
RQS Quick One - 2nd grow

2 years ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Quick One
Avg. success
Royal Queen Seeds - 91%
Quick One - 94%
Commented by
Katsuny Katsuny
2 years ago
Left the seed in in a wet paper towel in a plastic box in a dark warm room for 3 days, untill the root was about 1-2cm. . 2cm in soil, no tapping the soil afterwards and sprayed some water on it. On the 4th day the seedling started popping up (1st photo). I gave it about 3 glasses of water over 4 days. Skipped one day when the soil was still wet. Humidity is around 60-65%, temperature is at 21-23 degrees Celsius during the day. I have 2 small plastic pots with water next to the plant to keep the humidity up. Fan is on a low stand to keep air circulating. Carbon filter/fan sucking air out of the tent is off currently. So... Hi! I'm doing my 2nd grow ever and will document it here over the next few months. I'm growing an autoflower plant called Quick One with seeds from Royal Queens Seeds. This grow will (hopefully) be identical to my first attempt, which gave me a pretty decent harvest (36 grams) in 12 weeks. The buds themselves have a great taste and give me a very smooth high, so very eager to try them a second time. Same tent, lights, soil, pot, seed, but doing at 3 small changes this time, hopefully to get an even bigger yield. -Filled the pot almost to the top this time, hoping to give the roots more room, and so growing a stronger plant. -More LST: giving all buds enough room and light to get thicker -I've bought some nutrients to add in a few weeks.
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resimaxcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck and happy growing!
mcflowcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck growing🍀
grizzlytwitterdruidcommentedweek 02 years ago
Using your first diary as my mentoring. Good luck growing 🍀
Katsunycommented2 years ago
@grizzlytwitterdruid, Wow, that's a big honor. Good luck to you too!
Moscowskiycommentedweek 42 years ago
Happy growing my friend! I am doing same strain but i dont make any trainings, I just move the leaves and give more light to the inflorescences