Day 22 of Flower ๐ธ I just pHed the reservoirs to 5.75, & I switched the light cycle from 12 on/12 off to 11:30on/12:30 off.
Day 23 of Flower ๐ธ I added a gallon of nutrient solution to Biscotti Punch.
Day 24 of Flower ๐ธ I added a gallon of nutrient solution to Space Skunk.
Day 25 of Flower ๐ธ I added a gallon of nutrient solution to Biscotti Punch.
Day 26 of Flower ๐ธ I just pHed the reservoirs to 5.75.
Day 27 of Flower ๐ธ I added another gallon of nutrient solution to each reservoir.
Day 28 of Flower ๐ธ I pHed the reservoirs to 5.75. Light Cycle is now 11/13.