At first i thought she would not make it but now she is perking up and tomorrow will transplant and feed. Quite slow growth, i think light i am using is not good for seedlings, i must get special seedlings growlights! I increased light a bit too much and some bleaching appeared on leaves, new one are stronger one or two weeks she should be bigger.
Also some spider mites are still present and i might have to spray with soapy water when she is more mature.
@psychedelic_unicorn, yes I did increase light hoping she start making more roots because so far only stem is! looks like stunted so I thought more light could stunt her even more? Well we will see soon....
Thanks for advice❤️👍
Don't really look killed by overfeed,
But look not enought or too much longer lamp, you got a big stretch and the stems was too slim to support the weight.