Dabkingcommentedweek 102 years ago
Jimbo, do some things:
1) Check the Ph of your water mix 5 minutes after you make/mix it. Also check half way through water container you're using and re check the PH.
2) If PH is good, then water until runoff, with roughly 0.1-0.2 gallons and use a tds/ppm meter and check the run off. This will tell you if the soil/nutes/ect are too hot and burning the plant.
3) If ph is good, and run off is good, then add something with Nitrogen (2.0% or over) (0.5-1 tsp per gallon) along with some cal-mag (0.5 tsp per gallon)
Also, please be careful adding anything extra, as generally the recommended dose are too powerful. I would use half of whatever the bottle or package tells you to use.
If all else fails, take your plant to the sink and rinse 3-5x of water through the pot. If you have a 3g pot, run 9 gallons of water. 5g pot- 15-25 gallons. If you want to save time, flush with sink water for a good while and then near the end really dial in the PH with the last few gallons. It is a good possibility that you have a nutrient lock out and I would flush to fix this potential issue.
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