
Pineapple Chunk

Approved by Barney's Farm
3 months ago
Pineapple Chunk
Barney's Farm
Growing it
The Outcome
Week 15
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
plant / m²
watt / m²
Commented by
Sparkle_Party Sparkle_Party
3 months ago
This strain smells wonderful. It didn’t reach its THC potential of 25%, but tested decently at 20.4%.
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justsomedude420commentedweek 5a year ago
Very very nice plant 😍👍
Kid_Cannabiscommentedweek 3a year ago
I'm literally growing the same exact thing I just don't understand how people are getting their plants so big and dense
Sparkle_Partycommenteda year ago
@Kid_Cannabis, I looked at your diary and there are many factors that can affect a grow, but it looks like you are using natural light so I would guess it might not be as intense as the grow lights. I grew some regular vegetables under lesser grow lights and they took a long time to grow.
Salokincommenteda year ago
@Kid_Cannabis,use the platform growmie, ask some grow questions, some people on here actually know what they are talking about. You can also feel free to shoot me a DM and I shall try to help. Until then lots of success!
boutique_buddzcommentedweek 7a year ago
Picture #3 - ZOOM in on the top fan leaf - I observed to be a infection and could lead to a outbreak if not addressed. That is a fungal/pest infection thus the powdery white substance and the necrosis of that part of the fan leaf due to a pest/fungal infection. Otherwise nice looking plant great structure and genetics - but the environmental needs some emergency deep cleaning - my suggestion before you go full on flower mode is Einstein Neem Oil Cold Pressed - use it over the next week and half - 3 to 5 applications and no worries. UVB- 285nm (solacure) & UVB (migrow) - 310nm UVA - 395 - adding these to your spectrum will cease your fungal/pest issues, it destroys their DNA/RNA thus the environment will not allow them to survive. Lastly, outstanding job otherwise - all plants have bugs - good or bad, from the root to the shoot to the flower and the fruit - its part of the microbiome - although when it gets sick like us HUMANS do we have to address it. ;-)~ Take this as good criticism as it is for the betterment of the plant. Stay Lifted fellow plant steward!
boutique_buddzcommenteda year ago
@Sparkle_Party, your VERY welcome if it were my plants I would want someone to point that out to myself as well! It's all LOVE for the plant and the cultivator ;-)~ If you look at solacure or migrow UV lights - these will give the plants a natural defense mechanism by putting on sunscreen from the UV thus increasing the leaf thickness and secondary metabolite production of more cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids - plus other alkaloids, glucosinolates, etc. To use UV sugars must be used - such as : Terpinator, Sugaree, & Purpinator along with beneficial bacteria and fungi ( azos, mycos, fish head farms, mammoth P) That will put your cultivation game on a whole new level - I guarantee it. GroW on my fellow plant steward! Stay lifted and Jahbless Let's GROW! ;-)
Sparkle_Partycommenteda year ago
@boutique_buddz, thank you! I hadn’t noticed anything on the leaves while I was looking at the plant, but I have seen mold before on other plants. I had to go right away and take a look. When I looked I didn’t see what I was seeing in the picture. I wonder if there was a water droplet on that leaf. I will keep an eye on it, get some Einstein Neem oil and look at better cleaning procedures between plants. If you have any suggestions I would be grateful to hear them. Thank you again.
Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 10a year ago
She looks so healty, happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
MrB0102commentedweek 6a year ago
Also growing the same strain, lovely structure
Salokincommentedweek 5a year ago
Loving the structure of yours :)
Fastycommentedweek 1410 months ago
Nice work dude! Interested to see total harvest. What are the little white strings for? Holding up the buds!?
MendocinoGreenocommentedweek 13a year ago
Like cut out of a cannabis handbook. 👨‍🎓Beautiful simple work, quality strain (obviously the grower) did a really great job. 👌Congrats buddy 👏
Herbie101commentedweek 10a year ago
Beautiful plants buddy! Good luck for the rest of the run and hopefully no mold! 🌱🌞🍀