Hi growers!
I really wanted to get this strain going. I must thank @Sweet_Seeds for sending me these seeds, I couldn't do it before.
This time I want to try a full cycle 12/12 grow from seed, I am very curious to see the efficiency of my beloved TS-1000 under these conditions and the reaction of these beautiful plants. Obviously genetics will have great relevance with this method.
For this strain I reused a soil from a previous grow, I simply had to reconstitute it with amendments, I wanted to experience this case of substrate recycling. As you can see it is a complete experiment, many things can get complicated.
I hope the doses of amendments will be sufficient until well into flowering and an acceptable starting pH is established in the soil.
We will see at the end how this experiment went.
It started its life this time with the paper towel technique, so, 24-48H in a paper towel moistened with water PH 7.( I had to repeat the process, 1 seed did not germinate ).
After 48H we have the root, so it is going to be sown.
And well... after 7 days we have a beautiful healthy girl with a bright green and radiant.
She received 3 waterings:
X1 Compost tea
X1 H2O PH 6.5
X1 H2O + root stimulator PH 6.6
See you in a few days...
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience.
And thank you very much again for the score of 9 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️
We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌
Sweet smokes!