Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock didly do ahhhaha um peace peace on earth lets get peace turning turning the 4th generation peace have peace they think we have no memory
@Butterflyy, thats what they say, ive seen it done and made to work but it is not advisable thats for sure. I just couldnt come to grips with throwing that main branch out i broke. Tried to save it but didnt wark out. Probably because its hard to clone autos might try to train my cat to write shorthand later while im attempting impossible feats
@@Sinsemii, i think its the auto aspect they force to flower and in cloning you need the vegg to propagate roots, when you clone the clone is bas8cly the same age as the moma so if you cant force it to vegg then the energy will, keep being diverted to flower. I think if you get emm before they flower you have a chance but it might not get big enough before flower to be very productive