Now all Serious 7 plants are into the Floweringroom
after steamclaning and disinfection ( Purolyt) of the Room and the tablets.
Now they can enjoy perfect Conditons
soaking up the Ray of 5x SANlight EVO 5-150
supported by Humifidier, EC -AIRMAX, ventilation, heating, Dehumifidier etc
and everything is controlled by
GROWCONTROL- Controller.
Iam very Proud to have that Opportunity to Grow in with this Techical Support
We have developed the EVO 5-150 for cultivation areas with a depth of 150cm.
Using two lights in a tent of 1.5ร1.5m gives you the maximum usable lighting intensity.
870ยตmol/s produce a lot of light at an economical 320W power.
By using two lights you still have enough space in the middle of the tent to install the ventilation.
This allows you to make the best use of the limited height in plant tents.
The secondary optics as well as the possibility to change the angle of the luminaire in order to adjust the radiation
characteristics creates highest illumination values and a very even illumination of your cultivation area.