The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

First Grow Tent Galaxy Photo

a year ago
weeks 3
weeks 3, 5
weeks 4-6
weeks 5
weeks 4-14
weeks 3-8, 10
Peat moss
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Worm castings
Grow medium
Grow medium
Neem seem meal
Grow medium
Happy frog all purpose
Grow medium
dr earth veg and flower dry
Grow medium
down to earth bat guano
Grow medium
Grow medium
bone meal
Grow medium
dolomite lime
Grow medium
Mykos Mycorrhizae
Grow medium
Grow medium
76 L
Pot Size
0.76 L
2 years ago
Soaked both seeds overnight 7/10/23 for about 10 hours then direct sowed them in the morning in the 5-gallon ac infinity pots with a handful of nutrient-less medium placed in the center of the pots to plant. Both sprouted on 7/14. Started with some pretty damp soil to begin with as I had to hydrate a whole coco-coir block just to mix 10 percent into 2,5-gallon pots and got it a little water than I wanted but It dried out fine.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Did not water much the first week as my soil was pretty moist from making it. I did apply a small amount of diluted kelp on the leaves and at the base of the roots about 1 week in.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
22 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
91.44 cm
Gave them 2 slow waterings with my sprayer about every 2 1/2 days once in the morning and once at night. Have my compost tea brewer set up to oxygenate my water. Both plants got a little over half a gallon twice the second week and they were noticeably larger and healthier after each watering. Soil temps are now staying around 72 degrees
Grow Questions
MindFlowers68started grow question 2 years ago
Is it okay for my nighttime humidity levels to be above 60 percent during flower? My tent is trying to keep it within the threshold I have it set right now which is 52%-57%. My ac 6 inch cloudline and fan are running on 10 trying to get the humidity down, and is failing
Setup. Ventilation
Setup. Other
1 like
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
No es para preocuparse su nivel de humedad. Preocúpese si la temperatura aumenta. La combinación temperatura y humedad alta pueden traer problemas. Si no puede bajar la humedad mantenga baja la temperatura y puede aplicar defoliacion para mayor circulación de aire.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 %
22 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
91.44 cm
Stems are looking thick and the light seems to be penetrating the canopy well and leaves growing from the nodes are growing vigorously. Gave them their first trim on day 19 and they are bushing out very nicely. Notice a very slight tip burn on the youngest growth that I'm not too worried about at this point.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
70 %
22 °C
20 °C
76 L
0 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 3.125 mll
Boogie Boost - Boogie Brew
Boogie Boost 3.125 mll
Haven't really done much to my plants this week other than let them recover. They got two watering one of which was more of a root drench with the compost tea to get the microbes going more in the soil. Also diluted some of the tea and foliar fed all the leaves. Also worth mentioning that I upgraded the light to a 400w Bestva i got on amazon for $200 and moved the ac s33 to my 2x2. I have the light set so the leaves are getting around 500-700 par. I think I will transplant them into my 20-gallon containers this weekend and try to get some cuttings before flipping them to flower in the next week or two. Transplanted From Ac infinity 5-gallon pots to 20-gallon Rain science pots. Made my soil mixture a week prior and let it sit in a very large trashcan. It slightly differs from the original mix I used for the 5-gallon pots. With the addition of pumice kelp meal and crab/lobster meal.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 %
22 °C
20 °C
19 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Got 6 nice cutting off of each plant for clones. good amount of defoliation and training going on this week. Also built a stackable worm bin and feeding the trimmings into it.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
76.2 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
65 %
22 °C
21 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
They got a top dressing toward the end of the week of happy frog all-purpose, bone meal, neem seem meal mixed into some seed start mix as a top dressing to get them ready for pre-flower. Noticed some leaf burn I thought was from nutrients but have concluded was actually light stress so decided to actually up the nutrients.I also raised the light and adjusted the dimmer and the plants started to stretch this week. Only been watering twice a week about 3L per 20-gallon pot. The clones were rooted in 8 days using clonex and rapid rooter 100 percent success rate. My first time taking clones. Also sprouted 2 of the Dutch Passion Feminized Photo Durban Poison for my next round. They are doing amazing and only took 3 days to come up. Re- adjusted my scrog net and added a second one. as they had big gaps in the centers. Ac Infinity and Vivosun sell a product that gives you something to tie down to but both cost $40. They really should start integrating a horizontal support pole in the grow tents from the factory instead of making it a $40 add-on. They only velcro on too so they didn't seem to be worth the money. so I just used what I had lying around some nylon twine and some velcro straps to hold the net better. i really wish i would have had it set up like this from the start I think I would have been able to get more ideal training for my branches
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
86.36 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
65 %
22 °C
21 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 6.25 mll
Boogie Boost - Boogie Brew
Boogie Boost 6.25 mll
The first night of Flower got 18 hours of darkness as i flipped their schedule from on 4am-10pm to on 4:30pm-off 4:30am to give me time to work on the both in the morning before work and when I get home. Bit of a rough start to the week and a rough week in general! Somehow in adjusting my environment from veg to flower, I set too high of a buffer for my humidifier, and the first night of flipping to flower the humidity spike to over 90 percent for over 4 hours. I gave all the plants a full-strength brew of Boogie Brew compost tea the night before, and the two 20 gallons didn't end up getting water for a whole week to let the moisture levels even out. Either between the spike in humidity, turning the humidifier off, and letting it sit in my tent unused all week. or from me potting up my clones and not sterilizing the seed starting mix I was using like I did when starting the Durban seeds I developed some fungus gnats. I quickly deployed my sticky traps and ordered some Diotematious earth. Both started working very well catching a few dozen adults on each trap. As I needed to water I began thinking about mulch as it is one of the things i overlooked with the grow so i decided to water the plants applied more DE, and a small amount of neem seed meal and cinnamon to the top of soil followed by a thick layer of dry pine pet bedding laced with more DE/NSM/C on top the following day there were little signs of any fungus gnats and only a few adults stuck on the traps. Ended the week with a top dressing of Gaia green bloom/rock dust/humic acid before I put the pine bedding on top. No plain water this week for 20 gallons as the last "watering" was compost tea and this watering had a top dressing of the Gaia green. I think they may only receive water from here on out. The light is adjusted so the top canopy is around 700-850 ppfd about 35 inches left to the light where the ppfd is around 2500 with light turned all the way up. May need to adjust the dimmer down if they stretch too much but this is a pretty bushy strain and I think I will be okay. If I grew this again and didn't take clones I think week 4 would have been the best time to flip to flower. They were already getting quite stinky at that point. My clones are showing pistols under 18/6 I guess from the drop in DLI. I am hoping that by dropping my cheap $20 seedling LED's down i can get them to stay in veg. I mainly only got them to keep a mother and to give the other clones away.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
65 %
22 °C
21 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Granulated Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Granulated Power Bloom 1.302 mll
The fungus gnats are gone for the most part. The plants doubled in size this week and got very bushy. My night time humidity levels have been pretty high (up to 70 at times)so I order a dehumidifier and defoliated again a little heavier this time. Watered the day before.I top dressed with a little more Gaia Green Bloom after defoliating and watered in with water with some liquid kelp,Molasses, GGG ruck dust and azomite after. Also added a little DE to the water for silica. Been checking the light constantly and been using the dimmer to keep the top colas at or under 1,000 ppfd. They seem want more light even though they are still burning on the tips still slightly and they are stretching pretty close to the light. I may need to start thinking about moving the exhaust fan outside the tent to raise the light just to give the plants room.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
MindFlowers68started grow question 2 years ago
What do you think is causing this burn on my leaves? It seems to be quite common. and maybe nothing to worry about if it's this minute. but I would prefer to not burn my plants at all if possible. Could it be a sign of underwatering? Light distance? i have a dimmer keepin at 1000
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Setup. Lighting
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Las puntas amarilla puedo decir que es por ph. Si es posible mida el ph del drenaje si los valores dan entre 6.2 y 6.8 esta en lo correcto. De lo contrario riego con agua con un ph de 6. Si piensa que es falta de agua solo riegue lentamente hasta que obtenga un poco de drenaje. Creo que no es por exceso de riego sino como le mencione es por ph alcalino. También puede subir unos cm su panel por que su planta crecerá un poco más de altura.
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
65 %
22 °C
21 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Another rough week. Thought I got aphids but now as I'm posting this after some more research it looks like I may actually have Neoseilulus fallacis. I only sprayed them down with water and got lady bugs. Been sick the last week as well so I cant really smell whats going on. Been having a hard time keeping the humidity below 60% at night but i finally found a budget dehumidifier that works okay
Used techniques
Grow Questions
MindFlowers68started grow question a year ago
Can anyone tell me what these are and if I should be worried about them? I thought they were aphids at first but now I'm starting to have second thoughts they seem a bit too small to be aphids and the lady buds. I'm thinking they might be Neoseiulus fallacies
Other. Bugs
1 like
DoughHeadanswered grow question a year ago
I see you never selected a answer although weeks ago, please select me so I can have a chance to win the grower of month contest i would really appreciate it growmie please and thank you
MindFlowers68started grow question a year ago
Does this look like spider mite or a predator mite? Or something else. Deffs not aphids like i thought
Other. Bugs
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
I counted 8 legs, I'd say its a mite of some sort, what one is the question, I do not think this is a spidermite, off coloration and its not on the plant but in the soil and that plastic nub. Might just be a basic soil mite and none problematic. The ones that infest plants and kill them tend to be on the leaves and make webs when population gets to high. If your concerned then I agree with Steves response in using something with pyrethrine I also agree with Ezzjaybruhs conclusion they are not aphids. Aphids they not to be that small and not that mobile, again they like the leaves and stems. There is something called root aphids but this is not that either. You have a few other questionable pics in the diary of egg like things on leaves. I think you should douse the medium with something to help control the population even though it won't wipe it out fully. Also pluck off some of the leaves with said eggs and place it in a jar with a lid to see what hatches out of them. you can give your plant a shower and use water to blast off off of the fuckers, but give it a good shake down and dry off to avoid moulds from growing in the buds as High Humidity is the devil in flower. Good Luck!
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
59 %
22 °C
21 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 3.125 mll
Boogie Boost - Boogie Brew
Boogie Boost 3.125 mll
Decided to suck out the mulch with the shop vac and replaced with perlite to help knock down the soil mite population as well to get rid of the fungus gnats that came back. I watered to BTI mosquito dunk water as well. Going to try and move most the ladybugs from the flower tend to my veg tent over the next few weeks as I don't have a pest problem like I thought. Buds are more than double the size they were last week and starting to get extremely frosty! Fed with boogie brew day 38 and took off just a few if the bugger fan leafs blocking some if the lower colas. Humidity has still been a bit high only getting it down to about 55% at is lowest. Going to see how the dehumidifier works in the tent room and not in the tent itself. Also going to build a vent outlet for my basement window and vent my tents to the outside and use the carbon filters on the air inlets. I have a 6 inch 3 way, ac infinity booster fan and backdraft dampener I will install.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
59 %
21 °C
22 °C
21 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 3.125 mll
Boogie Boost - Boogie Brew
Boogie Boost 3.125 mll
Not a bunch going on this week other than setting up ducting to go outside the window. 1 plant is looking like it might finish a week or so earlier than the other depending on what happens may let one get more amber as i wait for mostly milky on the other and harvest at same time. Looks like I may have overwatered and a recent storm rose my water ph to about 8. Also think my last batch of compost tea was a bit off as a added a little on the gia green power bloom and the mosquito dunks. Maybe a bit high on the sodium. I did some more soil tests on my clones because they needed the most attention and the soil was slightly alkaline I used some fresh lemons to lower the ph of my water and gave the plans a nice watering after letting them dry out for a bit from the last watering. I think the mosquito dunks may have also raise the ph of my last watering. My flowering plants don't seem too affected but the clones were looking quite sad and showing multiple deficiencies from incorrect ph. The day after the lemon water they started to green right back up. I though I may have made my new soil mix too "hot" but another one of the clones i had bo room for that sat outside after transplanting but also did get rain is perfectly healthy. I also used my blue lab EC meter and the clones were between 600-700 which should be right around what they need and indicates i did not over do the nutrients. Brought out the "big" compost tea brewer and upgraded my air pump and going to keep a water reservoir that is ph'ed for now on. Also getting tired of filling up 5 gallon bucket's every other day to dechlorinate.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
59 %
21 °C
22 °C
21 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 3.125 mll
Boogie Boost - Boogie Brew
Boogie Boost 3.125 mll
Pretty much just watching the buds grow this week. Decided to top dress as the buds are stacking quick and still have two weeks to go.Also gave another brew of boogie brew this time regular strength and nothing else added. The clones are looking a lot better and took well to some more ph'ed down water and gave them a small amount if tea as well
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
a year ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
21 °C
22 °C
22 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 3.12 mll
Boogie Boost - Boogie Brew
Boogie Boost 3.12 mll
A lot going on this week. Buds are stacking on the Galaxy.The Galaxy #2 which Is the one that had the self-top mutation from seed is not stacking as well as the #1 plant. Not sure if its genetics or environmental as it has had a bit more airflow and was a little farther from the light most of the grow as I had the carbon filter and fan inside the tent untill a few weeks ago. I was also able to raise the light about 3-4 inches as they were only about 12 inches max from the light on the top colas. Some of the leaves show signs of overwatering light stress/wind burn on the top but the buds themselves look okay the sugar leaves have brownish purple tips. Unfortunately i think a lot of my lady bugs have met their demise after i switch my ventilation around as the carbon filter is no longer there to stop the from going into the inline fan. Thats going to need a good cleaning once I switch the tens over again. Galaxy clones are still looking slightly unhealthy, but I plan on getting rid of all the #2 phenos and maybe just saving 1 of the #1 as the mom. Moved my soil mixture inside to stay warm inside a 50 Gal Brute and mixed a little more up to "bake" for the last week or two of flower of the Galaxy before i switch the tents over to the Durban I started from seed around week 5 Of Veg of this Galaxy run. Decided that 2 plants in 20 gal in the 3x3 were a little awkward to train so this next run now that I have 2 3x3 tents going to do 1 plant per tent. Ordered 30 gallon 247 fabric pots in white, the rain sciences seem to do well and are high quality but something tells me that they made more surface area for the fungus gnats(that are now gone thanks to the mosquito dunks and sticky traps). The durbans as you can see are already way overfilled my cool grows tent 2x2 section. I specifically didn't cut too much off of them and left the lowers so that I could get nice clones as the Durban is something I will be wanting to run quite a bit. I picked the Galaxy for my first grow because I figured is would be an easy grow being almost a pure indica and having nice yields. Im deffs more into sativias and looking to grow something with that classic lemony pine vibe on my next run after the durban. Odly enough like the Galxys seeds I started one of the Durban seeds self-topped from seed. The Galaxy threw out one leaf I the center then a side shoot but the durban mainlined itself into two separate shoots. I wonder if it has anything to do with my germination method. Both times i soaked the seeds together in the same dish of water overnight then directly sowed them. Got my drying tent setup and testing in my studio as it's almost perfect in there already. I have an air conditioner and ceramic heater as well as my ac infinity humidifier and going to bring out my govee dehumidifier once i harvest and going to get my studio dialed perfect to 60/60 for a slow dry.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
a year ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
21 °C
22 °C
22 °C
76 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Made it to harvest this week. Decided to cut them down right at day 55 of flower which is what this strain called for. The number 2 plant looks like it wanted to go another week or two but it was showing more amber than the other plant so decided just to cut them both down. My dry tent is staying between 57-62% humidity and 60-64 degrees. Was able to get them out there pretty smoothly, filled 6 hangers with 4-5 plant size branches on each and able to clean both of my 3x3's and get the 2 Durbans in 30 gal in each one to start vegging for a few more weeks to get used to things and fill out. Will make a separate Diary for them just wanted to have them in this diary so I can come back later and see my timeframes on things.
Used techniques
Week 14. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Stems just started to snap right at day 14 of drying despite a few minor fluctuations from 60/60 into the high 60's F and high 50% high 60%. Adding both plants ended up with about 4.5 oz of trimmed top colas,2 oz of untrimmed popcorn buds/larf, and another 2 oz of trimmed popcorn buds. And didn't weigh it but around 2 grams of kief. Very strong head rush from a smaller than normal bong pack that mellowed out to a nice body high. Burns to light gray white ash. Very smooth, and not harsh at all like stuff Ive been smoking recently. Relaxing effects. Seems pretty well balanced for being an indica leaning hybrid.Its not like it put me right to sleep although the initial head rush made me need to recover for a second. I think I should have let them go maybe 1 week longer. The buds were not as dense as i would have hoped but they they made up with it in frost. After jaring up the buds the plant farthest away from humidifier and next to door dried out a little too much is reading low 50's. Added a leaf of my Durban I have growing to the 4 jars of Galaxy #2 that dried a little to much.As well as a humidity pack I had from the dispensary. I have this one out to smoke first. Luckily the keeper #1 jars are all sitting between 59-62% and have a feeling I will not need to burp them much. All the smells that went away after the 4th day of drying came right back when trimming, and the number 1 jar colas smell amazing. Got a few flashbacks from when I worked in Humboldt/Trinity just from smelling the trim and stems. Used to be the only thing I had to star My wood-stove with all the wet wood. I can tell the buds ate going to need a little curing for full effects/flavor. As far as smell goes very pungent, funky fuel with some skunk and some sweetness almost fruity. Not minty at all from what the description says, at least these pheno types. I think somthing may have freaked up #2 plant as some of the lower buds were just like the number #1 plant but the top colas knuckled out and got flat on top with all the hairs. Wondering if the fact that it self topped itself made for a weaker plant even though it yielded slightly more than number #1
Show more
Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
14.17 g
Bud wet weight per plant
119.07 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Pain, Stress
Medical effects
Sweet, Diesel, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Overall this was good strain to grow and I would try it again on maybe an outdoor grow to see how big it gets. The bud structure could have been a little better and it wanted to bush out alot so maybe not the best for scrog. Seems like its a bit of a heavy feeder too and I may have went a little light on nutrients. It wasn't as dense as i thought is was going to be but that was most likely from my environment.


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FacelessGardenscommentedweek 10a year ago
looks really good so far 💚💨
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@FacelessGardens, Thank you, I appreciate you checking this out. Happy growing! =]
resimaxcommentedweek 22 years ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
MindFlowers68commented2 years ago
@@resimax Thank you. You as well 👍😎
Crashoveritecommentedweek 11a year ago
I see you haven't have a easiest first grow but hope you enjoying and looking forward to harvest 😁best of luck mateb✨🍀✨✌️💚
Crashoveritecommenteda year ago
@MindFlowers68,thank you 😎 keep on growing and I'm sure next will be going much smoother for you. ✌️💚
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@Crashoverite, Thank you, you're right! But learning a ton from this experience. Happy growing to you as well!
BudBoutiquecommentedweek 14a year ago
frosty af - well done 💚
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@BudBoutique, Thank you! 😎👊
justsomedude420commentedweek 11a year ago
Love the ladybug protectors 😍 really dank lookin buds my friend 💪
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@@justsomedude420, They're really loving life in there =]
FacelessGardenscommentedweek 11a year ago
those will be really fat buds from what i see 💚💨👌🏻
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@FacelessGardens, They are some chunks already. I hope they can hold the weight!
DoughHeadcommentedweek 11a year ago
Holy cow you have everything dialed in it looks like. I read your may of over Watered and a PH issue.. but bro, those leaves colors and the way their praying. Omg they look absolutely fantastic bro.
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@@DoughHead, Thank you, Appreciate the stoke! Theirs no substitute for the Vitamin L which they have been getting a lot of too. =]
BudBoutiquecommentedweek 14a year ago
Amazing harvest buddy - buds looking super dense and frosty Did you already smoke some? Really good job - well done!!  Cheers, Bud Boutique
BudBoutiquecommenteda year ago
@MindFlowers68, sound great brotehr - what a solid smoke report. Yeah Im 100% sure curing will get them way more better over weeks. Just give them 4-8 weeks if you can keep hand of and being patience - Im not the person to be honest 💚 haha
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@BudBoutique, Thanks, dude! I smoked a few nugs. Very smooth, and does not make me want to cough, and no bite at all. They don't taste as much as they are smelling right now but hoping that curing will help them out a little bit. I don't taste any grassyness or anything like that which is awesome, but the terps are not really shining yet. Also have been smoking the kind of lowers that were straggling around while trimming today, I haven't grinded up a main cola yet. It burned to a nice white ash. And got me really stoned, I had to lay my head down for a minute. lol 😂
Exotic_Gardenercommentedweek 14a year ago
Tremendous buds! They are packed with trichomes. Excellent work
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@Exotic_Gardener, I can't believe how frosty they are already!!
Exotic_Gardenercommentedweek 14a year ago
Enjoy it!
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@Exotic_Gardener, Thank you!
DoughHeadcommentedweek 14a year ago
Hey man the Yuxian is $75 for a 4x4 it comes with the high airflow side bars. The system isn't the best for holding up weight but it's perfect for holding the sides from sucking in, which is what it's for anyways. Ps I had to take green training wire that we use to LST plants, I took that green wire and wrapped it around each corner pole as tight as I could. This gave the side bars something to set on so they wouldn't slide down. If that makes sense. But for $75 its a great tent, has all the features my ac infinity does, it truly build just as good and even includes the side bars and a hanging pocket to hold notebooks and working tools in or outside the tent. For the money you can't beat it. I bought it just to have a dry tent, but since seeing its robust construction I said fuck it and now I run both tents.. 5 plants in each! Wish me luck!
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@@DoughHead, Nice man. I'll have to check that out.I see what you are saying now. I'm def going to get one of those for my next tent.I could get a metal clamp that tightens on below each corner and that should be strong enough for a net I think. I just used some think nylon twine to tie my net on last time but this new scrog net i got seems to hold more taught on the edges than the AC Infinity one. I ended up having to cut off anyway
justsomedude420commentedweek 14a year ago
Nice harvest 😍👍
MindFlowers68commenteda year ago
@@justsomedude420, Thanks Dude, appreciate the stoke! 😎👍
the end.
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