Day 92 - Watered them with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.52
TC1 - 51.25"
TC2 - 21.75"
TC3 - 35.25"
Day 93 - They are frosting up nicely 😍
Day 94 - Watered TC2 and TC3 with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.52. Watered TC1 with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Tiger Bloom and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.56
Day 95 - Looking yummy! 😄
Day 96 -Watered TC1 with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.52. Watered TC2 and TC3 with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Tiger Bloom and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.56
Day 97 - They're just chillin tonight
Day 98 - Watered TC1 with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Tiger Bloom and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.53. Watered TC2 and TC3 with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.52