Looks like these autos will be 15 weeks seed to harvest. In hindsight I should have never defoliated, since I lose so many leaves by killing them off. Ammonia smell makes me think I am overwatering, even though 0.75L every 3 days in a 3-gal doesn't sound like a lot to me. I'll water every 4 days from now on. I still get PH readings in the 7s, but PH Down didn't lower the PH in 3 of the 4 plants. Maybe the soil is ruined, so I will buy more soil for next time.
Plant 1: Looks greener, but it could be the other plants all being yellower in comparison
Plant 2: No change
Plant 3: Lost a lot of leaves from overwatering. By far the frostiest
Plant 4: Also lost a lot of leaves from overwatering. It doesn't look like it will yield much at this point since most of the leaves died off. Orange pistils started showing