===== 11/22 Veg Week 4 Day 1 (31) =====
With this grow I am trying to avoid weekly rez swaps. So instead, I’ve just added water until it was back to 40 in the reservoir. This took about 14 gallons. I then used my excel sheet and only added nutrients for week 4 based on 14 gallons. I added Orca based on the whole 40 gallon reservoir amount, and will continue to try and add Orca every week.
I am going to try the Manifold training method, so now that their sixth nodes were growing I topped each plant down to its third node. Then removed the Cotyledon and first and second nodes. Only pink had good node growth, so I will probably have to pick off a couple on the other two once they have grown out a bit more.
14.2 gallons water
15 ml TPS Silica
28 ml FloraMicro
8 ml FloraGrow
11 ml FloraBloom
14 ml Diamond Nectar
20 ml Orca
===== 11/23 Veg Week 4 Day 2 (32) =====
Adjusted lights to 350.
===== 11/24 Veg Week 4 Day 3 (33) =====
I haven’t top fed the last few days and they are looking good.
===== 11/25 Veg Week 4 Day 4 (34) =====
Pulled off the 1st and 2nd node growth tips on White.
Pink is growing the best so far.
===== 11/26 Veg Week 4 Day 5 (35) =====
Just letting ‘em grow.
===== 11/27 Veg Week 4 Day 6 (36) =====
Noticed some speckled browning. Will keep an eye on it.
===== 11/28 Veg Week 4 Day 7 (37) =====
“ “
@Nebula999, I left the domes on to retain humidity. My humidifier isn't working in this setup as it is too close to the light and overheats.
I have since removed the domes and they just have to deal with whatever humidity I can manage to get 'em 😂
I might try to hook the humidifier up to the AC Infinity controller and have it external and hose in the mist.