The picture provided is first day week 4 veg. These plants are getting week 4 general hydroponics medium schedule. What can I say. My small tent doesn’t get the same love as my big tent. These girls need transplanted. They’ve been stretched, vacuumed up with a shop vac and had nutes spilled all over the leaves so they look kinda nasty. I was going to get rid of them or even just stop the diary but what’s the point. Let’s see what happens. If these genectics weren’t good , 2 of these plants would be dead already. But it’s time to get serious and get this tent going. I will be setting up floraflex pot pro platforms this week and transplanting to 5 gallon pots.
Wow buddy!! super nice buds forming up
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾