Hi everyone!
This week was a busy one for the ladies. They all got topped at their main. I've also gave them a slight defoliation and cleaned up their very bottoms of any leaves touching the Coco. I added some wire for LST too. I'll be using 2 layers of netting which I'll be adding next week I think depending on the progress they make.
I've increased the light intensity to 60% for 20 hours and I'm still not seeing any signs of stress at all! I'm gonna try 80% this next week.
I've started to see very early signs of late veg/early flower, just the odd female hair but nothing else so I think they have a few more days before flower officially will start. I'm thinking at week 5-6 will be when they start currently on day 34 since I put the beans into a cup of water and 32 since all were above the Coco so shouldn't be too long.
Feed is being maintained as the girls are looking fantastic and growing really well running on a high schedule. I gave them a treatment with green house Feeding organic booster this week also.
If you'd like to follow along with these girls or any of my other projects, the best place is my YouTube channel, link below.