15/10/2023 - Great development so far, I'm affraid that some problems are coming and they might be stunned.. Will try to keep adjusting nutrients and repot in the end of the week
17/10/2023 - Gave them another feed at the same dosages, will bump on the next feed. Also topped the 2 bigger ones, will let the smaller one catch up and then another topping
19/10/2023 - Last girl got a haircut today
20/10/2023 - Bumped dosages a bit today, still feeding 1L to both the 3 girls
21/10/2023 - Transplanted the 2 bigger ones and will transplant the smaller in 2 days, also turned on Autopots in hopes they go and search for those nutrients 😊
@Herbie101, yes I'm a bit concerned but despite the yellow edges the new growth seems to be ok. I think it was due to my dosages while in the smaller pots 😀