looking good. excited for these. gonna transplant to 5 gals in 2.5-3 weeks. the gmo x guava biscotti is automatically staying if nothing happens to it, and the best smacks x 41gs and blueberry fritter x guava biscotti are getting picked. the other 2 i might give them to my buddy if he’s got room. i’ll post an update in 2 weeks on which ones i pick. gonna veg them for probably 6 months. shooting for 200-250g on the low end. got around 90-100g last run w 3 months of veg time. gonna do an outdoor run in this dairy too around april/may/june. black cherry truffle x 41gs. keep an eye out for those too. the pics i’ve seen of those are fire. check out @wolfpackz562 and @wolfpackzpics on ig for flower shots from the wolfpack community.