First week with all equipment was the best one so far, as I hoped.
Plants 1&2 are growing pretty well and had no issues, although there was only 1/2 inch of vertical growth.
Plant 3 didn't die but is growing very slowly because of 2 burnt leaves, and I'm not sure if it's going to yield anything. Keeping it alive for now. It's also much darker than the others.
Plant 4's cotyledons had the "praying hands" pose, so hopefully that is a good sign. It started turning yellow yesterday, so I watered it. Could be light burn. Definitely ahead of the pace of Plants 1-3.
Dropped humidity to the low 60s. VPD up to 1.05 as the temperature barely changed.
Also researched DLI and PAR. Moved both lights closer as a result (24" to 15" in tent, 15" to 7.5" hydroponic light).