April 14
- start of Veg week 1
- this Diary features a Custom Strain that was just bred last summer. Featuring a very secure and Isolated (burmese sativa) Fighting Buddha, this female was Pollinated by a male plant from Genehtiks; Txerri (cherry) Bilbo Haze.
Thats how “Fighting Bilbo” came into being… I know the Bilbo Haze can hit 3meters, and have seen a full Buddha at 7’, so this is going to be a Hearty strain.
This Sativa will be dripping with Goodness
Limitations are on my part mostly. Next visit (real soon) I will make sure to capture a shot of “OG row.”
7 strains along a nice little ridge next to a Field of Beans 2023
@420DeepGrow, this one hurts the most, cuz its “the” smoke report on THE cross [fighting buddah x Txerri Bilbo Haze] and its just had shit luck all year.
The Buds are looking serious, hope they bulk up for 2 weeks min… tba
Cheers Bro