Im starting my first Dutch Passion Auto. I decided to go for auto ultimate. I saw great things with these genetics online.
I put her in a glass of water on the sunday. The seed sank to the bottom on Monday and was placed in a wet paper towel.
She germinated on wednesday and was placed in plagron light mix soil with some mycorrhiza.
4 days later, on Sunday, she sprouted through the surface of the soil.
Any recommendations for training this strain?
I was planning on topping her at node 5/6.
I will feed her only pH 6,3 water next week.
Stay tuned!
Viendo otros diarios estas cepas con tantas semanas desde la germinacion a la cosecha suelen tener periodos vegetativos largos
Tal vez se te vaya a 13 o 15 semanas hasta la cosecha!
Eso si, recogerás muchos gramos de cogollos si todo va bien! 😁