Beginning of week5, 30 days from putting seed into papertowel. Besides the yellowing and cal deficiency, they all seem to be doing well. Colour has began coming back into them after turning autopots on 4 days ago. Topped all plants 3 days ago and not much new growth since. Gelato had a few rusty leaves on the bottom so went ahead and trimmed then while topping. Sprayed at lights out with a calmag water spray for 3 nights. Reservoir due to be topped up so will be moving nutes to 900-1000 ec. They are drinking a bit but seems like they want more nutes slightly pale.
With only room for 4 plants, I'm hand feeding one that I can't bring myself to kill. So decided to butcher it, removing bigger leaves and play practicing bending stems and supercropping rather than just bin it.
Waiting now for growth and to install nets. Other than that just watching.