Now this young lady had some issues, just overnight went from green to lime yellowy to yellow... 🤔 raised her up to create had between her and heat mat and squished the solo cup up well around the edges (brook the soil up some) and she got some of her color back but no growth in height of much if all leafs...**** NOT WATERING*** until soil almost dry I think I over watered during planting, didn't no how moist soil was fun last few waterings vs her usage ... 🤞 groW luck community .. I need it.
@Ju_Bps, hey Doc, yes lined the entire lower ring of cup with holes from a tack and several in the center circle..I forgot to add perlite in the starting soil do definitely inadequate drainage. Also increased light from 20-30% yesterday looks much greener new pics
@BigDaddyK, once weekly (if that) right now I messed up and filled Solo with starting soil forgot perlite and wet entire cup before planting seed she's green now even though I tried to drown her
groW luck Doc.
@BigDaddyK, right now and once (if that) weekly I messed up from start just straight starting soilb forgot perlite and wet entire cup day of planting rooted seed. All Me!!! good looking out,
groW luck doc.
@BigDaddyK,Thanks you sorry for the delayed response: harvesting the purple punch this weekend then giving this girl another week maybe two to Scrog out in the space then flip want her taller and more full...groW luck.