@yan402, ich mag es auch gerne neues auszuprobieren.
Zurzeit bin ich auch bei Organics angekommen. Viel Erfolg weiterhin mein Freund.
Ich verfolge alles mit Spannung.✌️🏼
@Lazuli, I'll give it a thought, but I like a challenge to be honest and since I have started messing around with bio organics my buds taste and smell better than ever.
@yan402, thats a lot of work and risk if u wanna change nutrients u can grow a full cycle with just one bottle “floranova bloom” easy 1.5gr/watts with this
Bons dias
Amigo, atenção! seu preparado esta ainda como muitas bolhas, sinal que ainda esta fermentação. Não aplicar em fermentação vai matar tudo.
Prepado caseiro para floração,
Uma dúzia de casca de banana,
1kg casca de batata,
1kg cinza de madeira,
3 pau de canela pardida,
2l de água a ferver
Colque em um balde com tampa, não fechar completamente.
Esperar 24h a 48h ou mais depende de temperatura, mais calor mais rápido, quando mexer não faz bolhas de ar, está fermentado
Diluir para 20l de água e usar, em menos de uma semana notar diferença.
Bons fumos
@Tmasm, it's been 3 weeks which is the max recommended time for Korean style fermented plant juice and it will keep fermenting for another week or two anyway which doesn't mean it's not ready for use, I'm doing it more or less by the "book". Thanks for dropping by 🙏
@Zengrower, Thank you 🙏 I just gave them some today for the first time I'll be seeing the results by the end of the week I guess 😂. Thanks for dropping by 🙏♥️
Hola amigo
Un consejo es que pongas una capa de azúcar de unos 1 - 2 cm en la parte superior de la mezcla el día de la preparación (antes de colocar la "tapa" del barril)
A los 7 días, quitas la tapa del barril y renuevas esa capa de azúcar si es necesario
Asi evitas que se deshidrate la mezcla, y hay más azúcar si lo necesita
@nonick123, I think the starting material was the problem to be honest, last time I used tomato and paprika leafs and this time I'm using "softer" more Juicy material. Thanks for the tip though 🙏❤️
@Gruenerfinger85, Meine babys genießen es jetzt schon 😁👌 und bis jetzt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meinem selbstgemachten Dünger. Danke für es vorbeischauen 🙏🏻❤️
@XII_XII_MrGreen, Thanks dude, I've already dropped store bought grow nutes for the second transition week, first flowering week I'll be reducing Bio Bloom and increase FFJ and at some point if it works out I'll be using store bought nutes only as a booster and not as main nutes like I have been doing till now. Thanks for dropping by 🙏❤️
@Dwillsun1, I know it's a late reply but I'm not doing a recipe out of it 😂🤣
At the moment I'm just throwing all my Bio garbage in a barrel and I just throw some dark sugar over it and after about a month I take it Filter it and then I directly use it.
I know it's not the answer you were looking for...
Have a good one growmie 🙏🏻 ❤️
Yan402, I want it to work too.
I've started using amended soil this grow and want to go natural. Been thinking about putting all my brewed tea leaves (herbals like chamomile, hibiscus, detox, etc) into a five gal bucket with compost and using that. I'm not sure what the nutrients would be but It wouldn't hurt.
@Natrona, I don't see why not go for it and tell us what happened (results), I personally don't work with dry fertilizers but that's just me. Thanks for dropping by 🙏🏻❤️