JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 46 years ago
Humboldt products are good bro, when you know how too use them correctly.
Their soil are certified for horticulture and is pre-fertilized, the kind of soil that does not need to add any extra fertilizer for 4-5 weeks .
There’s a N-P-K ratio on every bags of soil with the amount of fertilizer in weight per cubic meter of soil and the EC level of the soil in milliSiemens (mS)
It’s better to start seedlings in a light mix with a low N-P-K ratio and smalls amount per cubic meter.
I personally start in a Soil which is around 0.5mS to 0.7mS EC , in 1.5l pots it’s good enough for 4-5 weeks without adding any more nootz.