Our Milky Dreams started very well on the flowering journey, it evidently asked us, being a little lacking, for an addition of fertilizer and we gave it BioBloom in the company of Enhancer to speed up everything, absorb it beautifully and produce beautiful flowers.
Premature abundant resin, the ancients say, is an excellent sign.
Another fantastic NEWS made in GHSC >>>
>>> My favorite feeding at the moment
>>> Music of the week >> all discography of the king of West cost, SNOOP DOGGY DOG, said that he stopped smoking we can only thank him for everything he has done for the spread of cannabis culture. It is no small feat to spread the message around the world as he and a few others have done, tending to normalize the view of cannabis in the eyes of the world. Thanks Mr.Snoop we hope you stay in the world of vapor, edibles and this amazing culture that you are engraved in stone!
"I can see the light"
>>> https://marshydro.eu/negozio/?lang=it
***Sorry sometimes write like an animal. My English teacher is dead. Rest in peace Miss.
@Breadandbuds, i did tarte tatin last run with other strains too i loved it !!! i was doing a mixed run with : black amnesia from canuk seeds , white amnesia from sensi seeds and banana krumble from ghs it all came out nice and frosty thanks to the telos 10 pro and spider farmer g8600 ran two tents tarte tatin was prolly my fav !!!
@Breadandbuds, that sounds a beautiful as it looks! I'm going to have to try and grow this strain at some point! Thankyou for the recommendation friend, enjoy! And all the best 🌿🔥🔥
@BarneyRumble420, My friend I’m a superfan of Tarte Tatin another GHSC news but I just harvested this girl and the hash from the gloves is the best ever i tried for sure. Is smelling like an italian cappuccino
in the area of Milk, coffe and something other. The buds are really a artwork, now is my fav. Please try and let me know. i bet my ass.
Thanks a lot bro happy to be at grower service. This breeder is secure like nothing. Old good strains very stable like Lemon Skunk and many others and new super featuring with California. This combination goes at the top of cannabis genetics straight
Wow was für eine Schönheit. Ich hätte sie noch eine Woche stehen lassen bis alle klaren Trichome milky werden aber das ist nur persönliche preferenz. Ich werde mir Milky Dreams und Razuberry im Frühling bestellen und freue mich schon sehr auf die neuen Greenhouse cultivars. Bin schon auf deinen Smoke Report gespannt Kumpel. Enjoy it.😎
Großartiger Freund, mein Dank, ich verbringe Stunden mit Freunden, um über diese Trichom-Sache zu diskutieren, und es ist wahr, dass diese zusätzliche Woche, die uns ein vollständigeres Trichomprofil gibt, perfekt wäre. Aber trotz der Tatsache, dass ich die Luftfeuchtigkeit sehr niedrig halte und alles andere unter Kontrolle halte, habe ich das Problem von Schimmel in den Knospen, wenn ich sie zu viel lasse, vor allem, wenn sie reichlich gespült wurden und langsam trocknen, schimmeln die Knospen und Botrytis kommt an. Jetzt bin ich sehr gut darin geworden, es an den ersten Anzeichen zu erkennen, aber es ist etwas, das meine Seele verwüstet, es tut mir wirklich leid und so werde ich paranoid, es aufzuheben, bevor meine schlimmste Seuche kommt. Hier, wenn man auf den breiten Fotos gut merkt, fehlt ein Hauptseil, es war angekommen und ab zac schneide ich den erkrankten Teil ab und sammle ein
@TRICHOME_HEAD_HITMAN, Totally agree, every strain tested is super good. Old school strain and new too. About the hate you are right too, there is some problem with some frick people that thinks to own cannabis and hate the bigger industry, are a little group passing himself like guru talking bad of bigger ones. Im collaborating with other big company and suddenly arrives hater.