finally I couldn't wait for August to arrive with its freshness the temperature has changed drastically so much that I can afford watering even delaying about twenty hours from the last one. however we know that the weather is unexpected. I pruned the zstraws in the greenhouse. very sad for the fact that it only had one tip I patched them both without any mercy they are already starting pre-flowering the leaves are thinning yet I feel they will grow again. fertilization now proceeds only with algae and flowering booster. I rinsed all the pots with plenty of water, filling them drastically until the root was suffocated. I'm sure I dumped a lot of salts into the pot. the freak shows have had no invaders the frisian ducks in the corn have become food for grasshoppers but the plant is so strong that it is having itself pruned. girl scout cookies in forced lollipopping a fungal disease has exploded i repeat the indoor experiment i counted the internodes and whereas it went into flowering and I TOP IT!
Hey mate, you have an amazing garden as always. Just 1 thing about nutrients... DO NOT MIX THEM WITHOUT WATER! (Judging from your 24 picture). Nutrient usually react to each other and cancel/destroy/change chemical structure, that is why they sell them separately ... So first water then nutrients, 1 by one and mix each time... Also order of nutrients is sometimes important, NA BUD Factor X has to be added last. For B52 and Big bud order does not matter, but mixing it 1 by 1 does with water first. And i wish you strong and fruitful grow! 👊👍💪