Lovely and clean screen of green in this 60x60. 4 plants, doing pretty well. They are back on schedule. Trying to cover it all up. I did clean underneath by mid week, they will stop growing soon and they are organized and cleared. I started to feed them with some flowering stuff.💚💚💚
@Qutro, I knew you meant the Bloom one ;) last time I added some extra chems like Cotton Candy, Terpesyn and Atami for blooming, they got a bit burned. I got rid of the now it is the first time to play with bio at the flowering state. This is my third indoor crop and I am correcting some past problems and it seems to be going well. Please feel free to make me any recommendation, they are very much appreciated it.
Muchas gracias @420DeepGrow les estoy dando todo natural de momento y lo están recibiendo bien. La semana que viene les meto tajo a las puntas ya y pronto a florecer. A ver si mantienen esta salud....💚