It's a few days into week 3 now. I have done my LST. A single tie down, just beneath the 4th node. I adjusted it once a day for a couple of days, but it's done now. I've folded the fan leaves beneath the newer vegetation, so it gets plenty of light. The pot in the image is 14 inches, to give you an idea of how big the plant is now.
This is my 2nd grow. Two mistakes I'm fixing this time... 1 - I did so much LST last time, it must have been high stress... or too high at least. Last time I was also trying to wrap the main stem around the outer edge of the pot. I was probably abusing those things a few times a day some days. 2 - I cut fan leaves. There will be NO defoliation this time around unless there are some more serious issues and it has to be done. I have tucked the fan leaves so the lighting is great on the new leaves.
I also sprayed it with some neem oil. Better safe than sorry.
She's not getting any more Voodoo Juice till flower now. Will be doing the Bud Candy all the way through for the carbs. Same with the b52 for what it provides.
It's getting roughly 1/3 of a gallon of feed water every 3 days. I try to get the PH as close to 6.2 and the water temperature as close to 68F as possible. I have read those are the sweet spots.
It looks like I may have mistakenly clicked on LST for week 2. There was none during week two. >> I waited till the 4th node was out. That started day 1 of week 3, and the LST is complete now for this plant. That's all.
So far I think it looks amazing. L:ast time I think I had some nitrogen toxicity but I didn't know about it.
This time around, everything is better. Hopefully, the changes are reflected in the harvest.