 3 plants. If you cannot get a bigger tent because of space concerns, then stick with 1 plant and a good scrog, with 1 single TS1000 where temperatures can be controlled. 😍
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Salokin, hey man! I know it will be complicated but I am convinced to proceed with 3 seedlings in this run, it will require a lot of cleaning work but I am ready😁
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DSKO88commentedweek 62 years ago
She looks beautiful 😍
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@DSKO88, thanks mate!
backatitagain1990commentedweek 62 years ago
Really great detailed diary. I see where all the awards come from. Such hard work. Well deserved!
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@backatitagain1990, thank you so much, I really appreciate your words!
Salokincommentedweek 02 years ago
Best of luck with your grow, I have a bunch of those sortera boxes at home myself. Maybe I’ll give it a try. Seeing the results you and others produce.
Salokincommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, not really, but I like the idea, especially because of the easy access to the reservoir. I guess you used a regular tankwalve (or whatever you call that in English), to drain the tank? I used something similar for an outdoor drip hydrosystem as a tank when I lived in the south.
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Salokin, you got it. It's a sortera 50 lt. You saw someone else using this reservoir as dwc?
Zakkeusscommentedweek 62 years ago
Hyvät setit sulla👌
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Zakkeuss, thank mate. Ikea helps me 😂
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, thanks 😁
Salokincommentedweek 22 years ago
Hey growmie, reading about your ph frustrations and can definitely feel your pain. What solved the issue for me is that I switched to the canna aqua series. The marketing bla bla says that it contains ph stabilizers. Since I am using their products I only adjust ph once when preparing my nutrient solution and then after 5-7 I change the reservoir. I have not observed any nutrient lockouts due to ph issues. Before I used, a Hesi and advance nutrients, however was not able to control the ph there either and switched. Further, not sure if you did that already, but before I use my pebbles or reuse them, I usually boil them in RO water for 30-60min and then rinse them properly from all the small granulate and then soak them in ph adjusted water for 24 hours. Right now I have just measured my ph and it’s after 7 days of recirculating at 4.9, however the plant is not showing any signs of deficiency, rather tip burn from a to heavy solution. Hope that helps a little and happy growing :)
Salokincommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, coming to think of it, maybe you left them to long in the water with hydrogen peroxide, I did that once for to long and 1 didn’t germinate, one mutated weirdly, but the last one was a champion.
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Salokin, I saw it, nice outcome. Yep, isn't a pigment problem but something worst. I'll let her for one week more to give her a chance. Difference between the plants is huge
Salokincommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, I don’t think it’s necessary a pigment issue, maybe some other form of mutation. It’ll most likely resolve its self, if she shows stunted growth I’d think about removing her, but if not I’d wait how it’ll play out. If you look at my fastbuds diary the wedding glue was a mutant and yielded triple as much as the others, but she was polyploidy.
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Cygi86commentedweek 12 years ago
Could you send some more pics of your set up ? I’m new in hydroponics and want to test few set ups, I have done my first Dwc but I want to try something new.
SwissKushcommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, yes, that is an incredible Barney's Zkittles!! wow! good to find other top DWC (:
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
Hey @SwissKush look at his diary, it's awesome
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Cygi86, hey man, there isn't much more than what you see but in the evening I get home and add a few more photos. In any case, contact me privately for any information you need. This system is a hydropro60 from Platinum Hydroponics and the pots are 12 LT and full of clay (go read the germination week of this diary, there's a bit of info). In the future I will probably go back to dwc, it was my first love 😍. I saw your crop and it's awesome, you rock!
Grow4Releafcommentedweek 52 years ago
Looking good man. That's a interesting Lil set up , I'm still on my first attempt at dwc with a bucket and a autoflower. Kinda doubt I'll be doing any more autos after these tho. To much to relearn I miss my photoperiod lol. But again best of luck to you my friend!!
Grow4Releafcommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, sweet thank u for that. Definitely going to take a look at what Swiss has going on !! Tyvm
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Grow4Releaf, hey man, your plant looks pretty nice. If you need some "guide" for autoflower in DWC, I suggest you to take a look to @SwissKush diaries, only masterpiece there😍
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 102 years ago
Nice canope buddy 👨‍🌾🌲
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, the second net is helping a lot! I'll use this double ScrOG configuration next crops too
mjumbocommentedweek 92 years ago
Amazing work bro! that's outstanding! happy growing!
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@mjumbo, thanks buddy! She rocks!
StrangeTomatoscommentedweek 62 years ago
its loking amazing great job!!!
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@StrangeTomatos, thank u man!
420Baddiecommentedweek 52 years ago
Good Luck! Beautiful grow.
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@420Baddie, thanks 😁
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 22 years ago
Excelente setup 🕶️
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
resimaxcommentedweek 22 years ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😎
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@@resimax, thanks>! enjoy
Qutrocommentedweek 02 years ago
That’s an interesting project. Nice setup man, wish you happy growing.🌱🌞
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Qutro, thanks. Stay tuned 😁
Z4Z0Zcommentedweek 02 years ago
I cant wait to see !
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Z4Z0Z, thanks! look at update :)
Piorkeedcommentedweek 142 years ago
Simply stunning!!!
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Piorkeed, oh buddy, you damn right :) Hope she can gain more and more weight during Ripen stage!