Week 8 and this plant is super short but the main cola is bulking up. The whole plant is very stocky. It has been grown outdoors since the beginning of July but I have started pulling it inside because of very high humidity outside. The Vancouver area always gets super humid as the seasons change from summer to fall. Will remain high until we start getting frost. Not a great environment for late stage budding.
The plant is only 16 inches tall but since I still have at least 4 more weeks before she is ready.... I am expecting a few massive buds.
In the picture (on the left) is a Jammy Dodger #2 that is 2 weeks behind the main plant. I'm growing the second to reverse with STS and self polinate. It has been growing in a grow tent for the past 2 weeks with a 17 hour light schedule. The extra hours of light has really made a difference in the size of the two plants. While the sun is far more intense than a grow light, there is no substitute for the extra hours in the light cycle.