
Sticky Orange XXL sensiseeds

10 months ago
Room Type
weeks 2-3, 5-6
weeks 3, 6, 8
weeks 4-7, 11
Grow medium
20 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 17
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
ArtLaDebrouille ArtLaDebrouille
10 months ago
It's getting healthier now that i changed the soil and removed every bit of mold and sick leaves, I'm starting to hope again
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Grow Questions
ArtLaDebrouillestarted grow question a year ago
I don't know if my plant is flowering or not! look at the latest picture (week13) thought the sticky orange was supposed to enter the flowering stage after 6 to 8 weeks, and i know mine was sick and didn't grow for 3-4weeks but now it's showing little white things so idk pls help
Buds. Other
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SkunkleDamoanswered grow question a year ago
People have answered already but we were all beginners at some point so I will give a few good tips . Research and education. This is the key thing. In 100 grows you will still learn stuff. This is paramount. For example you talk of training and multiple toppings. You have a 60x60 tent. Google plant anatomy and training techniques. Feeding. Get nutrients and the correct ones. Google cannabis plant nutrition. Environment needs to be right. Google. In fact Google growing cannabis and READ IT. Label and record daily data. What to record will come after reading. Grow in Coco and perlite with Coco nutrients. Get a light equal to30watts per square foot of grow space. Main thing tho is knowledge. You will kick yourself when you realise a bit of effort and reading could have saved you tonnes of time and cash. ONLY DO SOMETHING TO YOUR PLANT IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO AND WHAT OT WILL DO OTHERWISE JUST DON'T. I CRINGE AT SOME STUFF I USED TO DO. READ AND WITHIN A YEAR YOU WILL BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR A SUCCESSFUL GROW. HOW SUCCESSFUL DEPENDS ON THE AMOUNT OF LEARNING YOU DID. EVERY SPARE MINUTE, READ

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autoflowerautobotcommentedweek 1a year ago
Good luck with the grow, just broke into a stash of Sticky Orange and it's 🔥. Gassy, skunky, creamy and orangey - save the trim too, it makes great kief!
SensiSeedscommentedweek 5a year ago
I hope you're having an awesome day! Best of luck with your Sticky Orange XXL Please let us know how it is :)
Xpie77commenteda year ago
@SensiSeeds, the bird that i grow was doing nice, she turned Bleu purple
Dabkingcommentedweek 5a year ago
Good luck in your grow. Looking good
Dabkingcommentedweek 13a year ago
Your plant is starting to flower. You need to feed the plant phosphorus and Potassium. You can also add some calcium and magnesium if you haven't done so already. As far as Nitrogen, once plants start to flower you cut back on Nitrogen. The three main thing marijuana plants want: N- Nitrogen (seedling and veg) P- phosphorus (what plants use for energy) K- potassium When you look at fertilizers whether liquid or not, it will have three numbers and they are in that order . Some may say 0-4-6 Or 4-24-32, ect The first number is Nitrogen. The second is Phosphorus and the third is Potassium. Always in that order. Feed your plant accordingly. If your plant is weak, you can attempt to give it some silica. This will make your plants stems and structure stronger. Bigger stems equals easier transfer of nutrients.
AsNoriucommentedweek 4a year ago
she was very nice, something changed after. rethink what you havent done or overdone. i had diaries in soil with 0 feeding and still finished okeish.
Xpie77commentedweek 6a year ago
Enjoy the grow 💚💚💚