Everything is looking fine with her, I've been dropping the temperature down, she is very healthy, putting some weight and full of sugar. She is close to being ready and honestly, I can't wait.😝
@3dkkm, I do not know about remo. They are a litlle more expensive but superior. And What I really like is the fact that I dont have to worry about PH wich it can be a pain in the neck on hydro a hydro set up. I really recomend them.
@Lou_Grows, Thank you very much! I learned a lot about new advanced nutrients. that is a bit expensive than Remo Nutrients. do you know about Remo? I will try with ph-Connoiseur A+B.
@3dkkm, I don't know about green house seed but I started using advanced nutrients two grows ago and they're the real deal. You can check my grows white widow was finished with general hidroponics compare to cbd critical cure and see the difference for yourself. I dont have to worry about the ph no more. If you think of switching to advanced they got an app thats called bud labs and they give you the nutrients and the amounts to use. I go 3/4 strengh e.i. 32 ml per gallon I use 24 ml. And the results have been favorable.
@Lou_Grows, you're welcome. I like to see various strains grown in various conditions and methods. Would love to grow them all myself but there's only so much space and time :)
@Kiewil1, she is getting chopped this Thursday or Friday, more likely Friday, I can only tell you that this is my best crop yet. I'm really impressed with this girl and the smell is awesome. I can definitely smell the cheese and the pineapple.
Your grow is looking sweet and it is inspiring.. my Pineapple Chunk beans all sprouted 8 day ago so I'm excited about this upcoming Barney's farm grow..
Your buds look really resinous and correct!! Keep up the rewarding work!
@HomerAndAbe, thank you. I think she won't stretch that much since she looks pretty indica to me. That's one of the reasons why I'm leaving her one more week before flipping to 12/12
Hey bro! Awesome grow! I’m running in the Fastbuds iPhone contest , if you could stop by my 2xGSC-COCO journal and leave a comment I’d really appreciate it! Goodluck!