A very good week for the strawberry cough. I am very happy with her training and with a few more days recovery needed she is in line for the flip on a week or so.
. Her shape has trained out nicely for for the stretching .
I lowered feeds during training as I am giving feeds as a foliar also with fastplant spray from greenbuzz nutrients. Were at more like a 1 to 1.2 from grow atm.
Lights are the xbars at 20% and the uva strip to ready them for the UVB during flower.
At lights off they also get a 30 min sleep inducer with some far reds only.
That's it this week.
Thanks for stopping by.
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@Mrs_Larimar,thank you very much. I have messed up quite a lot this run. Lucky is what I am so far.. since we got the puppy I must confess my attention has been elsewhere. I let pH and EC get to silly levels before I noticed. Also I have killed a few leaves with too high a dose of UVB radiation. It's all things I would normally be on top of but my new dog is so cute it's just the way it is..😁