Last week. I was out of town for a job. And everything went wrong, ph swinged and e.c boosts. This strain is so vulnerable to ph swing. But she is recovering. The only thing bothers me that this grow will not be my average at the end.
day44: ppm dropped from 1380 to 1200 and ph raises from 5.8 to 6.3. it means she needs more food. I fix the solution to 1490 ppm and 5.8. she is recovering
day45: same as yesterday. she wants to eat .I fix the solution to 1700 ppm and do some scrog action. I will check again in 4 hours .
day46: ppm dropped to 1500 and ph boost to 6.2 . I fix her to 1875ppm. She is healty
day48: she is calm I am happy :D
Great diaries I enjoyed it immensely...your result from week 8 encouraged me to go through all the weeks and I like your take on DWC...gonna be following 💪💐💚
Adoro la pulp friction, è la seconda volta che la metto e proprio ora la sto facendo! Ho il diario attivo ed è quella in fondo a destra!! Se ti va di vederlo! :)
Buona fortuna con la tua amico!
@HerrnLubitz98, Hi, sorry for late reply. Yes if you are not in flowering phase more light means bigger plant. There is no need for photsyntesis at greening phase.