
Ground Zero

2 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 11
24 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
7+ conditions after
Commented by
ironf1st ironf1st
a year ago
Ladies are almost ready. Gonna chop em up in a few days, maybe leave the middle for a bit longer. Gave 2 plants 1.5l, #2 and #3 #1 still had some weight left in the pot. Trichomes are the most developed on #3 in terms of ripeness. The pheno is quite similar to #2 and the first plant I had on my last run, which was my first ever and failed in the end, lol. #1 is the most beautiful of them all. Very frosty! And has the typical haze pheno. I hope the buds are as dense, as they are purple! Unfortunately I have found a few spider mites on a few leaves on #3. I cut these little fuckers off and checked the plants for 2 straight hours, looks clean to me. I think it was due to the fan not reaching that particular spot, #1 and #2 have no infestation. The sweet smell when opening the tent is amazing, even closed, the room is stinking through the roof hehe. It smells like lemon trees in there, but when you actually put your fingers on some sugar leaves, they have a sweet berry like fragrance, just as the first plant I had. I hope I'll get more than 100 grams of dry bud, not having to buy weed is am amazing way of saving these hard earned shekels lol. Wish me luck my brothers. I hope I don't fuck it up again!
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LukeLaBamcommentedweek 11a year ago
looking gooood !!!
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Grow_for_Happinesscommentedweek 12a year ago
Bravo, you made it to the finish line, and your dry room sounds like it's set up pretty well! I do a similar trim on mine, removing fan leaves for dry and doing final trim before curing. I usually aim for 55% RH but honestly I've heard people have success anywhere 50-60%. Fan making air flow and not direct contact with the plants like you describe is exactly what you are looking for. Now the hard part, being patient and waiting for a full dry before cure hahaha. Dry until you can snap the main stem, one side breaking clean and the other side of stem hanging on by fibers. If breaks clean off its over dry, and if doesn't break off one side is not dry enough. Best of luck and congrats again they look great
ironf1stcommenteda year ago
@Grow_for_Happiness, thanks for the assurance my friend! I have calculated the VPD for the 60F & 60%RH it came out as 0.70 kPa, when calculating my parameters it comes out as 0.71 kPa, I know that people talk about optimal conditions but am aware of the range where the weed still turns out nicely. I have learner that there is more than just 1 way to skin the cat and since the VPD is in relation the temp and RH it should come out as the same, I just have to make sure that there is really enough airflow. There was not much information on the topic of VPD and drying weed, but essentially it's still the amount of water evaporation in the plants ( I don't have an IR thermometer to measure the Leaf VPD, so I'm relying only on the athmospheric VPD, but it should be enough for my needs atm). As long there is no mold issues, I will report back to you, maybe this information will be helpful to you as well. my only concern is the degradation of terpenes at higher temperature, but I have read a study (ID: PMC8911901, just type the code in google), where they stated that they have microwaved to dry, albeit ofcourse in a scientific and professional surrounding and still with an offtaste. whish me luck and I thank you greatly for your advice and kind words!
Grow_for_Happinesscommenteda year ago
@ironf1st, that second fan looks like it will really help with airflow, and bouncing it off the wall like that is a great way to do it. RH is what it is, at least if you have good airflow and air exchange like you now do it will help as much as it can 👍🤞. I always try and keep in mind that when people talk numbers online it's usually a "optimum range", doesn't really mean it won't work outside of that. If you check them every day or so you will spot any "bad buds" early. One outdoor season my 4 plants yielded 12 pounds, I dried it in my garage humidity ranging 60-80% and temps 5°c-15°c and I only lost maybe 10% in the end.
ironf1stcommenteda year ago
@Grow_for_Happiness, thank you for your kind words, i installed a second fan this one is oscillating, I've build a platform for it. The current temp and RH is at 19-21C° and 68-70 RH. I can't lower the humidity and temperature this run, the kPa is around 0.6 - 0.7 but mostly at in-between at 0.65~. I hope that the second fan does its job and the ladies don't get moldy. What do you think my friend? I've read in other forums that some dry at 70% RH... I will. Upload a new photo for your judgment of the fan situation.
Grow_for_Happinesscommentedweek 11a year ago
Well done, those buds are looking pretty nice!
Grow_for_Happinesscommenteda year ago
@ironf1st, you got this! For me biggest thing is just keeping environment nice and stable. During dry I aim for 18-21°C and 52-55%RH and have had good luck every time (knock on wood)
ironf1stcommenteda year ago
@Grow_for_Happiness, thank you very much my friend, still got to go through the finish line, wish me luck to not fuck it up lol
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 132 months ago
Congratulations on your harvest growmie 🔥🌱
ironf1stcommented2 months ago
TickleToastcommentedweek 12a year ago
Chop Daaaaaaay!!!! Looking good growmie!
ironf1stcommenteda year ago
@TickleToast, Thank you very much,brother!!!!
LukeLaBamcommentedweek 11a year ago
looking gooood !!!
ironf1stcommenteda year ago
@LukeLaBam, I thank you kindly for your words my friend
GMSgrowscommentedweek 9a year ago
Looking good my friend👍
ironf1stcommenteda year ago
@GMSgrows, thank you very much dude!
Josephmothercommentedweek 72 years ago
Those buds look great! Good luck 👌
Hou_Stonecommentedweek 52 years ago
best wishes for growth ! 👍
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck mate! 🌱🌱
resimaxcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck and happy growing!
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱