
Deranged DLF (First Ever Grow)

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
0.76 L
Grow Conditions
Week 3
22 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
Deranged420 Deranged420
6 years ago
Not sure how I lost this entire weeks comments and had to re-crete them. Day 15 - Still growing a bit but not sure why bottom leaves are turning borwn/discoloring.... Day 16 - Transplanted into 3 gallon pots. Roots were huge in small pot... Day 17 - Still looking ok after transplant, was afriad 300W light would not cover them both but they are looing good! Day 18 - They are looking good were a little dry so gave #1 6oz of water and #2 3oz of water, leaving them alone otherwise. Day 19 - They look like they blew up overnight after watering. I am keeping a moisture meter in one because I think I have been under watering them. Lowered light to 21" cause leaves were pointing up. I am seeing quite a bit of new growth that may not appear in the pics. Trying to figure out how to get more light down there to assist in the growth... Day 20 - Still looking good, gave each about 2 oz of calmag/silicia solution and spritzed with water Starting to see white hairs on both of them... :( Hoped they would get a bit bigger but oh well, i messed up i think limiting their growth in the small pots... Day 21 - Well they kinda blew up overnight! Grew 1" in height. Not sure if this is good or bad but the leaves were pointing up so I lowered the light down a bit to 16" and gave them a spritz of water since soil moisture seems to be good... Trying to keep Air temp up above 75F.
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DadasGrowcommentedweek 56 years ago
Hope all goes well with the rest of your grow my friend! I am also on my first grow, it’s a big learning experience.
DadasGrowcommented6 years ago
@Deranged420, well check out my grow and if you have any questions about it feel free to ask!
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Dadasgrow, You are damn right! These 2 have me shaking my head they are so different but had same treatment since day 1! If you learn anything please let me know! LOL
Apprenticegrow420commentedweek 36 years ago
nice new homes for them and I agree starting them off in the bigger pots would have been better but not all the time from what I've read and I transferred mine into bigger pots as they grew :) rooting for you all the way through buddy! becareful not to over water in the bigger pot, also I noticed with my fabric pots that the medium inside can shift/break up and damage roots if you move them by the handles because they are not rigid and it loosens the soil or Coco but that's a very minor issue lol.29 grams is great yea im in front on costs and it will tide me over so I can upgrade my set up to add in my 2nd tent :D im looking to grow 6 plants of 2/3 strains next grow. ill get it cracking when funds come available and get cracking :) good luck once again but I think you'll do just fine :)
Apprenticegrow420commented6 years ago
you're right but judging by how you go about things from reading your comments and diary I can see you're doing good things.good idea as they seem fine under the lights you have now and no need for extra power draw lol. the key there is 2 different lights and 2 different strains so they may grow differently depending on those factors and the feed being given but one is probably less effective but overall good enough. yea I left my cheese but If you feel confident after looking it up then try it out as it could really help. it's been enough time to start feeding her with grow nutrients I'd suggest, as you don't want to starve them... try 0.5mil per litre or something small to start and see how they respond. you might find they like it :) I tell you I've made more good friends though the common interest of weed than any other way possible lol. good weed good people = a great time :) you can message me privately if you want to stop filling your diary up with our conversation lol also the mylar looks like the expensive kind so yea I'd say it's better than mine (plastic sheet white one side black the other thin stuff) so it should be helping reflect the light back to them well :)
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Apprenticegrow420, Hey man you never know... I am expecting the worst... Figured they would be dead by now. I will give myself some credit when I can smoke! As for light additions i kind of want to let this grow finish. Since it is weird how these things grow, 2 plants in identical conditions and 2 different results thus far.... I will check that site out now because I think my LB will def need some training, it is getting thicker than a snicker already.... Although, I am thinking about leaving everything alone this grow just to see & to set a "standard" to compare against. But when I read your Cheese comment it makes me not want to do that. I hate you! (that is just a joke...) I have mylar everywhere thanks to you... ;) Hope I got the good kind but it seems to be helping... I also like sharing ideas and chatting about common interests in general, this common interest is even better!
Apprenticegrow420commented6 years ago
lol of course they're not dead!! give yourself some credit lol I'd say that's a good investment! let me know which model you go for as they'll probably be a few? not sure to be honest :) yea it should grow something and quite well just don't let it grow outside the light area, using the ties to keep the main steam bent over and stuff would help there but it would add time to veg or it would if you topped them or super cropped. go and it will show you the difference in them and will help you figure out what's best for you if you choose anything, I didn't trim my cheese for ages or train it because I didn't want to ruin it lol but I kinda wished I had tried. the mylar is a good idea and laying out a sheet in the floor if you haven't already will help somewhat. aha it's all good buddy i like sharing ideas , helping and just generally chatting... especially about Mary ;)
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Deranged420commentedweek 106 years ago
#1 is 60g wet, not sure if that is good or bad but will def be more than #2...
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Skunk_Life85, Thank u! it’s just shrinking so fast. 😞
Skunk_Life85commented6 years ago
@Deranged420, that's great for the first time, especially with a dwarf.
Deranged420commentedweek 106 years ago
on day 12 of cure on #1. lol at #2 it might get thrown in the trash. #1 is starting to smell better while curing. hope not much longer left!!!
Deranged420commentedweek 76 years ago
Updating Week comments daily, curious about tips of the leaves on #1 Sprout.. Is this normal? I have barely given any nutes (honestly) and it is in FFHF Soil since the get go...
Deranged420commentedweek 36 years ago
Sorry for the lack of updates, work has been calling and I got a new phone so hopefully better pics to come!
Deranged420commentedweek 36 years ago
I am super happy with these 2 girls, I know they are dwarfs and wont get that big but they continue to grow and are not dead yet so that makes me happy... They are even growing after being transplanted which I read was a no no for auto's... Lesson's learned..... I am starting to see white hairs on both of them so they are about to start flowering I assume... :( was hoping they would get a bit bigger but guess they will still grow and I did mess them up probably keeping them in a small container...
bobo420commentedweek 86 years ago
That Dr. Greenspoon is amazing :) only grew it once, don't have the patience for it :)
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@bobo420, Gotcha if it is Dr Greenspoon then I got he wrong seed as I have never grown anything but what I am now which were all suppose to be autos (2 dwarf low flyers and 1 lambs breath). If I need to move it I can tomorrow...
bobo420commented6 years ago
@Deranged420, not sure, if indeed it is dr. greenspoon auto it might have to look like that but generally, when your leaves start to decrease 'fingers' on them it isn't a good sign. the ones in the buds are ok, but a lot of them seem to affected. But, maybe the auto version has to look like that
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@bobo420, Well it was suppose to be an auto dwarf. As for the leaves I am doing my best, not sure what is going on. PH & Moisture seems to be good on them all... Uploading new pics as I type this...
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iMeuscommentedweek 106 years ago
That's a big nug mate! Lovey buds :)
iMeuscommented6 years ago
@Deranged420, Not horrible at all! You're doing just fine :)
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@iMeus,Thanks. not to horrible for my first time.
Apprenticegrow420commentedweek 36 years ago
looks like she will soon need a bigger pot buddy, definitely use a fabric pot like you have with your other one. maybe you gave her too much water and that made her leaves turn down but once it drains away.. also looks like you have a deficiency perhaps but don't take my word for it you should check online as they have pictures of different leaf issues and what causes them. also someone way more experienced than me would be able to advise further. they are both looking bigger though :) also my main cola lost a hell of alot of water weight so didn't come to as much as it looked when it was first harvested lol. 29grams total is fine by me ;)
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Apprenticegrow420, 29 Grams I could be running around the house!!!! Congrats! I would be happy with 1/4 of that!
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Apprenticegrow420, Thanks for the info, they are looking better today, I am fixing to transplant them in a bit after I put some mylar sheeting up. I was kinda thinking they are outgrowing their pot already or I underwatered them, cause I didnt water but every 3 days, since I have started daily they are getting bigger... My LB is on FIRE so hopefully at least something will produce... Thanks again for all you help!
Apprenticegrow420commentedweek 106 years ago
You aint bad at looking at the tricomes lol i can definitely see milky ones :) that microscope is a awesome buy I have to get one nearer the time I'll need it!
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Apprenticegrow420, thanks bro. top half of this guy is ready to come down. Best $45 i’ve spend as the video really helps!
Skunk_Life85commentedweek 96 years ago
She is looking awsome! Your doing an amazing job for your first go around...
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Skunk_Life85, Thanks brother!
iMeuscommentedweek 76 years ago
So tall! Lovely job mate, keep it up 👍
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@iMeus, Thanks if you are talking about the smaller one! It is looking awesome IMO! The other uhhh,,, Yea it is stupid, not sure what is up there...
Apprenticegrow420commentedweek 56 years ago
hope all stay safe throughout the bad weather buddy! middle and far right look awesome.. your limp dick on the other hand looks out of place so much lol. nice wallpaper btw :)
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Apprenticegrow420, Thanks brother. we weathered the storm but no power for a day or 3 i assume. just trying to keep them alive. yea limp dick is just that lol. but going to try to keep her going too.
Apprenticegrow420commentedweek 56 years ago
wow shes stretched twice the hight of the other one!
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Apprenticegrow420, yea it’s weird. they were always identical until about a week ago. exact same conditions & everything since day 1. i almost want to axe her but have refrained to see what happens.
bobo420commentedweek 16 years ago
Good luck with the grow ;)
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@bobo420, Thanks I need it!
Apprenticegrow420commentedweek 16 years ago
if you got it to germ then you got past the first stage and it looks good man :) im almost at the end of my first grow and there is alot ill do differently next time but it looks like it will give me my step up cost back if not some electric too, not that led uses lots anyway. have fun and good luck bro!
Apprenticegrow420commented6 years ago
no worries bro pay it forward ;)
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@Apprenticegrow420, Thank you again for your insight and help! It is greatly appreciated!
Apprenticegrow420commented6 years ago
I think with ppm you can work out by how much ml per litre of nutrients you use as someone told me 2ml/l is 400 ppm or something like that lol but yea ppm and EC is important as well as pH but I never checked ppm or ec so over fed perhaps stressed it alot too I don't know but enjoy the journey bro. being a beginner is awesome so you get to learn and absorb information but I don't think anyone here would call anyone else stupid lol but I get you. your diary as long as it's updated with the correct info can show everyone exactly what you're doing so if you see problems then your data could hold the answer :). also youll have frame of reference for your next grows so it's a win win. this place is gold to the humble home grower man
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Dahoolacommentedweek 16 years ago
Good luck with your grow! I'll follow along
Deranged420commented6 years ago
@dahoola, thank you! I need a lot of luck!
Deranged420commentedweek 26 years ago
I noticed the leaves turn down a bit after watering but are back up and perfect the next morning. Not sure if this is normal or not.