Day 36: I watered with half a liter even though the soil was still slightly moist, and defoliated the lower part a little bit so as to aerate a little better.
Day 39: Watered with fertilized solution and removed some yellowing leaves.
Day 42: Watered with 0.4 liters of fertilized solution and 0.3 of pH stable water.
Temperatures are very unstable this week caused by the bad weather, so these changes can be felt in the house. The first days of the week were around 26°C for the day and 24°C for the night, from mid-week onwards 23/24°C for the day and 21/22°C for the night. The plant does not seem stressed by these changes, which I am very pleased about considering that in the first few weeks of its life it had temperatures touching 29°C during the day and 28°C at night.
Wow buddy!! super nice buds
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾