Could someone explain why my plants dont smell? I almost dont smell them. A friend of mine is telling the same so its not my nose. I have grown this strain before and it did smell then. Does this mean the weed isnt good? I assume so. :(Thanks in advance
The smell doesn't always appear until the very end. Rub your finger up and down one of the stems and smell your finger, that should smell of weed when you do that.
@Rangaku, Im currently growing 8 plants. I'm planning on growing 16 in the future (4*4).
Will buy a new light to cover the entire area and an extra drip irrigation system.
So the tent will be even more filled in the future.
@MrKoen, I use a everclear type alcohol and decarbed bud . I put an oz of decarb bud in a mason jar and 250 ml of alcohol in a seperate jar in the freezer for 2 days , then add them together and shake for 5 mins , do this every two hours 3 times , then simply filter through a coffee filter and leave it uncovered to evaporate the alcohol off . 4-6 drops in a soda or ice coffee is a nice little buzz , go a full dropper to get nice and whacked .