The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
2 years ago
Nutrients 4
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.585 mll
Primer A - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer A 0.132 mll
Primer B - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer B 0.132 mll
Week 0 - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 08 May 2023 Start of week: - Dates: [05-14-2023:LJ2Q 1:G:0:1, 05-20-2023:LJ2Q 7:G:0:7 ] - LightIntensity: [ 200, µMol/s/m2 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 1, 2.5, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [ 20, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 306, µMol/s2/m2] - Temp: [77 , °F] - RH: [ 74, %] - VPD: [ 0.6, kPa] SOG Strategy - Standard Germination (Shop Towels), Seedling Mat - Plant sprouted seeds in Jiffy Peats - When Radicle achieves 1”, Transplant in Jiffy Peat - When Roots emerge from Jiffy Peat, Transplant to Propagation Cells - When foliage is 1/3 outside of Propagation Cell boundary, Transplant to 1.2 Gal - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 850, 600 µMol/s2/m2] - DARKHOURSveg := 0700-0100, 6, hr - DARKHOURSflower := 0700-1900, 12, hr We’ll run flipped Light Schedule. Dark hours are set at warmest part of day to support temperature control. Equipment and Supplies - Seedling Mat & Thermostat - Jiffy Pellet Grow box and Jiffy Pellets Environment - EC Targets rel | abs - ECseedling: 0.3 0.6 - ECearlyveg: 0.6 0.9 - EClateveg: 1.5 1.8 - ECearlybloom: 1.3 1.6 - EClatebloom: 1.6. 1.9 - ECripen: 0.9 1.2 - ECFlush: 0.0 0.3 - Germination (Week 1) - Seed Soak - Temp: 80-84°F - RH: 85% - Photoperiod: DARK - Towel Germination - Temp: 80-84°F - RH: 85% - Photoperiod: DARK - Jiffy Peats - Temp 78-82°F - RH: 85% - Photoperiod: 24/0 - Seedling (Week 1-2) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 0.85 ± 0.05 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength Start: 200-300 PPFD - EC: 0.6 (0.2 + 0.3tap ) - Vegetation (Week 3-4) - Temp: 78-84°F - VPD 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength: 400-500 PPFD - EC: - Bolt (2 Weeks) (Week 5-6) (F1-F2) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 600 PPFD - EC: - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 7-8) (F3-F4) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.1 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 600 PPFD - EC: - Late Flower (Week 9-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 600 PPFD - EC: Seedling Seed Prep 1. Prepare Shop Towels for 12 Seeds (4x4 squares, in half, soaked in seed soak, saturate | NOT WET, fully wetted) 2. Seed Soak Solution - Ful-Power Fulvic Acid - Fresh Aloe Vera - Great White 3. Scuff (4 Shakes #400 Sandpaper Tube) - [x] Soak Seeds (warm to ~80°F) w/ Ful-Power, Fresh Aloe Vera 2 Hours Prepare Paper Towels - [x] Drain Excess Water From JPs - should be thoroughly saturated w/out being SOAKING WET - [x] Monitor Every 12 Hours until Tails are ~1/2” or less long THEN - [x] After Seed Soak - Lay Seed Radicle horizontal - [x] SQUEEZE OUT EXCESS WATER from seedling ‘mats’ - [x] Stack in flat sealable container, soak with soak solution - [x] Shop Towel (Seedling Mats) - Fold Long side Twice, and cut length in Thirds Plant in Jiffy Pellets - [x] Monitor every 12 Hours - [x] PLACE Root Tip down in Hole - HEAD Flush with surface of JP - [x] Sprinkle Great White in Hole - [x] With Metal Chopstick - Create 1” Hole a little longer than Seed’s Radicle - [x] ’Till’ 1” straight down - [x] From CLOSED side of JP, CUT 1/4” Hole in mesh Cotyledon’s should be Open in 48 Hours - Dr MJ Coco When Cotyledons have been open for 24 Hours - [x] Photoperiod: 18/6 Environment.Sprout - Temp: 78-82°F - RH: 85% Environment.Seedling - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD 0.90 ± 0.50 (0.85 - 1.0 mbar) Fertigation - Rooted Leaf Light Feed - Rooted Leaf Medium Feed (FOLIAR ONLY!) - EC Targets rel | abs - ECseedling: 0.3 0.6 - ECearlyveg: 0.6 0.9 - EClateveg: 1.5 1.8 - ECearlybloom: 1.2 1.5 - EClatebloom: 1.5. 1.8 - ECripen: 0.9 1.2 - ECflush: 0.6 0.9 Coco Final Rinse Rooted Leaf LIGHT Chart Coco Prep / Seedling Formula: (Week 1 Vegetative) - Primer A: [ 2, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 2, ml, gal] - CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] # DOUBLED FOR FINAL RINSE - Silica Skin: [ 1, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 1, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 1, ml, gal] - EC: TBD Rooted Leaf Hydro 0.8 - 1.6 EC (Half the Hydro Chart Week 1): - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 1, ml, gal] - EC: TBD Sun 14 May 2023 LJ2Q 0:G:0:0 - [x] Will need 5.5 Gallons of Coco Prepped for 1 Gal Transplant - [x] Home Depot - Shop Towels, Ceramic Cement - [x] Mix 2 Gallons of ‘Coco Final Rinse’ to GROW Buffer first Coco Rinse (Actual initial EC/Formula) - Enough for Propagation Cells (12, 6l, 1.5 Gal) - LighIntenisty: 750 Ppfd - Moisture Meter: 121 mBar ——————— GROW START Mon 15 2023 LJ2Q 1:G:0:1 2023-05-15T09:52:02-0500: - 2 6-Seed Packs, Lemon Jeffery by IRIE Genetics - [x] Scuff each seed - 4 shakes in #400 grit Sandpaper Tube - [x] Seed Soak - Aloe - Ful-Power - Great White (Scant) - ~80°F - [x] Shop Towels prepped for Each - [x] Cut - [x] Folded - [x] Label - [x] Jiffy Peat Soak - Aloe - Ful-Power - Great White (Scant) - [x] Order Stepping Drill for Drain Plug installation (Amazon ~$25) 2023-05-15T10:21:44-0500 - Seeds WET (14) - Shop Towels Prepped - Jiffy Peats Prepped - Propagation Cell Popsicle Stick Labels Prepped NOON - Seeds to Shop Towels Tue 16 May 2023 LJ2Q 2:G:0:2 - [x] Jiffy Peats Prepared - [x] Germination Check: None Wed 17 May 2023 # FULL GERMINATION OF 14 Seeds! - BUSY DAY! LJ2Q 3:G:0:3 - [x] Check Germination - All Seeds Germinated (14), 4 Need half a day, 10 are 3/4” to 1” long - Ready for JPs - Removed JPs from Soak - Cut slit in Bottom (JPs ‘Open’ Top and Bottom) - [x] PM - Plant Seed Tails in Jiffy Peats - Let the germinating seeds sit TOO LONG in Paper Towels - most seeds had lost their heads and had grown to the bottom - 1 - 1-1/2”. Not the best JP Planting. Will monitor. Thu 18 May 2023 LJ2Q 4:G:0:4 - [x] Prep Propagation Cells (1 L Airpots) - - [x] Clean Mars Hydro SP 3000 - [x] Buy PVC or 1x1’s to support drain tray - [x] Install Drain Plugs in Drain Tray Friday 19 May 2023 LJ2Q 5:G:0:5 - Transplant Jiffies to Propagation Cells (14) - Bury extra Stem as up to 2” - [x] Prep 1 Gal Seedling Solution: - Primer A: [ 0.5, ml] - Primer B: [ 0.5, ml] - Root Anchor: [ 1.0, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 1.0, ml] Aloe Transplant: - Fresh Aloe: 2”, remove and mix gel in equal amount of filtered water - Add equal amount filtered water - [x] 1 ml Aloe Sol’n @ meristem base per plant - [x] 2000: 12 ml Seedling Solution per plant Sat 20 May 2023 LJ2Q 6:G:0:6 - [x] 0900: 12 ml Seedling Solution per plant - [x] Setting Time schedule - Veg Light Hours: 1900 - 1300 - Bolt Light Hours: 1900 - 0700 Sun 21 May 2023 LJ2Q 7:S:0:7 - Plant Height Range: [ 1, 2.5, in] - Light Intensity: [ 306, µMol/s2/m2] - [ ] Light Seal Tent - [ ] Setup Drain lines - [ ] Mock-up Feed Rings - [x] Need 8 - 16 nylon ties to bind ring to tubing Increased Light to 306 PPFD from ~200 - We’re finishing Germination week up-planted to 1L propagation cells. We’ll continue to maintain them until 1/3 of the leaf radius extends beyond the circumference of the cell, at which point we’ll Up Plant to 4.4 L, Flip to 12/12, and grow 8 colas. SOP: Final SOG Transplant: - 8 - 4.4 L Pots (1.2 Gal) - Bury stem so resulting 1st Node height is ~ 2” - Fertigate to 5-10% Runoff - Set initial fertigation schedules: 2x, 4x, 8x - Light Schedule: [ 1900, 0700 + 24] - Dark Schedule: [ 0700, 1900]
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
450 PPM
69 %
14 °C
1 L
0 L
49.53 cm
Nutrients 5
Primer A - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer A 0.528 mll
Primer B - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer B 0.528 mll
Silica Skin - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Silica Skin 0.264 mll
Week 1 - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Start of week: - Dates: [05-22-2023:LJ2Q 1:S:1:1, 05-28-2023:LJ2Q 7:S:1:7 ] - LightIntensity: [ 200, µMol/s2/m2 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 1, 2.5, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [ 15, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 405, µMol/s2/m2] - Temp: [81 , °F] - RH: [ 69, %] - VPD: [ 0.87, kPa] SOG Strategy - Standard Germination (Shop Towels), Seedling Mat - Plant sprouted seeds in Jiffy Peats - When Radicle achieves 1”, Transplant in Jiffy Peat - When Roots emerge from Jiffy Peat, Transplant to Propagation Cells - When foliage is 1/3 outside of Propagation Cell boundary, Transplant to 1.2 Gal - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 - Target DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/s2/m2] - DARKHOURSveg := 0700-0100, 6, hr - DARKHOURSflower := 0700-1900, 12, hr Note - Cannabis has a MINIMUM DLI Requirement ~20 Mol-photons, and OPTIMAL ~30. For production flowers - we’re looking to MAINTAIN 40 DLI Through Flower. - This means we’ll need a MINIMUM PPFD of 930 to achieve at 12/12 We’ll run flipped Light Schedule. Dark hours are set at warmest part of day to support temperature control. Environment - EC Targets rel | abs - ECseedling: 0.3 0.6 - ECearlyveg: 0.6 0.9 - EClateveg: 1.5 1.8 - ECearlybloom: 1.3 1.6 - EClatebloom: 1.6. 1.9 - ECripen: 0.9 1.2 - ECFlush: 0.0 0.3 - Seedling (Week 1-2) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 0.85 ± 0.05 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength Start: 200-300 PPFD - EC: 0.8 (0.5 + 0.3tap ) - Vegetation (Week 3) - Temp: 78-84°F - VPD 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength: 400-600 PPFD - EC: 1.2 - Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 4-6) (F1-F3) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 PPFD - EC: - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 7-8) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 PPFD - EC: - Late Flower (Week 9-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.1 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 11/13 - Light Strength: 930 PPFD - EC: Environment.Seedling - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD 0.90 ± 0.50 (0.85 - 1.0 mbar) Fertigation - Rooted Leaf Light Feed - Rooted Leaf Medium Feed (FOLIAR ONLY!) - EC Targets rel | abs - ECseedling: 0.3 0.6 - ECearlyveg: 0.6 0.9 - EClateveg: 1.5 1.8 - ECearlybloom: 1.2 1.5 - EClatebloom: 1.5. 1.8 - ECripen: 0.9 1.2 - ECflush: 0.6 0.9 Rooted Leaf Hydro 0.8 - 1.6 EC (Half the Hydro Chart Week 1): - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 1, ml, gal] - EC: TBD Rooted Leaf Agritech LIGHT Feed: Week 1 - Primer A: [ 2, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 2, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 1, ml, gal] Seedling Mix: - Cal Mag Fuel: [ 1, ml, gal], [0.125, ml, pt]] - Lush Green: [ 1, ml, gal], [ 0.125, ml, pt]] - Root Anchor: [ 1, ml, gal], [ 0.125, ml, pt]] - CalMag Fuel: [ 1, ml, gal, [ 0.125, ml, pt]] - EC: 0.6(0.9) - 0.9(1.2) Mon 22 2023 LJ2Q 8:S:1:1  Tue 23 May 2023 LJ2Q 9:S:1:2 Wed 24 May 2023 LJ2Q 10:S:1:3 - 0800: [ 30, ml, plant], [ Primer A: [ 1, ml], Primer B: [ 1, ml], CalMag Fuel: [ 1, ml], Root Anchor: [ 1, ml]] - 2023-05-24T09:13:52-0500: Inspected a couple of cell bottoms - no roots observed. Thu 25 May 2023 LJ2Q 11:S:1:4 - 30 ml per plant per watering is overkill - Have 3 laying over, soft stems. - We’ve 2 nodes everywhere, some starting node 3 - [ ] Back off to 20 ml per, until 3 Nodes across ALL Friday 26 May 2023 LJ2Q 12:S:1:5 Sat 27 May 2023 LJ2Q 13:S:1:6 - Temp, RH: [ 82, °F], [ 67, %] - Let the seedlings dry out too much last night - 10 ml per Plant: SeedlingMix Sun 28 May 2023 LJ2Q 21:S:1:7 - 0900: 15 ml per plant (Primer A,B; Silica Skin) - 1030: 15 ml per plant (Primer A,B; Silica Skin, CalMag Fuel, Lush Green, Root Anchor)
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
450 PPM
69 %
14 °C
1 L
0 L
49.53 cm
Nutrients 5
Primer A - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer A 0.528 mll
Primer B - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer B 0.528 mll
Silica Skin - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Silica Skin 0.264 mll
Week 2 - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Summary Goal this week was simply to have happy seedlings. I over-fertigated early in the week - let them dry down for 24 hours. Fed 60 to each as a flush (really just wanted known moisture level), then 30 ml/ each twice a day since. May have errored with mix Tuesday, pictures illustrate two plants with nutrient burn. Leaves have remained yellow/green until today, where so me darkening in the center growth is apparent. A little late Sunday watering - all well. Fertigation - 30ml/plant - EC: 0.85, [Primer A, Primer B, Silica Skin, Lush Green, CalMag Fuel, Root Anchor] Have Week 2 Base mix in the fridge. Adding 0.125 ml/pt CalMag & LushGreen (Aminos) Scotoperiod: [ 6, hrs] Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Start of week: - Dates: [05-29-2023:LJ2Q 1:S:1:1, 06–04-2023:LJ2Q 7:S:1:7 ] - LightIntensity: [ 490, µMol/s2/m2 ] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 3, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [15, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 405, µMol/s2/m2] - Temp: [81 , °F] - RH: [ 69, %] - VPD: [ 0.87, kPa] SOG Strategy - Standard Germination (Shop Towels), Seedling Mat - Plant sprouted seeds in Jiffy Peats - When Radicle achieves 1”, Transplant in Jiffy Peat - When Roots emerge from Jiffy Peat, Transplant to Propagation Cells - When foliage is 1/3 outside of Propagation Cell boundary, Transplant to 1 Gal Airpots - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/s2/m2] - DARKHOURSveg := 0700-0100, 6, hr - DARKHOURSflower := 0700-1900, 12, hr Note: - HEMP has a MINIMUM DLI Requirement ~20 Mol-photons, and OPTIMAL ~30. For production flowers - we’re looking to MAINTAIN 40 DLI Through Flower. - This means we’ll need a MINIMUM PPFD of 930 to achieve at 12/12 We’ll run flipped Light Schedule. Dark hours are set at warmest part of day to support temperature control. Environment - EC Targets rel | abs - ECseedling: 0.3 0.6 - ECearlyveg: 0.6 0.9 - EClateveg: 1.5 1.8 - ECearlybloom: 1.3 1.6 - EClatebloom: 1.6. 1.9 - ECripen: 0.9 1.2 - ECFlush: 0.0 0.3 - Seedling (Week 1-2) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 0.85 ± 0.05 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength Start: 200-300 PPFD - EC: 0.8 (0.5 + 0.3tap ) - Vegetation (Week 3) - Temp: 78-84°F - VPD 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength: 400-600 PPFD - EC: 1.2 - Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 4-6) (F1-F3) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 PPFD - EC: - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 7-8) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 PPFD - EC: - Late Flower (Week 9-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.1 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 11/13 - Light Strength: 930 PPFD - EC: Environment.Seedling - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD 0.90 ± 0.50 (0.85 - 1.0 mbar) Rooted Leaf Hydro 0.8 - 1.6 EC (Half the Hydro Chart Week 1): - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 1, ml, gal] - EC: TBD Per Pint Seedling Mix: - RLA Light Feed Week 2 (Mix Gallon, Refrigerate) - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 2, ml, gal] - Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal] - - Per Feed Supplements: # (Mix&Feed Nutes Only) - Cal Mag Fuel: [ 1, ml, gal], [0.25, ml, pt]] - Lush Green: [ 1, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - Root Anchor: [ 1, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - EC: 0.6(0.9) - 0.9(1.2) ______________________________________ Mon 29 2023 # Veg Week = TX to 1 GAL LJ2Q 15:S:2:1 - FertigationEvent: - 2023-05-29T12:30:14-0500, - Primer A, B; Silica Skin - +0.125 ml CalMag Fuel - +0.125 ml Root Anchor - ~30 ml per plant - EC: [ 0.9, 1.0, mS] Tue 30 May 2023 LJ2Q 16:S:2:2 - 0800: Watered ~ 30 ml/plant @ 0800. Not looking good, varying weights - 1000: Watered 60 ml/plant to Saturate - Primer A, B; Silica Skin; CalMag Fuel; Lush Green, Root Anchor - Temp: 57°F - EC: 1.0-1.1 - Plants happier in 20 min. Been Under watering? We need to approach runoff per 1 L - Once a day 60 ml?  Wed 31 May 2023 LJ2Q 17:S:2:3 - 0900: 60 ml/plant : Basic Sprout Solution (Primer A,B; Silica Skin) - EC: ~1.0*  Thu 01 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 18:S:2:4 - 0900: 60 ml/plant: Primer A,B; Silica Skin; Lush Green; CalMag Fuel - EC: ~1.0 Friday 02 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 19:S:2:5 - 0800 - [Primer A, Primer B, Silica Skin, Lush Green] (Base AB, Silicon, Aminos) - 30 ml/plant - EC 0.9 mS - 2023-06-02T10:50:58-0500 - Adjusted Light Intensity Up 490 PPFD from 390 - [ ] Monitor VPD Sat 03 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 20:S:2:6 - Mixed RLA-Light Week 2: [ Primer A, 2, ml], [Primer B, 2, ml], [Silica Skin, 1, ml) - EC: 0.7 At Fertigation - Per PINT Mix [ 0.125, ml] per Cal Mag Fuel and [ 0.125] Lush Green - [x] Fertigate before Lights Out, 30 ml/plant - [x] 1900 - per Pint mix [ 0.125, ml] per Cal Mag Fuel [ 0.125] Lush Green, and [ 0.125 Root Anchor], EC: < 1.0 mS Sun 04 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 21:S:2:7 A little late Sunday watering - all well. Fertigation - 30ml/plan - EC: 0.85, [Primer A, Primer B, Silica Skin, Lush Green, CalMag Fuel, Root Anchor] - Have Week 2 Base mix in the fridge. Adding 0.125 ml/pt CalMag & LushGreen (Aminos) —— Fertigation Estimates —— 470 ml total across 14 plants, 33.5 ml/ plant 1 Gal, 3800 mls: 1x: 380 ml MAX/day, 190; 2x: 95 ml
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
700 PPM
69 %
14 °C
4 L
0 L
49.53 cm
Nutrients 6
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.5 mll
Primer A - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer A 1.057 mll
Primer B - Rooted Leaf Agritech
Primer B 1.057 mll
Week 3 - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-06-30, 2024-07-07] Must Do before Week End - [ ] Electrical Tape over power plug lit switch & Humidifier Fan Charging Light Start of week: - Dates: [06-05-2023:LJ2Q 22:S:3:1, 06–1-2023:LJ2Q 28:S:3:7 ] - LightIntensity: [ 490, µMol/s2/m2 ] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 4, 5, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [100, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 405, µMol/s2/m2]1 - Temp: [81 , °F] - RH: [ 69, %] - VPD: [ 0.87, kPa] - Scotoperiod: [ 6, hrs] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (1900) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200) - I’ve enabled 4-6°F LOWER Temperatures by externalizing the LED’s (Meanwell) Driver. However, since inflow is 68°F from 2200 - 0600, the tent, especially when plants are small, reverts to the Room Temperature. Blocking airflow to the room during the 68°F Period allows the room to warm to desired grow temperatures (74-78°F) SOG Strategy - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?) - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/s2/m2] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Vegetation (Week 3) - Temp: 78-84°F - VPD 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength: 400-500 µMol/s2/m2 - Fertigation - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 2, ml, gal] - Augments per QUART - CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.5, pre-Transplant - EC: 1.1 - 1.2 post-Transplant - Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 4-6) (F1-F3) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2 - Rooted Leaf Hydro (Reservoir), (RLA EC 0.8 - 1.6 - Half the RLA Hydro Chart) - Primer A, Primer B: [ 8 ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.7 # 1.1, 1.4, 1.7 - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 7-8) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2 - EC: 1.7 - Late Flower (Week 9-13) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/s2/m2] - EC: 1.7 - 1.3 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.3 - 1.2 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 ______________________________________ Environment.Seedling - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD 0.90 ± 0.50 (0.85 - 1.0 mbar) Rooted Leaf Hydro 0.8 - 1.6 EC (Half the Hydro Chart Week 1): - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 2, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.2MAX - Per Feed Supplements: # (Mix&Feed Nutes Only) - Cal Mag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal], [0.25, ml, pt]] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - EC: 0.8(1.1), 0.9(1.2) Mon 05 Jun 2-23 # Up Plant Week LJ2Q 22:S:3:1 - Raising Light Distance & Dimmer Intensity, Maintain Services & Tools -> Analysis Services -> Basic/Advanced Options -> Basic Options - ing PPFD @ 475 - Goal is to reduce PPFD Differential across different sized plants. - Increasing to week 2 RLA-Light Chart - EC: 1.1 - 1.2 - CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - Dilute to EC: 1.1 - 1.2 mS  Tue 06 May 2023 LJ2Q 23:S:3:2  Wed 07 May 2023 LJ2Q 24:S:3:3 - Mix 0.75 Gal Feed - CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal] - Quillaja 20 Extract: [ 1, gm, gal] - EC: 1.3 Thu 08 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 25:S:3:4 - Jun 11th will be 4 weeks complete - good time for flip. ;-} - Mix 0.75 Gal Feed - CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal] - Quillaja 20 Extract: [ 1, gm, gal] - EC: 1.3 # EC: 1.4 NEXT FILL (Diluted EC from 1.5 to 1.3) - Cleaned Fertigation Chiller - Flush for 20 minutes with 2 Gallons of water - 10 ml/gal SLF-100 - 1 Cup of Kombucha Vinegar - Run tube dry, stop pump - 2nd Flush - Rinse tank of any solid elements - Refill with 2 Gal warm/hot water - 1 Cup of 30% Vinegar - Run for 1 hour - Rinse - Rinse Tank - Fill with 1 Gallon CLEAN Water - Run for 5 minutes - Dump Water  - Solar Rain/Silica Skin Foliar to All Seedlings Friday 09 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 26:S:3:5 - [x] Mix 0.75 Gal Feed - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] EC: 1.3 # EC: Keeping it here for a bit - a few leaf tips barely show yellow tips (tiny) Saturday Supplies Needed - [x] 30% Vinegar - [x] Duct Tape (For Polyester Tents) - [x] Central Drain Bucket - [x] Black Silicon Tubing (OD: 10mm, ID 8mm) Sat 10 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 27:S:3:6 - [x] Mix 0.75 Gal Feed - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] EC: 1.4 # +0.1 Saturday Night # Transplant/Flip Prep, Adding Peak Bloom Starter - [x] Mix 0.75 Gal Feed - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 1, ml, gal] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - [x] EC: 1.5 # +0.1 - [x] Select 8 Keepers - [x] Prep 1 Gal pots - [x] Light Seal Tent - [x] Prep Chiller - [x] 3 Gallons Rooted Leaf Hydro, EC: 1.1 (From 1.3 start at 1.1, ramp to 1.5, +0.2 EC/Fill Sun 11 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 28:S:3:7 - [x] TRANSPLANT 1L -> 4 Liter - [x] Install Plants in Tent - [x] WASH/RINSE DRIP TRAY Hydro Feet Chart is 1.6 - 3.2, Cut in Half for Light Hydro Flower through week 8, EC ~1.7 Flower week 8, EC 1.5 Flowers week 9, EC: 1.1 Flower Week 10, EC: 0.8 / Resin Bloom Only Transplant - Dust Great White on roots, Wear Mask - Spray Aloe Vera Solution - Install in Tent - Calibrate Drip Rings - Bags for Gifts
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
700 PPM
69 %
14 °C
4 L
0 L
49.53 cm
Nutrients 6
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.5 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.25 mll
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 - BuildASoil
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 0.326 mll
Week 4 - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-06-30, 2024-07-07] Must Do before Week End - [x] Electrical Tape over power plug lit switch & Humidifier Fan Charging Light Start of week: - Dates: [06-12-2023:LJ2Q 29:V:4:1, 06–18-2023:LJ2Q 35:V:4:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 5, 8, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [840, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 842, µMol//m2/s ] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] - Temp: [82 , °F] - RH: [ 63, %] - VPD: [ 0.80, kPa] - Scotoperiod: [ 6, hrs] - Feedwater per Day: [ 3360, ml] - EC: [ 1.8, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200) SOG Strategy - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?) - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/s2/m2] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Vegetation (Week 3-4) - Temp: 78-84°F - VPD 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength: 400-500 µMol/s2/m2 - Fertigation - Primer A: [ 6, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 6, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 3, ml, gal] - Augments per QUART - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal] - Peak Bloom: [ 1.5, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.5, pre-Transplant - EC: 1.1 - 1.2 post-Transplant - Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 5-7) (F1-F3) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2 - Rooted Leaf Hydro (Reservoir), (RLA EC 0.8 - 1.6 - Half the RLA Hydro Chart) - Primer A, Primer B: [ 8 ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.7 # 1.1, 1.4, 1.7 - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2 - EC: 1.7 - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/s2/m2] - EC: 1.7 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 ______________________________________ Environment.Seedling - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD 0.90 ± 0.50 (0.85 - 1.0 mbar) Rooted Leaf Hydro 0.8 - 1.6 EC (Half the Hydro Chart Week 1): - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 2, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.2MAX - Per Feed Supplements: # (Mix&Feed Nutes Only) - Cal Mag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal], [0.25, ml, pt]] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - EC: 0.8(1.1), 0.9(1.2) Mon 05 Jun 2-23 # Up Plant Week LJ2Q 22:S:3:1 - Raising Light Distance & Dimmer Intensity, Maintain Services & Tools -> Analysis Services -> Basic/Advanced Options -> Basic Options - ing PPFD @ 475 - Goal is to reduce PPFD Differential across different sized plants. - Increasing to week 2 RLA-Light Chart - EC: 1.1 - 1.2 - CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - Dilute to EC: 1.1 - 1.2 mS ________________________ Mon 12 2023 # Pre - FLIP Week LJ2Q 29:V:3:1 - Transplanted last 3 - Watering by hand until Irrigation Fitted and Calibrated - [ ] Fertigation - [ ] Connect Drip Rings IN TENT - [ ] CALIBRATE EACH FEED to 15% Runoff (Will become NO runoff within first week) - [ ] Install Drip Rings in Containers Tue 13 May 2023 LJ2Q 30:V:4:2 Wed 14 May 2023 LJ2Q 31:V:4:3 - Setup and Calibrated GrowTek Feed Pumps - Setup GrowTek Drain Lines - Initialized Reservoir - 3 Gallons Filtered Water - Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - [x] Rooted Leaf Feedwater - [x] Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] EC: 1.6 # Added another 1.5 Gal Thu 15 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 32:V:4:4 - ACI Controller running max fan OUTSIDE of set parameters. Found separate automations for ‘All’ and ‘Port 4’. Changed to just ALL - RH Trigger: 69% - Temp Trigger: 83°F - Plants are Island Green (almost chartreuse), Relaxed Position, gentle crease in center of leaves. - We’re at 6 nodes across the plants.  Fertigation - 6 Times per 18 hours - 160 min Frequency, every 3 hours - 80 ml/plant/event Friday 16 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 33:V:4:5 OOPS! Meant to set Fertigation to 80/plant, but forgot each feed goes to TWO plants. Doubled per Feedline amount to accommodate. All plants working Node 7 Sat 17 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 34:V:4:6 Reservoir EC @ 2023-06-17T10:48:01-0500: [ 1.7, kPa] # +0.1 from last load Sun 18 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 35:V:4:7 Fertigation: - [ ] @1900 Flip to 12/12 (1900-0700+24h) - [x] RLA Hydro Medium: - [x] EC: [ 1.8, mS] - [x] Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Amount: [ 2, gal] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal] - [x] SLF-100 - [x] Quillaja Powder: [ 2.5, gm, gal] - [x] Adjust Fertigation to 6 events/12 Hours: 140 ml/plant
Week 5. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
800 PPM
70 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
49.53 cm
Nutrients 6
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.5 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.25 mll
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 - BuildASoil
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 0.326 mll
Week 5 - Bolt - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-06-30, 2024-07-07] Start of week: - Dates: [06-19-2023: LJ2Q 36:B:1:1, 06–25-2023: LJ2Q 42:B:1:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 5, 8, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [840, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 842, µMol//m2/s ] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] - Temp: [82 , °F] - RH: [ 63, %] - VPD: [ 0.80, kPa] - Scotoperiod: [ 6, hrs] - Feedwater per Day: [ 3360, ml] - EC: [ 1.8, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200) SOG Strategy - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?) - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Vegetation (Week 3-4) - Temp: 78-84°F - VPD 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength: 400-500 µMol/m2/s - Fertigation - Primer A: [ 6, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 6, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 3, ml, gal] - Augments per QUART - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal] - Peak Bloom: [ 1.5, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.5, pre-Transplant - EC: 1.1 - 1.2 post-Transplant - Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 5-7) (F1-F3) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s - Rooted Leaf Hydro (Reservoir), (RLA EC 0.8 - 1.6 - Half the RLA Hydro Chart) - Primer A, Primer B: [ 8 ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.7 # 1.1, 1.4, 1.7 - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s - EC: 1.7 - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 1.7 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Rooted Leaf Hydro 1.7 - 1.9 EC (Half RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): - Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] _____________________________________________ Mon 19 2023 # Commence Flowering! Bolt Week 1 LJ2Q 36:B:1:1, B:1  6 ‘Extras’ Gifted to Kaneh Bosem Tue 20 May 2023 LJ2Q 37:B:1:2 - There was about 1.9 liters of runoff after turning fertigation up to 300, which is - [x] @1900: For Each Plant - [x] Remove Leaves Below TOP 3 Nodes - [x] Retain 1 Growth Node from Node 1 & Node 2 From Each Plant
(When they’ve 3 Nodes, Cut/Clone) - [x] Eliminate Remaining Growth Tips Node 1-5 - [x] Eliminate Shaded Fans
 Wed 21 May 2023 LJ2Q 38:B:1:3 Thu 22 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 39:B:1:4 Friday 23 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 40:B:1:5 Sat 24 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 41:B:1:6 - Tallest Plant: 13” - Shortest Plant: 11” - Reduced Fertigation Amount: [ 30, ml, plant] Sun 25 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 42:B:1:7
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
66.04 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
950 PPM
72 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
0 L
49.53 cm
Nutrients 6
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.5 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.25 mll
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 - BuildASoil
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 0.326 mll
Week 6 - Bolt II - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-06-30, 2024-07-07] Weeks Observations After flip, #7’s Meristem switched to Alternate Nodes instead of the symmetric typical of Meristems. It also is a 9 leaflet plant. (One of 3) End of week struggling with humidity, can’t bring below t68-69% with medium high inline fan. De-foliated bottoms again, super cropped Overly tall plants (4) to lower canopy, raised light to HIGHEST DISTANCE at 100% - ~680 PPFD across canopy. Will have to remove some lower growth tips that don’t reach with 2” of canopy. Start of week: - Dates: [2023-06-26: LJ2Q 43:B:2:1, 07–02-2023-07-02: LJ2Q 49:B:2:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 13, 26, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [420, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 811, µMol//m2/s ] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 70, %] - VPD: [ 0.75, kPa] - Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs] - Feedwater per Day: [ 3360, ml] - EC: [ 1.8, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200) SOG Strategy - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?) - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 5-7) (F1-F3) # Last Week of Bolt! - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s - Rooted Leaf Hydro (Reservoir), (RLA EC 0.8 - 1.6 - Half the RLA Hydro Chart) - Primer A, Primer B: [ 8 ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 2.2 # 1.1, 1.4, 1.7 - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s - EC: 1.7 - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 1.7 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Rooted Leaf Hydro 1.7 - 2.0 EC (Half RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): - Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] ____________________ Mon 26 Jun 2023 # Bolt 2 LJ2Q 43:B:2:1 - Canopy Grew 1.5”, Raising Light to Maintain Intensity - Are we ready to raise EC to a Max ~ 2.0 mS? NO! Not Yet (If ever) - We’re going through 4 Gallons in 3 Days - [x] Refill w/ 6 Gallons Rooted Leaf Hydro Feed - [x] Add 6 Gallons Filtered H2O to Reservoir - [x] Add - [x] Primer A: [ 48, ml, 6, gal] - [x] Primer B: [ 48, ml, 6, gal] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 24, ml, 6, gal - [x] EC to 1.7 mS (1.8 MAX) - [x] Mix 1 Gallon of FULL Flower Week 2 Nutes, EC: 1.2 @ Lights On @ 300 ml/plant: 2.4 Liters - Primer A: [ 6, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 6, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 3, ml, gal] - Calmag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal] - Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal] - [x] @2300: Enable normal HYRDO Chart Feed @ EC 1.8, @ 67 ml/plant per 90 Minutes Take Two Cuttings per Plant  - [x] Prep Clone Dome - [x] Clean, Rinse, Dry Clone Procedure - [x] Cut 1” below desired node, - [x] Immediately dip in Aloe Gel AND place tip in Rooting Plug - [x] Apply Tag to Cutting - [x] Create TAG for EACH Cutting - [x] Load Rooting Tray with Pre-Soaked (Filtered H20, Fulvic Acids [Ful-Power) Rooting Plugs (FloraFlex 40/40) - NEXT! - [ ] Take Cuts - [ ] #5b - [x] #1a - [x] #1b - [x] #5a - [x] #6a - [x] #6b - [x] #7a - [x] #7b - [x] #8a - [x] #8b - [x] #10a - [x] #10b - [x] #11a - [x] #11b - [x] #13a - [x] #13b - [x] For 3 Weeks, monitor Humidity, Start with Vent’s CLOSED! Tue 27 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 44:B:2:2  - Canopy Grew 1.5”, Raising Light to Maintain Intensity PEAK Tent PPFD: [ 829, µMol/m2/s]  Peak DLI: [ 35.8, Mol/m2/s]  Center PPFD: [ 709, µMol/m2/s]  Center DLI: [ 30.6, Mol/m2/s]  Wed 28 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 45:B:2:3 Thu 29 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 46:B:2:4 - Tallest Grew ~ 2-1/4” ‘Overnight’ - Raised lamp to maintain minimum 19.5” Distance Friday 30 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 47:B:2:5 Sat 01 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 48:B:2:6 Sun 02 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 49:B:2:7 - Added 5-1/2” overnight - first ‘real’ pistils apparent. - Can’t survive another week of 2-1/2 to 5 1/2 “ a day :-) - I can’t get RH below 72, night or day. Need to defol lowers again, and remove sure ti be larf lowers.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
99.06 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1050 PPM
72 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 6
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.5 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.25 mll
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 - BuildASoil
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 0.326 mll
Week 7 - Bolt III - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Weeks Observations - Local weather conditions have been unseasonably HIGH Humidity. First time in 3 years am unable to reduce to standard levels. Dehumidifier being installed today. - Today is the 21st day since flip - we’ve experienced bolt since week 1, up to 5” in a day. - Start of week: - Dates: [2023-07-03: LJ2Q 50:B:3:1, 2023-07-09: LJ2Q 56:B:3:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 24, 36, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [1000, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs] # 1900 - 0700 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 975, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 16, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 71, %] - VPD: [ 0.6, kPa] - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1, l] - FeedwaterPerDayTotal: [ 8, l] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200) SOG Strategy - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?) - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s - EC: 2.3 - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.1 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Rooted Leaf Hydro 1.7 - 1.9 EC (Half RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): - Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] ____________________ Mon 03 Jul 2023 # Flower 3 LJ2Q 50:B:3:1 - Last week’s refill reached EC: 1.9 - Consider another 0.3 mS add to EC: [ 2.2, mS] - Removed LARGE fans blocking other plants  - [x] Freshly washed Coco to Garage Tue 04 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 51:B:3:2 - How are we looking tonight? Last night’s ‘chiropractics' were brutal. - Temperature MAX 76 Overnight, fell to 71 °F and never raised above. - [x] ASSURE Room Vents Closed by 2100! If we can’t improve temperature, will reposition LED Driver to INSIDE of tent. Wed 05 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 52:B:3:3 - Humidity remains high during dark, and to be honest, overnight. - Plants don’t appear to care about Tuesdays Chiro Thu 06 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 53:B:3:4 - Reservoir Pump Ran Dry! Refill Res - [x] 6.5 - 7 Gal - [x] Primer A&B: [ 8, ml, gal], [ 56, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 28, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis+: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 42, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 35, ml] - [x] Dr. Bohners: [ 10, drops] - [x] ECRange: [ 2.0, 2.1, mS] FUNGUS GNATS! Are breeding - [x] Dr Zymes, Base of All plants, sides - [x] Play Sand to cover - [x] Move LED’s Meanwell Driver BACK INTO Tent (Need lower RH, More T) Friday 07 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 54:B:3:5 Sat 08 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 55:B:3:6 Sun 09 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 56:B:3:7 - We’ve beens struggling with High Humidity - Humidifier being installed today. Has been impossible last week with local weather conditions to reduce in tent RH below ~ 70%RH.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
116.84 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
69 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.585 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 - BuildASoil
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 0.326 mll
Week 8 - Flower Week 4 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Weeks Observations - Local weather conditions have been unseasonably HIGH Humidity. First time in 3 years am unable to reduce to standard levels. Dehumidifier being installed today. - Today is the 21st day since flip - we’ve experienced bolt since week 1, up to 5” in a day Start of week: - Dates: [2023-07-10: LJ2Q 57:F:4:1, 2023-07-16: LJ2Q 63:F:4:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 30, 44, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [ 720, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs] # 1900 - 0700 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 975, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 12, in] # Despite SuperCropping (Bending & Twisting), we’re wishing 12” of the Light at End of week - TempAvg: [ 77.5, °F] - RH: [ 66.9, %] - VPD: [ 0.85, kPa] # Achieved Ideal ‘Early’ - need to bump to 1.05 to 1.1 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 720, ml] - FeedwaterPerDayTotal: [ 5760, ml] # 1.5 Gal/Day - EC: [ 2.0, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during ‘Daylight’ periods(2030 - 0700) When on Flipped Schedule (Night LIGHT/Day DARK) - OPEN during ‘Nightime’ Period (0700 - 2200) Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.1 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s - EC: 2.3 - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.1 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Rooted Leaf Hydro 1.7 - 1.9 EC (Half RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): - Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] ____________________ Mon 10 Jul 2023 # Flower 4 LJ2Q 57:F:4:1 - W/ Dehumidifier Installed, our Environment is now … Tue 11 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 58:F:4:2 Refill Res - [x] 6.5 - 7 Gal - [x] Primer A&B: [ 8, ml, gal], [ 80, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 40, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis+: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 60, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 50, ml] - [x] Dr. Bohners: [ 10, drops] - [x] ECRange: [ 1.9, 2.0, mS] - [x] TempReservoir: [ 60, °F] Wed 12 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 59:F:4:3 Thu 13 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 60:F:4:4 Friday 14 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 61:F:4:5 Sat 15 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 62:F:4:6 - Plants per Feed Line: 4 - Feedwater per Line per feed (FPL): 120 - Feedwater per event (FPE): [ 480, ml] - Events per day (EPD): 12 # Hourly Fertigation During Lights ON - Feedwater per day: FPE X EPD: 480 x 12: [ 5760, ml, day] - Mix 2 Gallons @ 75% Strength (Medium Chart, FW 3) - Primer A: [ 7.4, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - Primer B: [ 7.4, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [6, ml] - SilicaSkin: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Resin Bloom: [1.5, ml, gal], [3, ml] Sun 16 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 63:F:4:7 
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
69 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.585 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 - BuildASoil
Jay Plantspeaker's Quillaja Saponaria Extract Powder 20 0.326 mll
Week 9 - Flower Week 5 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Weeks Observations - Local weather conditions have been unseasonably HIGH Humidity. First time in 3 years am unable to reduce to standard levels. Dehumidifier being installed today. - Today is the 21st day since flip - we’ve experienced bolt since week 1, up to 5” in a day Start of week: - Dates: [2023-07-17: LJ2Q 64:F:5:1, 2023-07-23: LJ2Q 70:F:5:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 34, 40, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [720, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs] # 1900 - 0700 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 975, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 16, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 71, %] - VPD: [ 0.6, kPa] - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 720, ml] - FeedwaterPerDayTotal: [ 5760, ml] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2030) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200) SOG Strategy - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?) - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Notes - 2023-07-22T12:02:56-0500: Having left more growth tips than required for a single cola - we’ve more of an out of control SCROG w/out the screen . . . Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green - We kinda failed this . . . ;-( SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.0 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Standard Hydro Mix Rooted Leaf Hydro 2.0 EC (62.5% of RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): # Suitable for Multi-day Feed - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] - EC: [ 2.0] One-Shot (One Day Mix) Rooted Leaf Hydro 2.0 EC (75% of RLA, MEDIUM Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): # NOT SUITABLE FOR MULTI DAY - Supplement: [ Application Rate], [ Total Delivery for 2 Gal Solution] - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 20, ml] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 20, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Resin Bloom: [ 4.5, ml, gal], [ 9, ml] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 12, ml] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] ____________________ Mon 17 Jul 2023 # Flower 5 LJ2Q 64:F:5:1 - Prep for Full 2 Gal RLA Feed @ 2.0 EC - Posted Grow Diaries for Week 8  Tue 18 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 65:F:5:2 Refill Res - [x] 10 Gal, EC: 2.0, 62.5% (2.0/3.2) of Hydro Chart - [x] Primer A&B: [ 16 ml, gal], [ 100, ml] # 16 * 10 * 62.5% = 100 ml - [x] Silica Skin: [ 8, ml, gal], [ 50, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis+: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 60, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 50, ml] - [x] Quillaja Powder: [ 4, g] - [x] ECRange: [ 1.9, 2.0, mS] - [x] TempReservoir: [ 60, °F] - [x] EC Drain Bucket and Dump - [x] EC: 2.2, 2.3 Wed 19 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 66:F:5:3 - Hangin’ Out Thu 20 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 67:F:5:4 - Starting to look more like a flowering plant and a little less like an anorexic skeleton . . . ;-} Friday 21 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 68:F:5:5 Sat 22 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 69:F:5:6 Light Gradient - Top Colas: - Light Distance: [ 3, in] - PPFD to Light): [ 1711, µMol/m2/s] - Mid/Avg Canopy - Light Distance 12” - PPFD: [ 667, Mol/m2/s] - Mid/Lower Canopy, 12” to light: [ 573, Mol/m2/s] - Lower 14” to light: [ 210, Mol/m2/s] - [x] Top Down Photograph for Week (If Possible) - Let’s give a full feed tonight .. - [x] One Shot (Above) Sun 23 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 70:F:5:7 - - [x] Remove Supplemental Tank from Reservoir.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
111.76 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1100 PPM
69 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 11
Dr Bohners - Soap (Wetting Agent) 0.132 mll
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.585 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Week 10 - Flower Week 6 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Start of week: - Dates: [2023-07-24: LJ2Q 71:F:6:1, 2023-07-30: LJ2Q 77:F:6:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 34, 40, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [720, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs] # 1900 - 0700 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 975, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 16, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 71, %] - VPD: [ 0.6, kPa] - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 720, ml] - FeedwaterPerDayTotal: [ 5760, ml] - EC: [ 2.0, mS], [ 2.3, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2030) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2030 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2030) SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.0 # Week F5-F8 - EC: 1.6 # Week F9 - EC: 1.1 # Week F10 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Standard Hydro Mix Rooted Leaf Hydro 2.0 EC (62.5% of RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): # Suitable for Multi-day Feed - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] - EC: [ 2.0] One-Shot (One Day Mix) Rooted Leaf Hydro 2.0 EC (75% of RLA, MEDIUM Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): # NOT SUITABLE FOR MULTI DAY - Supplement: [ Application Rate], [ Total Delivery for 2 Gal Solution] - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 20, ml] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 20, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - Resin Bloom: [ 4.5, ml, gal], [ 9, ml] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 12, ml] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] ____________________ Mon 24 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 71:F:6:1 - Adjusted Tue 25 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 72:F:6:2 Wed 26 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 73:F:6:3 - Fertigation per plant: 120*8: 7680 ml/day Cleaned Reservoir Refilled, 10 Gal, EC: 2.3 - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 100, ml], - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 100, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 50, ml] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 50, ml] - Mammoth-P: [ 0.6, ml, gal], [ 6, ml] - EC: 2.3 I chose to leave the EC raised +0.3 mS over last week. Will monitor through Friday. CONCERN is raising EC may contribute to burn of the Buds too close to the light.
 Thu 27 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 74:F:6:4 Hydro Chart, EC to [ 2.0, 2.3, mS]: # NOT SUITABLE FOR MULTI DAY - Supplement: [ Application Rate], [ Total Delivery for 2 Gal Solution] - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal], [17, ml] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 17, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 8.5, ml] s - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Resin Bloom: [ 4.5, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 12, ml] - ECRange: [ 2.0, 2.3, mS] Friday 28 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 75:F:6:5 Sat 29 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 76:F:6:6 - DISCOVERED LIGHT LEAK!!! It’s been here since Day 4 Of Flower. Plants show indications of reveging - (leaves extending from existing calyces, calyces seem kind of ‘open’) - [x] Seal Light Leak! Sun 30 Jul 2023 LJ2Q 77:F:6:7 - THey're trying to reveg ... ;-| Move to 13 Hour Scotoperiod to reinforce flowering after addressing light leak.    
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
2 years ago
116.84 cm
11 hrs
26 °C
1150 PPM
69 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 11
Dr Bohners - Soap (Wetting Agent) 0.132 mll
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.585 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Week 11 - Flower Week 7 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Start of week: - Dates: [2023-07-31: LJ2Q 71:F:6:1, 2023-08-05: LJ2Q 77:F:6:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 34, 40, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [720, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs] # 1900 - 0700 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 975, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 16, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 71, %] - VPD: [ 0.6, kPa] - 230*4*11/8 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1265, ml] - FeedwaterPerDayTotal: [ 10.12, l] - EC: [ 2.0, mS], [ 2.3, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2030) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2030 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2030) SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.3 # Week F5-F8 - EC: 1.6 # Week F9 - EC: 1.1 # Week F10 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Standard Hydro Mix Rooted Leaf Hydro 2.0 EC (62.5% of RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): # Suitable for Multi-day Feed - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] - EC: [ 2.0] One-Shot (One Day Mix) Rooted Leaf Hydro 2.0 EC (75% of RLA, MEDIUM Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): # NOT SUITABLE FOR MULTI DAY - Supplement: [ Application Rate], [ Total Delivery for 2 Gal Solution] - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 17, ml] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 17, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 8.5, ml] - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Resin Bloom: [ 4.5, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 12, ml] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] ____________________ Mon 31 Jul 2023 # Flower 7 LJ2Q 78:F:7:1 - Power Company bounced power to install ‘Smart’ meter. Turned on LIGHTS (FailSafe -> ON?) - Delay Day start to 10 PM to provide FULL 13 Hours of Dark, Reset thereafter to - Day: [1900, 0600+24h] - Night: [ 0600, 1900] - FeedwaterPerPlant: [ 90, ml, hr] Tue 01 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 79:F:7:2 - [x] @2200 reset START to 1900 - I am hopeful that shifting to 11 hr light / 13 hr dark will help ‘maintain’ bloom . . . - ECRunoff: [ 3.0, mS] # Having cleaned the hydro halos, we’ve effectively flushed all the media. Perhaps why the plants again looked vibrant last night. After cleaning he hydro halos, it’s clear the plants have been getting uneven watering. - [ ] SOP Minimum Monthly Clean and Daily Checks. Wed 02 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 80:F:7:3 - The reveg/light leak thing is a downer, but may have been arrested (if real). I saw a picture of a mature Jamaican plant which was leafier then the LJs. Perhaps watering inconsistencies I can’t see in my current configuration are contributing? Thu 03 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 81:F:7:4 - Reveg seems, arrested? Friday 04 Aug Jul 2023 LJ2Q 82:F:7:5 - Adam Dunn Show @420 Mountain Time - [x] Build 8 line Manifold for Tent Sat 05 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 83:F:7:6 - [ ] Install Feed pump in Reservoir - [ ] Install Feed Timer, and determine flow per plant per second. Sun 06 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 84:F:7:7
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
2 years ago
116.84 cm
11 hrs
26 °C
1150 PPM
69 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
2 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 11
Dr Bohners - Soap (Wetting Agent) 0.132 mll
Photosynthesis Plus - Microbe Life Hydro
Photosynthesis Plus 1.585 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Week 12 - Flower Week 8 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Reveg has been arrested. We'll have leafier buds than planned, but as triche'd out as these are, its just more production. Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Start of week: - Dates: [2023-08-06: LJ2Q 85:F:8:1, 2023-08-12: LJ2Q 91:F:8:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 36, 46, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [1265, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 11, hrs] # 1900 - 0600 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 6, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 68, %] - VPD: [ 1.10, kPa] - 230*4*11/8 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1265, ml] - Feedwater: [ 10.12, l] - EC: [ 2.3, mS] Environment NOTES: - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2030 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2030) SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0600-1900, 13, hr] Environment - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 11/13 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.3 # Week F5-F8 - EC: 1.8 # Week F9 - EC: 1.1 # Week F10 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 Standard Hydro Mix Rooted Leaf Hydro 2.0 EC (62.5% of RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets): # Suitable for Multi-day Feed - Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 5, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal] - EC: [ 2.0] ____________________ Mon 07 Aug 2023 # Flower 8 LJ2Q 85:F:8:1 ___ Full Line One Day Mix Week 8 - Prep 2 Gal Full Feed - Mix Long Term RLA first and store in fridge (~1.75 Gal, leaving room for dilution) Rooted Leaf: EC: [ 2.0, mS] - [x] Primer A: [ 7.5, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - [x] Primer B: [ 7.5, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 7.5, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 7.5, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 7.5, ml] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 4.5, ml, gal], [ 9, ml] South Cascade Organics - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] Plant Success (Beneficial Bacteria, Crab ‘Frass’) - [x] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml] EC: [ 2.0, mS] ___ Tue 08 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 86:F:8:2 - Almost a Gallon LEFT in Fertigation Tank. We are NOT delivering what we think we are . . . Wed 09 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 87:F:8:3 - Had to clear splitter on each feed line, and re-clear the Hydro Halo’s that block. THIS is why we’re replacing the Fertigation. ANALOG, BABY! Thu 10 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 88:F:8:4 - Standard RLA Hydro Feed @ EC: 2.3 Friday 11 Aug Jul 2023 LJ2Q 89:F:8:5 Sat 12 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 90:F:8:6 Sun 13 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 91:F:8:7
1 like
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
2 years ago
116.84 cm
11 hrs
26 °C
1150 PPM
69 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
2 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 11
Dr Bohners - Soap (Wetting Agent) 0.132 mll
King Crab - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
King Crab 0.132 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Week 13 - Flower Week 9 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Start of week: - Dates: [2023-08-13: LJ2Q 92:F:9:1, 2023-08-18: LJ2Q 98:F:9:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 4011/1.5r, 46, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [1265, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 11, hrs] # 1900 - 0600 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 6, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 68, %] - VPD: [ 1.10, kPa] - 230*4*11/8 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1265, ml] - Feedwater: [ 10.12, l] - EC: [ 2.3, mS] Environment NOTES: - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2030 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2030) SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthvegetation := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodvegetation := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0600-1900, 13, hr] Environment - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 11/13 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.3 # Week F5-F8 - EC: 1.8 # Week F9 - EC: 1.1 # Week F10 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 _______________________ Base Application for 10 Gal: - [x] Primer A: [ 100, ml] - [x] Primer B: [ 100, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 35, mll] # Reduce to reduce/eliminate Sediment - [x] SLF-100 (Enzymatic Root Cleaner): [ 50, ml] - [x] King Crab (Biology): [ 5, ml] __________________________________________ ONE SHOT Daily Only Rooted Leaf: EC: [ 2.0, mS], 2 Gallons, 7600 ml - [ ] Primer A: [ 7.5, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - [ ] Primer B: [ 7.5, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - [ ] Silica Skin: [ 2.5, ml, gal], [ 5.0, ml] ____ - [ ] CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 7.5, ml] - [ ] Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 7.5, ml] - [ ] Resin Bloom: [ 4.5, ml, gal], [ 9, ml] ___ South Cascade Organics - [ ] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] ___ Plant Success (Beneficial Bacteria, Crab ‘Frass’) - [ ] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml] EC: [ 2.0, mS] ____________________________________ Mon 14 Aug 2023 # Flower 9 LJ2Q 92:F:9:1 - [x] AM: Check Res Tue 15 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 93:F:9:2 - [x] @ EC: 2.0 - [x] Dump and Clean Res - [x] Clean Line externals - [x] Refill 10 Gal Filtered ( EC: 0.3 mS) - [x] Rooted Leaf Base Nutrients (above) for 10 Gal  NOTE - As we found and sealed the light leak 4 weeks after, have NO IDEA how long we should run. Will follow Trichomes and Stigma Fade . . . Wed 16 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 94:F:9:3 Thu 17 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 95:F:9:4 Friday 18 Aug Jul 2023 # Harvest Window Open (BEFORE LIGHT LEAK DISCOVERED) LJ2Q 96:F:9:5 Sat 19 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 97:F:9:6 - after cleaning feed lines, we’re actually irrigating. Visible ‘plump’ noted since yesterday. Sun 20 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 98:F:9:7 - [x] Refill Res
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
2 years ago
116.84 cm
11 hrs
26 °C
1150 PPM
69 %
14 °C
22 °C
4 L
2 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 11
Dr Bohners - Soap (Wetting Agent) 0.132 mll
King Crab - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
King Crab 0.132 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Week 14 - Flower Week 10 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Start of week: - Dates: [2023-08-19: LJ2Q 99:F:10:1, 
 2023-08-26: LJ2Q 105:F:10:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 4011/1.5r, 46, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [1265, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 11, hrs] # 1900 - 0600 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 6, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 68, %] - VPD: [ 1.10, kPa] - 230*4*11/8 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1265, ml] - Feedwater: [ 10.12, l] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] Environment NOTES: - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2030 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2030) SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthvegetation := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodvegetation := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0600-1900, 13, hr] Environment - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 11/13 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.3 # Week F5-F8 - EC: 1.8 # Week F9 - EC: 1.1 # Week F10 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 _______________________ Base Application for 10 Gal: - [x] Primer A: [ 100, ml] - [x] Primer B: [ 100, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 35, mll] # Reduce to reduce/eliminate Sediment - [x] SLF-100 (Enzymatic Root Cleaner): [ 50, ml] - [x] King Crab (Biology): [ 5, ml] __________________________________________ ONE SHOT Daily Only Rooted Leaf: EC: [ 2.0, mS], 2 Gallons, 7600 ml - [ ] Primer A: [ 7.5, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - [ ] Primer B: [ 7.5, ml, gal], [ 15, ml] - [ ] Silica Skin: [ 2.5, ml, gal], [ 5.0, ml] ____ - [ ] CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 7.5, ml] - [ ] Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal], [ 7.5, ml] - [ ] Resin Bloom: [ 4.5, ml, gal], [ 9, ml] ___ South Cascade Organics - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] ___ Plant Success (Beneficial Bacteria, Crab ‘Frass’) - [x] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml] EC: [ 2.0, mS] ____________________________________ Mon 21 Aug 2023 # Flower 10 LJ2Q 99:F:10:1 Tue 22 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 100:F:10:2 Wed 23 Aug 2023 # Middle of Harvest Window LJ2Q 101:F:10:3 Thu 24 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 102:F:10:4 Friday 25 Aug Jul 2023 LJ2Q 103:F:10:5 Sat 26 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 104:F:10:6 Sun 27 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 105:F:10:7 ___________________________ Flower 11 Mon 28 Aug 2023 # End of Harvest Window LJ2Q 106:F:11:1 Tue 29 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 107:F:11:2 Wed 30 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 108:F:11:3 Thu 31 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 109:F:11:4 Friday 01 Sep Jul 2023 LJ2Q 110:F:11:5 Sat 02 Sep 2023 LJ2Q 111:F:11:6 Sun 03 Sep 2023 LJ2Q 112:F:11:7
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
2 years ago
119.38 cm
11 hrs
26 °C
700 PPM
62 %
14 °C
26 °C
4 L
1 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 11
Dr Bohners - Soap (Wetting Agent) 0.132 mll
King Crab - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
King Crab 0.132 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Week 15 - Flower Week 11 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Weeks Observations: - Our light leak on July 6th through July 31 ‘cost’ us ~ 21 Days. Extending Harvest to account for 21 day light leak. New Harvest Date 12 Sep 2023, Plant Day 121, Flower Day 86 Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Start of week: - Dates: [2023-08-27: LJ2Q 106:F:11:1, 
 2023-09-03: LJ2Q 112:F:11:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [46, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [935, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 11, hrs] # 1900 - 0600 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 6, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 68, %] - VPD: [ 1.10, kPa] - 230*4*11/8 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1265, ml] - Feedwater: [ 10.12, l] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] Environment NOTES: - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2030 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2030) SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthvegetation := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s] - Scotoperiodvegetation := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0600-1900, 13, hr] Environment - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F10) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 11/13 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s] - EC: 2.3 # Week F5-F8 - EC: 1.8 # Week F9 - EC: 1.1 # Week F10 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 _______________________ Base Application for 10 Gal: - [x] Primer A: [ 100, ml] - [x] Primer B: [ 100, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 35, mll] # Reduce to reduce/eliminate Sediment - [x] SLF-100 (Enzymatic Root Cleaner): [ 50, ml] - [x] King Crab (Biology): [ 5, ml] __________________________________________ - @ EC: 1.7 Supplement: [ Application Rate], [ Total Delivery for 2 Gal Solution] - [ ] Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 12.5, ml] - [ ] Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 12.5, ml] - [ ] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - [ ] CalMag Fuel: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - [ ] Peak Bloom: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - [ ] Resin Bloom: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml] - [ ] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] - [ ] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml] - [ ] EC: [ 1.7, mS] 85 ml/plant X 11, : 935 ml/plant/day, 2.4x of field capacity Meaning ALL Fertigation through pot is Refreshed 2.4 times per day with this schedule. ____________________________________ Mon 28 Aug 2023 # End of Harvest ORIGINAL Window , before discovering light leak LJ2Q 106:F:11:1 - [x] Will scope trichomes by hand, and set a chop date today. - Some are ready today, Some look to need 10 - 14 days. This has been an interesting grow - the extra stretch munged the SOG Strategy - with severe Chiropractics I still have >±12” of height per plant. We should be harvesting today . . . - We could conceivably take the grow as far as Day 139, if we calculate a 4 week light leak forward. That would make LATEST DATE 24 SEPTEMBER - - IF We go more than this week - Week 15 Nutes (Mixed Daily) - Mon - Wed: ONE SHOT, EC: 1.7 - Thus - Sun: ONE SHOT, EC: 1.4 - NEXT WEEK - Mon: Resin Bloom: EC: 1.1 - Tuesday - Harvest: Resin Bloom: EC: 0.8 - ELSE if we take them down next Sunday: - [ ] Been feeding The Rooted Leaf Hydro schedule, Base Nutes plus Silicon. Need to move to harvest nutes, potassium (+Resin Bloom/+Peak Bloom) at - [ ] Monday:+Resin Bloom/+Peak Bloom: EC: 1.7 - [ ] Tuesday: EC: 1.4, (+Resin Bloom) - [ ] Wednesday: EC: 1.1, (+Resin Bloom) - [ ] Thursday EC: 0.8 (Resin Bloom Only) - [ ] Friday EC: 0.8 (Resin Bloom Only) - [ ] Saturday EC: 0.8 (Resin Bloom Only) - [ ] Sunday - Harvest Growtek Mod - 170 ml/event per emitter -> 2 Gallons Input - ___ EC: [ 2.0, mS] Tue 29 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 107:F:11:2 EC 1.6+ - Defoliated (final) blocking and unviable fans. Looks better - clearer airflow Wed 30 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 108:F:11:3 EC: 1.6 For 2 Gal (ml’s) RLA Minerals 14.0 Primer A 14.0 Primer B 7.0 Silica Skin 10.5 Peak Bloom South Cascade Organics - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] ___ Plant Success (Beneficial Bacteria, Crab ‘Frass’) - [ ] Sunday - Harvest? - [x] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml] Thu 31 Aug 2023 LJ2Q 109:F:11:4 EC 1.4 For 2 Gal (ml’s) RLA Minerals 12.3 Primer A 12.3 Primer B 9.2 Peak Bloom Required 1 qt to bring down from 1.6 to 1.4 Friday 01 Sep Jul 2023 LJ2Q 110:F:11:5 EC 1.1 For 2 Gal (ml’s) RLA Minerals 7.6 Primer A 7.6 Primer B 5.7 Peak Bloom Sat 02 Sep 2023 LJ2Q 111:F:11:6 EC: 1.4 Peak Bloom as Needed for Dilution - [ ] Scope Trichomes Last Time With a 21 day light leak, we’ll extend harvest to Day 118, Flower Day 90 - or 69 Unleaked Light Days . . . Through End of Harvest, Daily Daily Feed through Harvest Day -2 Per TWO Gallons: EC 1.4 - [x] Primer A: [ 12, ml, gal] - [x] Primer B: [ 12, ml, gal] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal] - [ ] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - [ ] Reduce to EC 1.1 on Harvest Day -2 - [ ] Reduce to Resin Bloom Only, EC: 0.8 Pre Harvest Day DECISION - We’ll take the girls down Flower Day 83, Nominal Day 62 assuming 21 Day push for light leak. It’s not in practice3 that long - we should be good, if not - latest day 90 (Nominal 69) ____ Sun 03 Sep 2023 # Flower Day 77 LJ2Q 112:F:11:7 EC 1.4 - [x] Dismantle And Clean Res, Pump, Chiller, Lines - [x] Clean Res - [x] Clean Pump - [x] Load Res with a a gallon of HOT tap water, a cup of 30% Vinegar - [x] Run Pump for :30 - [x] After 30: Reverse Lines - [x] Run Pump for :30 - [x] Stop pump - [x] remove tubing from pump and chiller - [x] Remove pump, reclean - [x] Clean Chiller Tubes - [x] Rinse with 30% Vinegar - [x] When Dry: Reassemble & Replace
1 like
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
2 years ago
119.38 cm
11 hrs
26 °C
550 PPM
64 %
18 °C
23 °C
4 L
1 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 9
Dr Bohners - Soap (Wetting Agent) 0.026 mll
King Crab - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
King Crab 0.132 mll
SLF-100 - South Cascade Organics
SLF-100 1.321 mll
Week 16 - Flower Week 12 Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Weeks Observations: - Our light leak on July 6th through July 31 ‘cost’ us ~ 21 Days. Extending Harvest to account for 21 day light leak. New Harvest Date 12 Sep 2023, Plant Day 121, Flower Day 86 Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21] Start of week: - Dates: [2023-09-04: LJ2Q 106:F:12:1, 
 2023-09-10: LJ2Q 112:F:12:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [46, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [935, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - Scotoperiod: [ 11, hrs] # 1900 - 0600 + 24 - LightIntensityPeak: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s ] - DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day] - LightDistance: [ 6, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000 - TempAvg: [79.1 , °F] - RH: [ 68, %] - VPD: [ 1.10, kPa] - 230*4*11/8 - FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1265, ml] - Feedwater: [ 10.12, l] - EC: [ 2.0, mS] Daily Feed through Harvest Day -2 Per TWO Gallons: EC 1.4 - [x] Primer A: [ 12, ml, gal] - [x] Primer B: [ 12, ml, gal] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - [ ] Reduce to EC 1.1 on Harvest Day -2 - [ ] Reduce to Resin Bloom Only, EC: 0.8 Pre Harvest Day Mon 04 Sep 2023 LJ2Q 113:F:12:1 # Flower Day 78 - 5 more days? EC: 1.4 - A beautiful Day! Feel much better after extending Harvest date. I’ve 3 plants ready NOW, and 5 that need 5 -10 days more, yet . . . If we look at midweek next, I think we might be good. ;-} Tue 05 Sep 2023 LJ2Q 114:F:12:2 EC: 1.4 Wed 06 Sep 2023 LJ2Q 115:F:12:3 EC: 1.4 **Thu 07 Sep 2023** LJ2Q 116:F:12:4 EC: 1.4 Mix 2+ Gal - [x] Primer A: [ 12, ml] - [x] Primer B: [ 12, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 4, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 4, ml] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 7, ml] - [x] King Crab: [ 1, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 10, ml] - [x] Wetting Agent - [ ] Trim All Extended Fans - Turned on de-humidifier @0900 as Humidity in Tent ~70%RH Fri 08 Sep 2023 LJ2Q 117:F:12:5 (FD 82) EC: 1.1 Mix 2+ Gal to EC 1.1 - [x] Primer A: [ 10, ml] - [x] Primer B: [ 10, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 3, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 7, ml]  Sat 09 Sep 2023 # “Push” Flower Day 63 After Light Leak LJ2Q 118:F:12:6 # Elapsed Flower Day 83 EC: 0.8: Resin Bloom, SLF-100, King Crab - End result - is we’ve plants with > 80 Days, and those affected w/ < 63 - Best compromise I can think of . . . NOTE: We’ll push to achieve NOMINAL 63 Days. Should be FIRE. ;-} Sun 10 Sep 2023. # Nominal Flower Day 63 LJ2Q 119:F:12:7 EC: 0.8: Resin Bloom, SLF-100, King Crab Day 83 - Perfect? ;-}  It’s Time - We’ll take them down TOMORROW - DAY 84
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Week 16. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Lemon Jeffery will immediately brighten your perspective and energize you with clear energy and joy! Most of the plants ended up stretching 4x between flip and LATE flower. Next run will be from uniform sized clones and flipped when first planted. Two Colas grew within 4 and 6" of the light. I expected bleached/stressed/baked buds. The Rooted Leaf has to contribute to the plants resilience. PPFD was measured over 1700 w/out CO2 Supplementation. By the time they were ready for the jars, you couldn't tell which were light stressed (if they were) and which weren't. Robust - Potent - and Uplifting Genetics. You'll be happy growing her! ~ar
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Spent 114 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
207.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
41.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Energetic, Euphoric, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Depression, Pain
Medical effects
Citrus, Herbs, Mint

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Next run I WON'T have any side branching. What was I thinking? Side branches from 2 stole the light from one main, which probably yielded only ~ an oz. But VERY HAPPY with production. EASY Plant to trim. Nice light but firm and good sized buds. Divine Lemon with Funk Back. Most uplifting and clearheaded experience in the stash!


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Crashoveritecommentedweek 152 years ago
Nice garden mate👌 Peace ✌️
Crashoveritecommented2 years ago
@AustinRon,peace and love ✌️
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
@Crashoverite,Appreciate it dude 👊 Cheers! 🙏
the end.
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