I ended up having to travel for work for a few days so don't have images of the middle of the week.
Increased nutrient strength again to get to 2.0 EC for the main solution and top-off nutrients. Monitoring EC after water change indicated nutrients were wrong ratio as EC was climbing. Diluted top-off nutrients by half with pH-adjusted water.
I had to move the lights up to keep a 14- 16-inch gap between the lights and tops. Concerned if it continues to grow I might have issues with space. Little to no fan leaf removal at this point due to over stressing concerns. Plenty of airflow with oscillating fan above canopy and below canopy - heat control is fine and humidity is no issue.
Still seeing signs of nanners here and there but they are small and not as pronounced as earlier in flower - hoping they are duds. Still trying to remove what I can see of male flower formations. Flowers have swelled considerably and the plant is starting to fill out nicely! Some brown pistils (or stigmas?) here and there, but some of it appears to be from tent contact or from me accidentally rubbing on them while trimming. Hopefully nothing has truly been polinated!
@BudBoutique, Thank you very much! No samples yet, but my goodness is it testing my patience! Smells and looks amazing even 24 hours after the chop - excited for the first taste!
Nice plants 🔥🔥🔥
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@danwho, thanks dude, I just started a grow diary. Its my 3rd grow but 1st with photos very excited whooomp whooomp😹😹
but u can check out my grow only 1 pic so far but will try to keep it updated regularly
@@User420, nice! yeah, I decided to use the critical promo seeds as a first run in this small tent with DWC. Hope you have a similar experience! Best of luck!
ps. start a diary :D