the smells are amazing and id highly recommend using DWC instead of soil as the growth is immense.
ive trimmed her fan leaves away and will be leaving her for the next 2 weeks to thicken up before we crop this amazing girl.
got her wrapped up in a net so she can focus on growing huge flowers.
my tangerine dreams are coming along ok, but they look puny in comparison so im a bit concerned that they wont be ready in 18days and might have to go another month or so....
either way everything is growing, and im planning my next one.
im thinking of skywalker og runts and fastbud 2.
i really love sweet seeds genetics they always kick out wicked buds. in a decent time.
dunno why barneys farm seeds have gone downhill, but im not bothering with them again, they never tell the truth. its ALWAYS LONGER than they claim.