A super hot week with moderate humidity during the night.
Interesting to compare all these plants to see how much genetics plays a roll in things. All plants are treated equally, but they're not all guaranteed to come out the same - with all sorts of shapes and sizes.
At 9 weeks from seed I'm now frantically trying to figure out when to harvest - I use a magnifying glass with 50x zoom (or something like that) - Trichomes are generally cloudy, some clear and just a hint of brown. So, certainly another week for most. This is always the most difficult part for me.
@GanjaFarmer101 enhorabuena por la planta!
Para la cosecha, puedes hacer una cosecha progresiva, es decir, conforme veas que los tricomas están 100% turbios y alguno ámbar, empieza a cosechar en los cogollos.
Suele ocurrir que la parte superior está lista antes que la parte inferior, de modo que puedes cosechar la copa y las puntas principales cuando alcacen el estado indicado, y dejar el resto de la planta una Semana más e ir analizandola cada día
Enhorabuena por este pedazo de Planta!